pudl ==== .. py:module:: pudl .. autoapi-nested-parse:: The Public Utility Data Liberation (PUDL) Project. Submodules ---------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 /autoapi/pudl/__main__/index /autoapi/pudl/analysis/index /autoapi/pudl/convert/index /autoapi/pudl/etl/index /autoapi/pudl/extract/index /autoapi/pudl/ferc_to_sqlite/index /autoapi/pudl/glue/index /autoapi/pudl/helpers/index /autoapi/pudl/io_managers/index /autoapi/pudl/logging_helpers/index /autoapi/pudl/metadata/index /autoapi/pudl/output/index /autoapi/pudl/package_data/index /autoapi/pudl/resources/index /autoapi/pudl/settings/index /autoapi/pudl/transform/index /autoapi/pudl/validate/index /autoapi/pudl/workspace/index Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: pudl.__author__ pudl.__contact__ pudl.__maintainer__ pudl.__license__ pudl.__maintainer_email__ pudl.__version__ pudl.__docformat__ pudl.__description__ pudl.__long_description__ pudl.__projecturl__ pudl.__downloadurl__ Package Contents ---------------- .. py:data:: __author__ :value: 'Catalyst Cooperative' .. py:data:: __contact__ :value: 'pudl@catalyst.coop' .. py:data:: __maintainer__ :value: 'Catalyst Cooperative' .. py:data:: __license__ :value: 'MIT License' .. py:data:: __maintainer_email__ :value: 'zane.selvans@catalyst.coop' .. py:data:: __version__ .. py:data:: __docformat__ :value: 'restructuredtext en' .. py:data:: __description__ :value: 'Tools for liberating public US electric utility data.' .. py:data:: __long_description__ :value: Multiline-String .. raw:: html
Show Value .. code-block:: python """ This Public Utility Data Liberation (PUDL) project is a collection of tools that allow programmatic access to and manipulation of many public data sets related to electric utilities in the United States. These data sets are often collected by state and federal agencies, but are publicized in ways that are not well standardized, or intended for interoperability. PUDL seeks to allow more transparent and useful access to this important public data, with the goal of enabling climate advocates, academic researchers, and data journalists to better understand the electricity system and its impacts on climate. """ .. raw:: html
.. py:data:: __projecturl__ :value: 'https://catalyst.coop/pudl/' .. py:data:: __downloadurl__ :value: 'https://github.com/catalyst-cooperative/pudl/'