======================================================================================= PUDL Release Notes ======================================================================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2025.XX.x (2025-MM-DD) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Data ^^^^^^^^ Expanded Data Coverage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ Major Dependency Updates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Quality of Life Improvements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _release-v2025.2.0: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2025.2.0 (2025-02-13) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is our regular quarterly release for 2025Q1. It includes updates to all the datasets that are published with quarterly or higher frequency, plus initial verisons of a few new data sources that have been in the works for a while. One major change this quarter is that we are now publishing all processed PUDL data as Apache Parquet files, alongside our existing SQLite databases. See :doc:`data_access` for more on how to access these outputs. Some potentially breaking changes to be aware of: * In the :doc:`data_sources/eia930` a number of new energy sources have been added, and some old energy sources have been split into more granular categories. See :ref:`data-sources-eia930-changes-in-energy-source-granularity-over-time`. * We are now running the EPA's CAMD to EIA unit crosswalk code for each individual year starting from 2018, rather than just 2018 and 2021, resulting in more connections between these two datasets and changes to some sub-plant IDs. See the note below for more details. Many thanks to the organizations who make these regular updates possible! Especially `GridLab `__, `RMI `__, and the `ZERO Lab at Princeton University `__. If you rely on PUDL and would like to help ensure that the data keeps flowing, please consider joining them as a `PUDL Sustainer `__, as we are still fundraising for 2025. New Data ^^^^^^^^ EIA 176 ~~~~~~~ * Add a couple of semi-transformed interim EIA-176 (natural gas sources and dispositions) tables. They aren't yet being written to the database, but are one step closer. See :issue:`3555` and PRs :pr:`3590,3978`. Thanks to :user:`davidmudrauskas` for moving this dataset forward. * Extracted these interim tables up through the latest 2023 data release. See :issue:`4002` and :pr:`4004`. EIA 860 ~~~~~~~ * Added EIA 860 Multifuel table. See :issue:`3438` and :pr:`3946`. FERC 1 ~~~~~~ * Added three new output tables containing granular utility accounting data. See :pr:`4057`, :issue:`3642` and the table descriptions in the data dictionary: * :ref:`out_ferc1__yearly_detailed_income_statements` * :ref:`out_ferc1__yearly_detailed_balance_sheet_assets` * :ref:`out_ferc1__yearly_detailed_balance_sheet_liabilities` SEC Form 10-K Parent-Subsidiary Ownership ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * We have added some new tables describing the parent-subsidiary company ownership relationships reported in the `SEC's Form 10-K `__, Exhibit 21 "Subsidiaries of the Registrant". Where possible these tables link the SEC filers or their subsidiary companies to the corresponding EIA utilities. This work was funded by `a grant from the Mozilla Foundation `__. Most of the ML models and data preparation took place in the `mozilla-sec-eia repository `__ separate from the main PUDL ETL, as it requires processing hundreds of thousands of PDFs and the deployment of some ML experiment tracking infrastructure. The new tables are handed off as nearly finished products to the PUDL ETL pipeline. **Note that these are preliminary, experimental data products and are known to be incomplete and to contain errors.** Extracting data tables from unstructured PDFs and the SEC to EIA record linkage are necessarily probabalistic processes. * See PRs :pr:`4026,4031,4035,4046,4048,4050` and check out the table descriptions in the PUDL data dictionary: * :ref:`out_sec10k__parents_and_subsidiaries` * :ref:`core_sec10k__quarterly_filings` * :ref:`core_sec10k__quarterly_exhibit_21_company_ownership` * :ref:`core_sec10k__quarterly_company_information` Expanded Data Coverage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ EPA CEMS ~~~~~~~~ * Added 2024 Q4 of CEMS data. See :issue:`4041` and :pr:`4052`. EPA CAMD EIA Crosswalk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * In the past, the crosswalk in PUDL has used the EPA's published crosswalk (run with 2018 data), and an additional crosswalk we ran with 2021 EIA 860 data. To ensure that the crosswalk reflects updates in both EIA and EPA data, we re-ran the EPA R code which generates the EPA CAMD EIA crosswalk with 4 new years of data: 2019, 2020, 2022 and 2023. Re-running the crosswalk pulls the latest data from the CAMD FACT API, which results in some changes to the generator and unit IDs reported on the EPA side of the crosswalk, which feeds into the creation of :ref:`core_epa__assn_eia_epacamd`. * The changes only result in the addition of new units and generators in the EPA data, with no changes to matches at the plant level. However, the updates to generator and unit IDs have resulted in changes to the subplant IDs - some EIA boilers and generators which previously had no matches to EPA data have