Source code for pudl.settings

"""Module for validating pudl etl settings."""

import json
from enum import Enum, StrEnum, auto, unique
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Self

import fsspec
import pandas as pd
import yaml
from dagster import Field as DagsterField
from pydantic import (
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings

import pudl
from pudl.metadata.classes import DataSource
from pudl.workspace.datastore import Datastore, ZenodoDoi

[docs] logger = pudl.logging_helpers.get_logger(__name__)
[docs] class XbrlFormNumber(Enum): """Contains full list of supported FERC XBRL forms."""
[docs] FORM1 = 1
[docs] FORM2 = 2
[docs] FORM6 = 6
[docs] FORM60 = 60
[docs] FORM714 = 714
[docs] class FrozenBaseModel(BaseModel): """BaseModel with global configuration."""
[docs] model_config: ConfigDict = ConfigDict(frozen=True, extra="forbid")
[docs] class GenericDatasetSettings(FrozenBaseModel): """An abstract pydantic model for generic datasets. Each dataset must specify working partitions. A dataset can have an arbitrary number of partitions. """
[docs] disabled: bool = False
"""If true, skip processing this dataset."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource]
"""The DataSource metadata object for this dataset.""" @model_validator(mode="after")
[docs] def validate_partitions(self: Self): """Ensure that partitions and their values are valid. Checks that: * all partitions specified by the data source exist, * partitions are not None * only known to be working partition values are specified * no duplicate partition values are specified """ for name, working_partitions in self.data_source.working_partitions.items(): try: partition = getattr(self, name) except KeyError as err: raise ValueError( f"{self.__name__} is missing required '{name}' field." ) from err # Partition should never be None -- should get a default value set in # the child classes based on the working partitions. if partition is None: raise ValueError(f"'In {self.__name__} partition {name} is None.") if nonworking_partitions := list(set(partition) - set(working_partitions)): raise ValueError(f"'{nonworking_partitions}' {name} are not available.") if len(partition) != len(set(partition)): raise ValueError( f"'Duplicate values found in partition {name}: {partition}'" ) return self
[docs] def partitions(cls) -> list[None | dict[str, str]]: # noqa: N805 """Return list of dictionaries representing individual partitions. Convert a list of partitions into a list of dictionaries of partitions. This is intended to be used to store partitions in a format that is easy to use with :meth:`pandas.json_normalize`. """ partitions = [] for part_name in ["year_quarters", "years", "year_months"]: if hasattr(cls, part_name): partitions = [ {part_name.removesuffix("s"): part} for part in getattr(cls, part_name) ] return partitions
[docs] class Ferc1Settings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate Ferc1Settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("ferc1")
[docs] years: list[int] = data_source.working_partitions["years"]
"""The list of years to validate.""" @property
[docs] def dbf_years(self): """Return validated years for which DBF data is available.""" return [year for year in self.years if year <= 2020]
[docs] def xbrl_years(self): """Return validated years for which XBRL data is available.""" return [year for year in self.years if year >= 2021]
[docs] class Ferc714Settings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate Ferc714Settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("ferc714")
[docs] years: list[int] = data_source.working_partitions["years"]
"""The list of years to validate.""" # The older 714 data is distributed as CSV files and has a different extraction # process than the FERC DBF extraction process. @property
[docs] def csv_years(self): """Return validated years for which CSV data is available.""" return [year for year in self.years if year < 2021]
[docs] def xbrl_years(self): """Return validated years for which XBRL data is available.""" return [year for year in self.years if year >= 2021]
[docs] class EpaCemsSettings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate EPA CEMS settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("epacems")
[docs] year_quarters: list[str] = data_source.working_partitions["year_quarters"]
"""The list of years-quarters to validate.""" @field_validator("year_quarters") @classmethod
[docs] def allow_all_keyword_year_quarters(cls, year_quarters): """Allow users to specify ['all'] to get all quarters.""" if year_quarters == ["all"]: year_quarters = cls.data_source.working_partitions["year_quarters"] return year_quarters
[docs] class PhmsaGasSettings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate PHMSA settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("phmsagas")
[docs] years: list[int] = data_source.working_partitions["years"]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] class NrelAtbSettings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate NREL ATB settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("nrelatb")
[docs] years: list[int] = data_source.working_partitions["years"]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] class Eia923Settings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate EIA 923 settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("eia923")
[docs] years: list[int] = data_source.working_partitions["years"]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] class Eia930Settings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate EIA 930 settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("eia930")
[docs] half_years: list[str] = data_source.working_partitions["half_years"]
"""The list of half years to validate.""" @field_validator("half_years") @classmethod
[docs] def allow_all_keyword_half_years(cls, half_years): """Allow users to specify ['all'] to get all half-years.""" if half_years == ["all"]: half_years = cls.data_source.working_partitions["half_years"] return half_years
[docs] class Eia861Settings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate EIA 861 settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("eia861")
[docs] years: list[int] = data_source.working_partitions["years"]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] class Eia860Settings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate EIA 860 settings. This model also check 860m settings. """
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("eia860")
[docs] years: list[int] = data_source.working_partitions["years"]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] eia860m: bool = True
"""Whether or not to incorporate an EIA-860m month."""
