Source code for pudl.output.pudltabl

"""This module provides a class enabling tabular compilations from the PUDL DB.

Many of our potential users are comfortable using spreadsheets, not databases, so we are
creating a collection of tabular outputs that contain the most useful core information
from the PUDL data packages, including additional keys and human readable names for the
objects (utilities, plants, generators) being described in the table.

These tabular outputs can be joined with each other using those keys, and used as a data
source within Microsoft Excel, Access, R Studio, or other data analysis packages that
folks may be familiar with.  They aren't meant to completely replicate all the data and
relationships contained within the full PUDL database, but should serve as a generally
usable set of PUDL data products.

The PudlTabl class can also provide access to complex derived values, like the generator
and plant level marginal cost of electricity (MCOE), which are defined in the analysis

In the long run, this is a probably a kind of prototype for pre-packaged API outputs or
data products that we might want to be able to provide to users a la carte.

from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import date, datetime
from functools import partial
from typing import Literal, Self

# Useful high-level external modules.
import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy as sa

import pudl
from pudl.metadata.classes import Resource
from pudl.metadata.fields import apply_pudl_dtypes

[docs] logger = pudl.logging_helpers.get_logger(__name__)
############################################################################### # Output Class, that can pull all the below tables with similar parameters ###############################################################################
[docs] class PudlTabl: """A class for compiling common useful tabular outputs from the PUDL DB.""" def __init__( self: Self, pudl_engine: sa.Engine, freq: Literal["AS", "MS", None] = None, start_date: str | date | datetime | pd.Timestamp = None, end_date: str | date | datetime | pd.Timestamp = None, fill_fuel_cost: bool = False, roll_fuel_cost: bool = False, fill_net_gen: bool = False, fill_tech_desc: bool = True, unit_ids: bool = False, ) -> Self: """Initialize the PUDL output object. Private data members are not initialized until they are requested. They are then cached within the object unless they get re-initialized via a method that includes update=True. Some methods (e.g mcoe) will take a while to run, since they need to pull substantial data and do a bunch of calculations. Args: pudl_engine: A connection engine for the PUDL DB. freq: A string indicating the time frequency at which to aggregate reported data. ``MS`` is monththly and ``AS`` is annually. If None, the data will not be aggregated. start_date: Beginning date for data to pull from the PUDL DB. If a string, it should use the ISO 8601 ``YYYY-MM-DD`` format. end_date: End date for data to pull from the PUDL DB. If a string, it should use the ISO 8601 ``YYYY-MM-DD`` format. fill_fuel_cost: if True, fill in missing ``frc_eia923()`` fuel cost data with state-fuel averages from EIA's bulk electricity data. roll_fuel_cost: if True, apply a rolling average to a subset of output table's columns (currently only ``fuel_cost_per_mmbtu`` for the ``core_eia923__monthly_fuel_receipts_costs`` table.) fill_net_gen: if True, use the net generation from the core_eia923__monthly_generation_fuel - which is reported at the plant/fuel/prime mover level and re-allocated to generators in ``mcoe()``, ``capacity_factor()`` and ``heat_rate_by_unit()``. fill_tech_desc: If True, fill the technology_description field to years earlier than 2013 based on plant and energy_source_code_1 and fill in technologies with only one matching code. unit_ids: If True, use several heuristics to assign individual generators to functional units. EXPERIMENTAL. """ logger.warning( "PudlTabl is deprecated and will be removed from the pudl package " "once known users have migrated to accessing the data directly from " "pudl.sqlite. " ) if not isinstance(pudl_engine, sa.engine.base.Engine): raise TypeError( "PudlTabl needs pudl_engine to be a SQLAlchemy Engine, but we " f"got a {type(pudl_engine)}." ) self.pudl_engine: sa.Engine = pudl_engine if freq not in (None, "AS", "MS"): raise ValueError( f"freq must be one of None, 'MS', or 'AS', but we got {freq}." ) self.freq: Literal["AS", "MS", None] = freq # grab all working eia dates to use to set start and end dates if they # are not set if start_date is None: self.start_date = min(pudl.helpers.get_working_dates_by_datasource("ferc1")) else: # Make sure it's a date... and not a string. self.start_date = pd.to_datetime(start_date) if end_date is None: self.end_date = max(pudl.helpers.get_working_dates_by_datasource("eia")) else: # Make sure it's a date... and not a string. self.end_date = pd.to_datetime(end_date) self.roll_fuel_cost: bool = roll_fuel_cost self.fill_fuel_cost: bool = fill_fuel_cost self.fill_net_gen: bool = fill_net_gen self.fill_tech_desc = fill_tech_desc # only for eia860 table. self.unit_ids = unit_ids # Used to persist the output tables. Returns None if they don't exist. self._dfs = defaultdict(lambda: None) self._register_output_methods()