now been matched to EPA unit data, resulting in an overall **reduction** in the number of rows in the :ref:`core_epa__assn_eia_epacamd_subplant_ids` table. See issues :issue:`4039` and PR :pr:`4056` for a discussion of the changes observed in the course of this update. EIA 860M ~~~~~~~~ * Added EIA 860m through December 2024. See :issue:`4038` and :pr:`4047`. EIA 923 ~~~~~~~ * Added EIA 923 monthly data through September 2024. See :issue:`4038` and :pr:`4047`. EIA Bulk Electricity Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Updated the EIA Bulk Electricity data to include data published up through 2024-11-01. See :issue:`4042` and PR :pr:`4051`. EIA 930 ~~~~~~~ * Updated the EIA 930 data to include data published up through the beginning of February 2025. See :issue:`4040` and PR :pr:`4054`. 10 new energy sources were added and 3 were retired; see :ref:`data-sources-eia930-changes-in-energy-source-granularity-over-time` for more information. Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * Fix an accidentally swapped set of starting balance / ending balance column rename parameters in the pre-2021 DBF derived data that feeds into :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_other_regulatory_liabilities_sched278`. See issue :issue:`3952` and PRs :pr:`3969,3979`. Thanks to :user:`yolandazzz13` for making this fix. * Added preliminary data validation checks for several FERC 1 tables that were missing it :pr:`3860`. * Fix spelling of Lake Huron and Lake Saint Clair in :ref:`out_vcerare__hourly_available_capacity_factor` and related tables. See issue :issue:`4007` and PR :pr:`4029`. Quality of Life Improvements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * We added a ``sources`` parameter to ``pudl.metadata.classes.DataSource.from_id()`` in order to make it possible to use the `pudl-archiver `__ repository to archive datasets that won't necessarily be ingested into PUDL. See `this PUDL archiver issue `__ and PRs :pr:`4003` and :pr:`4013`. .. _release-v2024.11.0: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2024.11.0 (2024-11-14) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUDL v2024.11.0 is a regularly scheduled quarterly release, incorporating a few updates to the following datasets that have come out since the special release we did in October. New Data Coverage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ EIA 930 ~~~~~~~ * Added EIA 930 hourly data through the end of October as part of the Q3 quarterly release. See :issue:`3942` and :pr:`3946`. EIA 923 ~~~~~~~ * Added EIA 923 data from August 2024 as part of the Q3 quarterly release. See :issue:`3941` and PR :pr:`3950`. EIA 860M ~~~~~~~~ * Added 2024 EIA 860m data from August, September, and October as part of the Q3 quarterly release. See :issue:`3940` and PR :pr:`3949`. EIA 861 ~~~~~~~ * Added final release EIA 861 data. See :issue:`3905` and PR :pr:`3911`. EIA Bulk Electricity Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Updated the EIA Bulk Electricity data to include data published up through 2024-08-01. See :issue:`3944` and PR :pr:`3951`. EPA CEMS ~~~~~~~~ * Added 2024 Q3 of CEMS data. See :issue:`3943` and :pr:`3948`. Record Linkage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Updated the ``splink`` FERC to EIA development notebook to be compatible with the latest version of ``splink``. This notebook is not run in production but is helpful for visualizing model weights and what is happening under the hood. * Updated ``pudl.analysis.record_linkage.name_cleaner`` company name cleaning module to be more efficient by removing all ``.apply`` and instead use ``pd.Series.replace`` to make regex replacement rules vectorized. Also removed some of the allowed replacement rules to make the cleaner simpler and more effective. This module runs approximately 3x faster now when cleaning a string Series. .. _release-v2024.10.0: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2024.10.0 (2024-10-20) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a special early release to publish the new VCE Resource Adequacy Renewable Energy (RARE) dataset. It also includes final releases of EIA 860 and 923 data for 2023 and the FERC Form 714 data for 2021-2023, which had previously been integrated from the XBRL data published by FERC. See details below New Data ^^^^^^^^ Vibrant Clean Energy Resource Adequacy Renewable Energy (RARE) Power Dataset ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Integrate the VCE hourly capacity factor data for solar PV, onshore wind, and offshore wind from 2019 through 2023. The data in this table were produced by Vibrant Clean Energy, and are licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC-BY-4.0). This data complements the WECC-wide GridPath RA Toolkit data currently incorporated into PUDL, providing capacity factor data nation-wide with a different set of modeling assumptions and a different granularity for the aggregation of outputs. See :doc:`data_sources/gridpathratoolkit` and :doc:`data_sources/vcerare` for more information. See :issue:`#3872`. New Data Coverage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ EIA 860 ~~~~~~~ * Added EIA 860 final release data from 2023. See :issue:`3684` and PR :pr:`3871`. EIA 861 ~~~~~~~ * Added EIA 861 final release data from 2023. See :issue:`3905` and