[docs] all_eia860m_year_months: list[str] = DataSource.from_id( "eia860m" ).working_partitions["year_months"]
"""The list of all EIA-860m year-months."""
[docs] eia860m_year_months: list[str] = Field(validate_default=True, default=[])
"""The 860m year-months to incorporate.""" @field_validator("eia860m_year_months") @classmethod
[docs] def add_other_860m_years(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo) -> list[str]: """Find extra years from EIA860m if applicable. There's a gap in reporting (after the new year but before the EIA 860 early release data in June) when we rely on two years worth of EIA860m data instead of just one. This function adds the last available month_year values for each year of 860m data that is not yet available in 860. """ extra_eia860m_year_months_string = [] if["eia860m"]: all_eia860m_years = set( pd.to_datetime(["all_eia860m_year_months"]).year ) # The years in 860m that are not in 860 extra_eia860m_years = { year for year in all_eia860m_years if year not in DataSource.from_id("eia860").working_partitions["years"] } # The years already listed as variables in eia860m_year_months years_in_v = set(pd.to_datetime(v).year) # The max year_month values available in 860m for each year not # covered by EIA860 (and not already listed in the eia860m_year_months # variable) extra_eia860m_year_months = [ max( date for date in pd.to_datetime(["all_eia860m_year_months"]) if date.year == year ) for year in (extra_eia860m_years - years_in_v) ] if extra_eia860m_year_months: extra_eia860m_year_months_string = list( pd.Series(extra_eia860m_year_months).dt.strftime("%Y-%m") ) return v + extra_eia860m_year_months_string
@field_validator("eia860m_year_months") @classmethod
[docs] def no_repeat_years(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo) -> list[str]: """Make sure there are no duplicate 860m year values.""" if["eia860m"]: years_in_v = pd.to_datetime(v).year if len(years_in_v) != len(set(years_in_v)): raise ValueError(f"{v} contains duplicate year values.") return v
@field_validator("eia860m_year_months") @classmethod
[docs] def validate_eia860m_params(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo) -> list[str]: """Check that the year_month values for eia860m_year_months are valid.""" eia860m_settings = Eia860mSettings(year_months=v) return eia860m_settings.year_months
@field_validator("eia860m_year_months") @classmethod
[docs] def only_years_not_in_eia860(cls, v, info: ValidationInfo) -> list[str]: """Ensure no EIA860m values are from years already in EIA860.""" if["eia860m"]: for year in pd.to_datetime(v).year.unique(): if year in["years"]: raise ValueError(f"EIA860m year {year} available in EIA860") return v
[docs] class Eia860mSettings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate EIA 860m settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("eia860m")
[docs] year_months: list[str] = data_source.working_partitions["year_months"]
"""The 860m year to date.""" @field_validator("year_months") @classmethod
[docs] def allow_all_keyword_year_months(cls, year_months): """Allow users to specify ['all'] to get all quarters.""" if year_months == ["all"]: year_months = cls.data_source.working_partitions["year_months"] return year_months
[docs] class Eia757aSettings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate EIA 757a settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("eia757a")
[docs] years: list[int] = data_source.working_partitions["years"]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] class Eia191Settings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate EIA 191 settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("eia191")
[docs] years: list[int] = data_source.working_partitions["years"]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] class Eia176Settings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate EIA 176 settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("eia176")
[docs] years: list[int] = data_source.working_partitions["years"]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] class EiaAeoSettings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate EIA 176 settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("eiaaeo")
[docs] years: list[int] = data_source.working_partitions["years"]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] class VCERareSettings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate VCE RARE Power Dataset settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("vcerare")
[docs] years: list[int] = data_source.working_partitions["years"]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] fips: bool = True
"""Include FIPS codes in VCE RARE Power Dataset."""