[docs] def _register_output_methods(self: Self): """Load output assets and register a class method for retrieving each one.""" # Map table name to PudlTabl method. # PudlTabl will generate a method to read each table from the DB with the given method name table_method_map_any_freq = { # table_name: method_name # denorm_ferc1 "out_ferc1__yearly_balance_sheet_assets_sched110": "denorm_balance_sheet_assets_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_balance_sheet_liabilities_sched110": "denorm_balance_sheet_liabilities_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_cash_flows_sched120": "denorm_cash_flow_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_depreciation_summary_sched336": "denorm_depreciation_amortization_summary_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_energy_dispositions_sched401": "denorm_electric_energy_dispositions_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_energy_sources_sched401": "denorm_electric_energy_sources_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_operating_expenses_sched320": "denorm_electric_operating_expenses_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_operating_revenues_sched300": "denorm_electric_operating_revenues_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_depreciation_changes_sched219": "denorm_electric_plant_depreciation_changes_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_depreciation_by_function_sched219": "denorm_electric_plant_depreciation_functional_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_sales_by_rate_schedules_sched304": "denorm_electricity_sales_by_rate_schedule_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_income_statements_sched114": "denorm_income_statement_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_other_regulatory_liabilities_sched278": "denorm_other_regulatory_liabilities_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_retained_earnings_sched118": "denorm_retained_earnings_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_transmission_lines_sched422": "denorm_transmission_statistics_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_utility_plant_summary_sched200": "denorm_utility_plant_summary_ferc1", "_out_ferc1__yearly_plants_utilities": "pu_ferc1", "_out_ferc1__yearly_steam_plants_sched402": "plants_steam_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_steam_plants_fuel_sched402": "fuel_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_steam_plants_fuel_by_plant_sched402": "fbp_ferc1", "_out_ferc1__yearly_small_plants_sched410": "plants_small_ferc1", "_out_ferc1__yearly_hydroelectric_plants_sched406": "plants_hydro_ferc1", "_out_ferc1__yearly_pumped_storage_plants_sched408": "plants_pumped_storage_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_purchased_power_and_exchanges_sched326": "purchased_power_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_plant_in_service_sched204": "plant_in_service_ferc1", "out_ferc1__yearly_all_plants": "plants_all_ferc1", # denorm_eia (data comes from multiple EIA forms) "out_eia__yearly_plants": "plants_eia860", "out_eia__yearly_utilities": "utils_eia860", "out_eia__yearly_boilers": "boil_eia860", "_out_eia__yearly_generators": "gens_eia860", "_out_eia__plants_utilities": "pu_eia860", # eia860 (denormalized, data primarily from EIA-860) "out_eia860__yearly_ownership": "own_eia860", "core_eia860__assn_boiler_generator": "bga_eia860", "out_eia860__yearly_emissions_control_equipment": "denorm_emissions_control_equipment_eia860", "core_eia860__assn_yearly_boiler_emissions_control_equipment": "boiler_emissions_control_equipment_assn_eia860", "core_eia860__scd_emissions_control_equipment": "emissions_control_equipment_eia860", "core_eia860__assn_boiler_stack_flue": "boiler_stack_flue_assn_eia860", "core_eia860__assn_boiler_cooling": "boiler_cooling_assn_eia860", # eia861 (clean) "core_eia861__yearly_service_territory": "service_territory_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_sales": "sales_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_advanced_metering_infrastructure": "advanced_metering_infrastructure_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_demand_response": "demand_response_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_demand_response_water_heater": "demand_response_water_heater_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_demand_side_management_sales": "demand_side_management_sales_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_demand_side_management_ee_dr": "demand_side_management_ee_dr_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_demand_side_management_misc": "demand_side_management_misc_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_distributed_generation_tech": "distributed_generation_tech_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_distributed_generation_fuel": "distributed_generation_fuel_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_distributed_generation_misc": "distributed_generation_misc_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_distribution_systems": "distribution_systems_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_dynamic_pricing": "dynamic_pricing_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_energy_efficiency": "energy_efficiency_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_green_pricing": "green_pricing_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_mergers": "mergers_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_net_metering_customer_fuel_class": "net_metering_customer_fuel_class_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_net_metering_misc": "net_metering_misc_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_non_net_metering_customer_fuel_class": "non_net_metering_customer_fuel_class_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_non_net_metering_misc": "non_net_metering_misc_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_operational_data_revenue": "operational_data_revenue_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_operational_data_misc": "operational_data_misc_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_reliability": "reliability_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_utility_data_nerc": "utility_data_nerc_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_utility_data_rto": "utility_data_rto_eia861", "core_eia861__yearly_utility_data_misc": "utility_data_misc_eia861", "core_eia861__assn_utility": "core_eia861__assn_utility", "core_eia861__yearly_balancing_authority": "balancing_authority_eia861", "core_eia861__assn_balancing_authority": "balancing_authority_assn_eia861", # eia923 (denormalized, data primarily from EIA-923) "out_eia923__AGG_boiler_fuel": "bf_eia923", "out_eia923__AGG_fuel_receipts_costs": "frc_eia923", "out_eia923__AGG_generation": "gen_original_eia923", "out_eia923__AGG_generation_fuel_combined": "gf_eia923", # ferc714 "core_ferc714__respondent_id": "respondent_id_ferc714", "out_ferc714__hourly_planning_area_demand": "demand_hourly_pa_ferc714", "out_ferc714__respondents_with_fips": "fipsified_respondents_ferc714", "out_ferc714__summarized_demand": "summarized_demand_ferc714", # service territory "out_eia861__compiled_geometry_balancing_authorities": "compiled_geometry_balancing_authority_eia861", "out_eia861__compiled_geometry_utilities": "compiled_geometry_utility_eia861", # state demand "out_ferc714__hourly_estimated_state_demand": "predicted_state_hourly_demand", # plant parts "out_eia__yearly_generators_by_ownership": "gens_mega_eia", "out_eia__yearly_plant_parts": "plant_parts_eia", "out_pudl__yearly_assn_eia_ferc1_plant_parts": "ferc1_eia", } table_method_map_any_agg = { "out_eia923__AGG_generation_fuel_by_generator_energy_source": "gen_fuel_by_generator_energy_source_eia923", "out_eia923__AGG_generation_fuel_by_generator": "gen_fuel_by_generator_eia923", "_out_eia__AGG_heat_rate_by_unit": "hr_by_unit", "_out_eia__AGG_heat_rate_by_generator": "hr_by_gen", "_out_eia__AGG_capacity_factor_by_generator": "capacity_factor", "_out_eia__AGG_fuel_cost_by_generator": "fuel_cost", "_out_eia__AGG_derived_generator_attributes": "mcoe", "out_eia__AGG_generators": "mcoe_generators", } table_method_map_yearly_only = { "out_eia923__yearly_generation_fuel_by_generator_energy_source_owner": "gen_fuel_by_generator_energy_source_owner_eia923", } for table_name, method_name in ( table_method_map_any_freq | table_method_map_any_agg | table_method_map_yearly_only ).items(): if hasattr(PudlTabl, method_name): logger.warning( f"Automatically generated PudlTabl method {method_name} overrides " "explicitly defined class method. One of these should be deleted." ) for table_name, method_name in table_method_map_any_freq.items(): # Create method called table_name that will read the asset from DB self.__dict__[method_name] = partial( self._get_table_from_db, table_name=table_name, allowed_freqs=[None, "AS", "MS"], ) for table_name, method_name in table_method_map_any_agg.items(): self.__dict__[method_name] = partial( self._get_table_from_db, table_name=table_name, allowed_freqs=["AS", "MS"], ) for table_name, method_name in table_method_map_yearly_only.items(): self.__dict__[method_name] = partial( self._get_table_from_db, table_name=table_name, allowed_freqs=["AS"], )
