Source code for pudl.transform.eia_bulk_elec
"""Clean and normalize EIA bulk electricity data.
EIA's bulk electricity data contains 680,000 timeseries. These timeseries contain a
variety of measures (fuel amount and cost are just two) across multiple levels of
aggregation, from individual plants to national averages.
The data is formatted as a single 1.1GB text file of line-delimited JSON with one line
per timeseries. Each JSON structure has two nested levels: the top level contains
metadata describing the series and the second level (under the "data" heading) contains
an array of timestamp/value pairs. This structure leads to a natural normalization into
two tables: one of metadata and one of timeseries. That is the format delivered by the
extract module.
The transform module parses a compound primary key out of long string IDs ("series_id").
The rest of the metadata is not very valuable so is not transformed or returned.
The EIA aggregates are related to their component categories via a set of association
tables defined in pudl.metadata.dfs. For example, the "all_coal" fuel aggregate is
linked to all the coal-related energy_source_code values: BIT, SUB, LIG, and WC. Similar
relationships are defined for aggregates over fuel, sector, geography, and time.
import pandas as pd
def _extract_keys_from_series_id(raw_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Parse primary key codes from EIA series_id.
These codes comprise the compound primary key that uniquely identifies a data
series: (metric, fuel, region, sector, frequency).
# drop first one (constant value of "ELEC")
keys = (
raw_df.loc[:, "series_id"]
.str.split(r"[\.-]", expand=True, regex=True)
keys.columns = pd.Index(
["series_code", "fuel_agg", "geo_agg", "sector_agg", "temporal_agg"]
return keys
def _map_key_codes_to_readable_values(compound_keys: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
keys = compound_keys.copy()
mappings = {
"fuel_agg": {
# match values in
"BIT": "bituminous_coal",
"SUB": "sub_bituminous_coal",
"LIG": "lignite_coal",
"COW": "all_coal",
"NG": "natural_gas",
"PC": "petroleum_coke",
"PEL": "petroleum_liquids",
"sector_agg": {
# match values in
"1": "electric_utility",
"2": "ipp_non_cogen",
"3": "ipp_cogen",
"4": "commercial_non_cogen",
"5": "commercial_cogen",
"6": "industrial_non_cogen",
"7": "industrial_cogen",
"94": "all_ipp",
"96": "all_commercial",
"97": "all_industrial",
"98": "all_electric_power", # all_IPP + regulated utilities
"99": "all_sectors",
"temporal_agg": {
"M": "monthly",
"Q": "quarterly",
"A": "annual",
for col_name, mapping in mappings.items():
keys.loc[:, col_name] = keys.loc[:, col_name].map(mapping)
assert (
keys.loc[:, col_name].notnull().all()
), f"{col_name} contains an unmapped category."
keys = keys.astype("category")
return keys
def _transform_timeseries(raw_ts: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Transform raw timeseries.
Transform to tidy format and replace the obscure series_id with a readable
compound primary key.
A dataframe with compound key ("fuel_agg", "geo_agg", "sector_agg",
"temporal_agg", "report_date") and two value columns: "fuel_received_mmbtu",
compound_key = _map_key_codes_to_readable_values(
ts = pd.concat([compound_key, raw_ts.drop(columns="series_id")], axis=1)
ts = ts.pivot(
index=["fuel_agg", "geo_agg", "sector_agg", "temporal_agg", "date"],
ts.columns = ts.columns.droplevel(level=None) = None # remove "series_code" as name - no longer appropriate
ts = ts.reset_index(drop=False)
# convert units from billion BTU to MMBTU for consistency with other PUDL tables
ts.loc[:, "RECEIPTS_BTU"] *= 1000
ts = ts.rename(
"RECEIPTS_BTU": "fuel_received_mmbtu",
"COST_BTU": "fuel_cost_per_mmbtu",
"date": "report_date",
return ts
# TODO (bendnorman): Are we planning on extracting multiple dataframes from the EIA API?
def transform(raw_dfs: dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Transform raw EIA bulk electricity aggregates.
raw_dfs: raw timeseries dataframe
Transformed timeseries dataframe with compound key:
("fuel_agg", "geo_agg", "sector_agg", "temporal_agg", "report_date")
and two value columns: "fuel_received_mmbtu", "fuel_cost_per_mmbtu"
ts = _transform_timeseries(raw_dfs["timeseries"])
# raw_dfs["metadata"] is mostly useless after joining the keys into the timeseries,
# so don't return it
return ts