[docs] class GlueSettings(FrozenBaseModel): """An immutable pydantic model to validate Glue settings."""
[docs] eia: bool = True
"""Include eia in glue settings."""
[docs] ferc1: bool = True
"""Include ferc1 in glue settings."""
[docs] class GPRATKTechType(StrEnum): """Enum to constrain GridPath RA Toolkit technology types."""
[docs] WIND = auto()
[docs] SOLAR = auto()
# Not yet implemented # THERMAL = auto() @unique
[docs] class GPRATKProcLevel(StrEnum): """Enum to constraint GridPath RA Toolkit processing levels."""
[docs] EXTENDED = auto()
# Not yet implemented # AGGREGATED = auto() # ORIGINAL = auto()
[docs] class GridPathRAToolkitSettings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate GridPath RA Toolkit settings. Note that the default values for technology_types, processing_levels, and daily_weather are such that by default, all working partitions will be included. """
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("gridpathratoolkit")
[docs] technology_types: list[str] = ["wind", "solar"]
[docs] processing_levels: list[str] = ["extended"]
[docs] daily_weather: bool = True
[docs] parts: list[str] = []
@field_validator("technology_types", "processing_levels") @classmethod
[docs] def deduplicate_list(cls, v): """Deduplicate technology type and processing level values.""" return list(set(v))
@field_validator("technology_types") @classmethod
[docs] def allowed_technology_types(cls, v: list[str]) -> list[str]: """Ensure that technology types are valid.""" for tech_type in v: if tech_type not in GPRATKTechType: raise ValueError(f"{tech_type} is not a valid technology type.") return v
@field_validator("processing_levels") @classmethod
[docs] def allowed_processing_levels(cls, v: list[str]) -> list[str]: """Ensure that processing levels are valid.""" for proc_level in v: if proc_level not in GPRATKProcLevel: raise ValueError(f"{proc_level} is not a valid processing level.") return v
@field_validator("parts") @classmethod
[docs] def compile_parts(cls, parts: list[str], info: ValidationInfo) -> list[str]: """Based on technology types and processing levels, compile a list of parts.""" if["daily_weather"]: parts.append("daily_weather") if ( "solar" in["technology_types"] and "extended" in["processing_levels"] ): parts.append("aggregated_extended_solar_capacity") if ( "wind" in["technology_types"] and "extended" in["processing_levels"] ): parts.append("aggregated_extended_wind_capacity") if "solar" in["technology_types"] and ( "extended" in["processing_levels"] or "aggregated" in["processing_levels"] ): parts.append("solar_capacity_aggregations") if "wind" in["technology_types"] and ( "extended" in["processing_levels"] or "aggregated" in["processing_levels"] ): parts.append("wind_capacity_aggregations") return parts
[docs] class EiaSettings(FrozenBaseModel): """An immutable pydantic model to validate EIA datasets settings."""
[docs] eia176: Eia176Settings | None = None
[docs] eia191: Eia191Settings | None = None
[docs] eia757a: Eia757aSettings | None = None
[docs] eia860: Eia860Settings | None = None
[docs] eia860m: Eia860mSettings | None = None
[docs] eia861: Eia861Settings | None = None
[docs] eia923: Eia923Settings | None = None
[docs] eia930: Eia930Settings | None = None
[docs] eiaaeo: EiaAeoSettings | None = None
@model_validator(mode="before") @classmethod
[docs] def default_load_all(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """If no datasets are specified default to all.""" if not any(data.values()): data["eia176"] = Eia176Settings() data["eia191"] = Eia191Settings() data["eia757a"] = Eia757aSettings() data["eia860"] = Eia860Settings() data["eia860m"] = Eia860mSettings() data["eia861"] = Eia861Settings() data["eia923"] = Eia923Settings() data["eia930"] = Eia930Settings() data["eiaaeo"] = EiaAeoSettings() return data
@model_validator(mode="before") @classmethod
[docs] def check_eia_dependencies(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Make sure the dependencies between the eia datasets are satisfied. Dependencies: * eia923 requires eia860 for harvesting purposes. Args: values (Dict[str, BaseModel]): dataset settings. Returns: values (Dict[str, BaseModel]): dataset settings. """ if not data.get("eia923") and data.get("eia860"): data["eia923"] = Eia923Settings(years=data["eia860"].years) if data.get("eia923") and not data.get("eia860"): available_years = Eia860Settings().years data["eia860"] = Eia860Settings( years=[year for year in data["eia923"].years if year in available_years] ) return data
[docs] class DatasetsSettings(FrozenBaseModel): """An immutable pydantic model to validate PUDL Dataset settings."""