[docs] def _get_table_from_db( self: Self, table_name: str, allowed_freqs: list[str | None] = [None, "AS", "MS"], update: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Grab output table from PUDL DB. Args: table_name: Name of table to get. allowed_freqs: List of allowed aggregation frequencies for table. update: Ignored. Retained for backwards compatibility only. """ if self.freq not in allowed_freqs: raise ValueError( f"{table_name} needs one of these frequencies {allowed_freqs}, " f"but got {self.freq}" ) if update: logger.warning( "The update parameter is deprecated and has no effect." "It is retained for backwards compatibility only." ) table_name = self._agg_table_name(table_name) logger.warning( "PudlTabl is deprecated and will be removed from the pudl package " "once known users have migrated to accessing the data directly from " "pudl.sqlite. To access the data returned by this method, " f"use the {table_name} table in the pudl.sqlite database." ) resource = Resource.from_id(table_name) return pd.concat( [ resource.enforce_schema(df) for df in pd.read_sql( self._select_between_dates(table_name), self.pudl_engine, chunksize=100_000, ) ] )
[docs] def _agg_table_name(self: Self, table_name: str) -> str: """Substitute appropriate frequency in aggregated table names. If the table isn't aggregated, return the original name. """ agg_freqs = { "AS": "yearly", "MS": "monthly", } if "_AGG" in table_name: if self.freq is not None: table_name = table_name.replace("AGG", agg_freqs[self.freq]) else: table_name = table_name.replace("_AGG", "") return table_name
[docs] def _select_between_dates(self: Self, table: str) -> sa.sql.expression.Select: """For a given table, returns an SQL query that filters by date, if specified. Method uses the PudlTabl ``start_date`` and ``end_date`` attributes. For EIA and most other tables, it compares ``report_date`` column against start and end dates. For FERC1 ``report_year`` is used. If neither ``report_date`` nor ``report_year`` are present, no date filtering is done. Arguments: table: name of table to be called in SQL query. Returns: A SQLAlchemy select object restricting the date column (either ``report_date`` or ``report_year``) to lie between ``self.start_date`` and ``self.end_date`` (inclusive). """ md = sa.MetaData() md.reflect(self.pudl_engine) try: tbl = md.tables[f"{table}"] except KeyError: print(f"{table} not found in the metadata.") tbl_select = start_date = pd.to_datetime(self.start_date) end_date = pd.to_datetime(self.end_date) if "report_date" in tbl.columns: # Date format date_col = tbl.c.report_date elif "report_year" in tbl.columns: # Integer format date_col = tbl.c.report_year if self.start_date is not None: start_date = pd.to_datetime(self.start_date).year if self.end_date is not None: end_date = pd.to_datetime(self.end_date).year else: date_col = None if self.start_date and date_col is not None: tbl_select = tbl_select.where(date_col >= start_date) if self.end_date and date_col is not None: tbl_select = tbl_select.where(date_col <= end_date) return tbl_select
########################################################################### # Tables requiring special treatment: ###########################################################################
[docs] def gen_eia923(self: Self, update: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Pull EIA 923 net generation data by generator. Net generation is reported in two seperate tables in EIA 923: in the core_eia923__monthly_generation and core_eia923__monthly_generation_fuel tables. While the core_eia923__monthly_generation_fuel table is more complete (the core_eia923__monthly_generation table includes only ~55% of the reported MWhs), the core_eia923__monthly_generation table is more granular (it is reported at the generator level). This method either grabs the core_eia923__monthly_generation table that is reported by generator, or allocates net generation from the core_eia923__monthly_generation_fuel table to the generator level. Args: update: Ignored. Retained for backwards compatibility only. Returns: A denormalized generation table for interactive use. """ if self.fill_net_gen: if self.freq not in ["AS", "MS"]: raise ValueError( "Allocated net generation requires frequency of `AS` or `MS`, " f"got {self.freq}" ) table_name = self._agg_table_name( "out_eia923__AGG_generation_fuel_by_generator" ) gen_df = self._get_table_from_db(table_name) resource = Resource.from_id(table_name) gen_df = gen_df.loc[:, resource.get_field_names()] else: table_name = self._agg_table_name("out_eia923__AGG_generation") gen_df = self._get_table_from_db(table_name) return gen_df
########################################################################### # GLUE OUTPUTS ###########################################################################
[docs] def epacamd_eia(self: Self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Read the EPACAMD-EIA Crosswalk from the PUDL DB.""" return pd.read_sql("core_epa__assn_eia_epacamd", self.pudl_engine).pipe( apply_pudl_dtypes, group="glue" )