[docs] eia: EiaSettings | None = None
[docs] epacems: EpaCemsSettings | None = None
[docs] ferc1: Ferc1Settings | None = None
[docs] ferc714: Ferc714Settings | None = None
[docs] glue: GlueSettings | None = None
[docs] phmsagas: PhmsaGasSettings | None = None
[docs] nrelatb: NrelAtbSettings | None = None
[docs] gridpathratoolkit: GridPathRAToolkitSettings | None = None
[docs] vcerare: VCERareSettings | None = None
@model_validator(mode="before") @classmethod
[docs] def default_load_all(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """If no datasets are specified default to all. Args: data: dataset settings inputs. Returns: Validated dataset settings inputs. """ if not any(data.values()): data["eia"] = EiaSettings() data["epacems"] = EpaCemsSettings() data["ferc1"] = Ferc1Settings() data["ferc714"] = Ferc714Settings() data["glue"] = GlueSettings() data["phmsagas"] = PhmsaGasSettings() data["nrelatb"] = NrelAtbSettings() data["gridpathratoolkit"] = GridPathRAToolkitSettings() data["vcerare"] = VCERareSettings() return data
@model_validator(mode="before") @classmethod
[docs] def add_glue_settings(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Add glue settings if ferc1 and eia data are both requested. Args: values (Dict[str, BaseModel]): dataset settings. Returns: values (Dict[str, BaseModel]): dataset settings. """ ferc1 = bool(data.get("ferc1")) eia = bool(data.get("eia")) if ferc1 and eia: data["glue"] = GlueSettings(ferc1=ferc1, eia=eia) return data
[docs] def get_datasets(self: Self): """Gets dictionary of dataset settings.""" return vars(self)
[docs] def make_datasources_table(self: Self, ds: Datastore) -> pd.DataFrame: """Compile a table of dataset information. There are three places we can look for information about a dataset: * the datastore (for DOIs, working partitions, etc) * the ETL settings (for partitions that are used in the ETL) * the DataSource info (which is stored within the ETL settings) The ETL settings and the datastore have different levels of nesting - and therefore names for datasets. The nesting happens particularly with the EI data. There are three EIA datasets right now eia923, eia860 and eia860m. eia860m is a monthly update of a few tables in the larger eia860 dataset. Args: ds: An initalized PUDL Datastore from which the DOI's for each raw input dataset can be obtained. Returns: a dataframe describing the partitions and DOI's of each of the datasets in this settings object. """ datasets_settings = self.get_datasets() # grab all of the datasets that show up by name in the datastore datasets_in_datastore_format = { name: setting for (name, setting) in datasets_settings.items() if name in ds.get_known_datasets() and setting is not None } # add the eia datasets that are nested inside of the eia settings if datasets_settings.get("eia", False): datasets_in_datastore_format.update( { "eia860": datasets_settings["eia"].eia860, "eia860m": datasets_settings["eia"].eia860m, "eia861": datasets_settings["eia"].eia861, "eia923": datasets_settings["eia"].eia923, } ) datasets = datasets_in_datastore_format.keys() df = pd.DataFrame( data={ "datasource": datasets, "partitions": [ json.dumps(datasets_in_datastore_format[dataset].partitions) for dataset in datasets ], "doi": [ str(_zenodo_doi_to_url(ds.get_datapackage_descriptor(dataset).doi)) for dataset in datasets ], } ) df["pudl_version"] = pudl.__version__ return df
[docs] class Ferc1DbfToSqliteSettings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable Pydantic model to validate FERC 1 to SQLite settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("ferc1")
[docs] years: list[int] = [ year for year in data_source.working_partitions["years"] if year <= 2020 ]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] refyear: ClassVar[int] = max(years)
"""The reference year for the dataset."""
[docs] class FercGenericXbrlToSqliteSettings(BaseSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate Ferc1 to SQLite settings."""
[docs] years: list[int]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] disabled: bool = False
[docs] class Ferc1XbrlToSqliteSettings(FercGenericXbrlToSqliteSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate Ferc1 to SQLite settings.."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("ferc1")
[docs] years: list[int] = [ year for year in data_source.working_partitions["years"] if year >= 2021 ]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] class Ferc2XbrlToSqliteSettings(FercGenericXbrlToSqliteSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate FERC from 2 XBRL to SQLite settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("ferc2")
[docs] years: list[int] = [ year for year in data_source.working_partitions["years"] if year >= 2021 ]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] class Ferc2DbfToSqliteSettings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable Pydantic model to validate FERC 2 to SQLite settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("ferc2")
[docs] years: list[int] = [ year for year in data_source.working_partitions["years"] if year <= 2020 ]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] refyear: ClassVar[int] = max(years)
"""The reference year for the dataset."""
[docs] class Ferc6DbfToSqliteSettings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable Pydantic model to validate FERC 6 to SQLite settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("ferc6")
[docs] years: list[int] = [ year for year in data_source.working_partitions["years"] if year <= 2020 ]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] disabled: bool = False
[docs] refyear: ClassVar[int] = max(years)
"""The reference year for the dataset."""
[docs] class Ferc6XbrlToSqliteSettings(FercGenericXbrlToSqliteSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate FERC from 6 XBRL to SQLite settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("ferc6")
[docs] years: list[int] = [ year for year in data_source.working_partitions["years"] if year >= 2021 ]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] class Ferc60DbfToSqliteSettings(GenericDatasetSettings): """An immutable Pydantic model to validate FERC 60 to SQLite settings. Args: years: List of years to validate. disabled: if True, skip processing this dataset. """
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("ferc60")
[docs] years: list[int] = [ year for year in data_source.working_partitions["years"] if year <= 2020 ]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] disabled: bool = False
[docs] refyear: ClassVar[int] = max(years)
"""The reference year for the dataset."""
[docs] class Ferc60XbrlToSqliteSettings(FercGenericXbrlToSqliteSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate FERC from 60 XBRL to SQLite settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("ferc60")
[docs] years: list[int] = [ year for year in data_source.working_partitions["years"] if year >= 2021 ]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] class Ferc714XbrlToSqliteSettings(FercGenericXbrlToSqliteSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate FERC from 714 XBRL to SQLite settings."""
[docs] data_source: ClassVar[DataSource] = DataSource.from_id("ferc714")
[docs] years: list[int] = [ year for year in data_source.working_partitions["years"] if year >= 2021 ]
"""The list of years to validate."""
[docs] class FercToSqliteSettings(BaseSettings): """An immutable pydantic model to validate FERC XBRL to SQLite settings."""
[docs] ferc1_dbf_to_sqlite_settings: Ferc1DbfToSqliteSettings | None = None
[docs] ferc1_xbrl_to_sqlite_settings: Ferc1XbrlToSqliteSettings | None = None
[docs] ferc2_dbf_to_sqlite_settings: Ferc2DbfToSqliteSettings | None = None
[docs] ferc2_xbrl_to_sqlite_settings: Ferc2XbrlToSqliteSettings | None = None
[docs] ferc6_dbf_to_sqlite_settings: Ferc6DbfToSqliteSettings | None = None
[docs] ferc6_xbrl_to_sqlite_settings: Ferc6XbrlToSqliteSettings | None = None
[docs] ferc60_dbf_to_sqlite_settings: Ferc60DbfToSqliteSettings | None = None
[docs] ferc60_xbrl_to_sqlite_settings: Ferc60XbrlToSqliteSettings | None = None
[docs] ferc714_xbrl_to_sqlite_settings: Ferc714XbrlToSqliteSettings | None = None
@model_validator(mode="before") @classmethod
[docs] def default_load_all(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """If no datasets are specified default to all.""" if not any(data.values()): data["ferc1_dbf_to_sqlite_settings"] = Ferc1DbfToSqliteSettings() data["ferc1_xbrl_to_sqlite_settings"] = Ferc1XbrlToSqliteSettings() data["ferc2_dbf_to_sqlite_settings"] = Ferc2DbfToSqliteSettings() data["ferc2_xbrl_to_sqlite_settings"] = Ferc2XbrlToSqliteSettings() data["ferc6_dbf_to_sqlite_settings"] = Ferc6DbfToSqliteSettings() data["ferc6_xbrl_to_sqlite_settings"] = Ferc6XbrlToSqliteSettings() data["ferc60_dbf_to_sqlite_settings"] = Ferc60DbfToSqliteSettings() data["ferc60_xbrl_to_sqlite_settings"] = Ferc60XbrlToSqliteSettings() data["ferc714_xbrl_to_sqlite_settings"] = Ferc714XbrlToSqliteSettings() return data
[docs] def get_xbrl_dataset_settings( self, form_number: XbrlFormNumber ) -> FercGenericXbrlToSqliteSettings: """Return a list with all requested FERC XBRL to SQLite datasets. Args: form_number: Get settings by FERC form number. """ # Get requested settings object match form_number: case XbrlFormNumber.FORM1: settings = self.ferc1_xbrl_to_sqlite_settings case XbrlFormNumber.FORM2: settings = self.ferc2_xbrl_to_sqlite_settings case XbrlFormNumber.FORM6: settings = self.ferc6_xbrl_to_sqlite_settings case XbrlFormNumber.FORM60: settings = self.ferc60_xbrl_to_sqlite_settings case XbrlFormNumber.FORM714: settings = self.ferc714_xbrl_to_sqlite_settings return settings
[docs] class EtlSettings(BaseSettings): """Main settings validation class."""
[docs] ferc_to_sqlite_settings: FercToSqliteSettings | None = None
[docs] datasets: DatasetsSettings | None = None
[docs] name: str | None = None
[docs] title: str | None = None
[docs] description: str | None = None
[docs] version: str | None = None
[docs] publish_destinations: list[str] = []
"""This is list of fsspec compatible paths to publish the output datasets to.""" @classmethod
[docs] def from_yaml(cls, path: str) -> "EtlSettings": """Create an EtlSettings instance from a yaml_file path. Args: path: path to a yaml file; this could be remote. Returns: An ETL settings object. """ with as f: yaml_file = yaml.safe_load(f) return cls.model_validate(yaml_file)
[docs] def validate_xbrl_years(self): """Ensure the XBRL years in DatasetsSettings align with FercToSqliteSettings. For each of the FERC forms that we are processing in PUDL, check to ensure that the years we are trying to process in the PUDL ETL are included in the XBRL to SQLite settings. """ for which_ferc in ["ferc1", "ferc714"]: if ( (pudl_ferc := getattr(self.datasets, which_ferc)) and ( sqlite_ferc := getattr( self.ferc_to_sqlite_settings, f"{which_ferc}_xbrl_to_sqlite_settings", ) ) ) and not set(pudl_ferc.xbrl_years).issubset(set(sqlite_ferc.years)): raise AssertionError( "You are trying to build a PUDL database with different XBRL years " f"than the ferc_to_sqlite_settings years for {which_ferc}." ) return self
[docs] def _convert_settings_to_dagster_config(settings_dict: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Recursively convert a dictionary of dataset settings to dagster config in place. For each partition parameter in a :class:`GenericDatasetSettings` subclass, create a corresponding :class:`DagsterField`. By default the :class:`GenericDatasetSettings` subclasses will default to include all working paritions if the partition value is None. Get the value type so dagster can do some basic type checking in the UI. Args: settings_dict: dictionary of datasources and their parameters. """ for key, value in settings_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): _convert_settings_to_dagster_config(value) else: settings_dict[key] = DagsterField(type(value), default_value=value)
[docs] def create_dagster_config(settings: GenericDatasetSettings) -> dict[str, DagsterField]: """Create a dictionary of dagster config out of a :class:`GenericDatasetsSettings`. Args: settings: A dataset settings object, subclassed from :class:`GenericDatasetSettings`. Returns: A dictionary of :class:`DagsterField` objects. """ settings_dict = settings.model_dump() _convert_settings_to_dagster_config(settings_dict) return settings_dict
[docs] def _zenodo_doi_to_url(doi: ZenodoDoi) -> AnyHttpUrl: """Create a DOI URL out o a Zenodo DOI.""" return AnyHttpUrl(f"{doi}")