PR :pr:`3911`. This includes a new ``energy_capacity_mwh`` field for battery storage in :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_net_metering_customer_fuel_class` and :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_non_net_metering_customer_fuel_class`. EIA 923 ~~~~~~~ * Added EIA 923 final release data from 2023 and revised data from 2022. See :issue:`3902` and PR :pr:`3903`. FERC Form 714 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Integrated 2021-2023 years of the FERC Form 714 data. FERC updated its reporting format for 2021 from a CSV files to XBRL files. This update integrates the two raw data sources and extends the data coverage through 2023. See :issue:`3809` and :pr:`3842`. Schema Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Added :ref:`out_eia__yearly_assn_plant_parts_plant_gen` table. This table associates records from the :ref:`out_eia__yearly_plant_parts` with ``plant_gen`` records from that same plant parts table. See issue :issue:`3773` and PR :pr:`3774`. Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * Included more retiring generators in the net generation and fuel consumption allocation. Thanks to :user:`grgmiller` for this contirbution :pr:`3690`. * Fixed a bug found in the rolling averages used to impute missing values in ``fuel_cost_per_mmbtu`` and to calculate ``capex_annual_addition_rolling``. Thanks to RMI for identifying this bug! See issue :issue:`3889` and PR :pr:`3892`. Major Dependency Updates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Updated to use `Numpy v2.0 `__ and `Splink v4.0 `__. See issues :issue:`3736,3735` and PRs :pr:`3547,3834`. Quality of Life Improvements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * We now use an asset factory to generate Dagster assets for near-identical FERC1 output tables. See :issue:`3147` and :pr:`3883`. Thanks to :user:`hfireborn` and :user:`denimalpaca` for their work on this one! .. _release-v2024.8.0: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2024.8.0 (2024-08-19) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is our regular quarterly release for 2024Q3. It includes quarterly updates to all datasets that are updated with quarterly or higher frequency by their publishers, including EIA-860M, EIA-923 (YTD data), EIA-930, the EIA's bulk electricity API data (used to fill in missing fuel prices), and the EPA CEMS hourly emissions data. Annual datasets which have been published since our last quarterly release have also been integrated. These include FERC Forms 1, 2, 6, 60, and 714, and the NREL ATB. This release also includes provisional versions of the annual 2023 EIA-860 and EIA-923 datasets, whose final release will not happen until the fall. New Data Coverage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FERC Form 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ * Integrated FERC Form 1 data from 2023 into the main PUDL SQLite DB. See issue :issue:`3700` and PR :pr:`3701`. This required updating to a new version of the ``catalystcoop.ferc_xbrl_extractor`` package because there are now multiple XBRL taxonomies in use by FERC in different years, or even within the same year. See `this PR `__ for more details, as well as issue :issue:`3544` and PR :pr:`3710`. FERC Forms 2, 6, 60, & 714 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Updated the ``ferc_to_sqlite`` settings to extract 2023 XBRL data for FERC Forms 2, 6 60, and 714 and add them to their respective SQLite databases. Note that this data is not yet being processed beyond the conversion from XBRL to SQLite. See PR :pr:`3710` EIA AEO ~~~~~~~ * Added new tables from EIA AEO table 54: * :ref:`core_eiaaeo__yearly_projected_fuel_cost_in_electric_sector_by_type` contains fuel costs for the electric power sector. These are broken out by fuel type, and include both nominal USD per MMBtu as well as real 2022 USD per MMBtu. See issue :issue:`3649` and PR :pr:`3656`. EIA 860 ~~~~~~~ * Added EIA 860 early release data from 2023. This included adding a new tab with proposed energy storage generators as well as adding a number of new columns regarding energy storage and solar generators. See issue :issue:`3676` and PR :pr:`3681`. * Added EIA 860m data through June 2024. See issue :issue:`3759` and PR :pr:`3767`. EIA 923 ~~~~~~~ * Added EIA 923 early release data from 2023. See :issue:`3719` and PR :pr:`3721`. * Added EIA 923 monthly data through May as part of the Q2 quarterly release. See :issue:`3760` and :pr:`3768`. EIA 930 ~~~~~~~ * Added EIA 930 hourly data through the end of July as part of the Q2 quarterly release. See :issue:`3761` and :pr:`3789`. EPA CEMS ~~~~~~~~ * Added 2024 Q2 of CEMS data. See :issue:`3762` and :pr:`3769`. EIA Bulk Electricity Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Updated the EIA Bulk Electricity data archive to include data that was available as of 2024-08-01, which covers up through 2024-05-01 (3 months more than the previously used archive). See :issue:`3763` and PR :pr:`3785`. FERC 714 ~~~~~~~~ * Added :ref:`core_ferc714__yearly_planning_area_demand_forecast` based on FERC Form 714, Part III, Schedule 2b. Data includes forecasted demand and net energy load. See issue :issue:`3519` and PR :pr:`3670`. * WIP: Adding XBRL(2021+) data for FERC 714 tables. Track progress in :issue:`3822`. NREL ATB ~~~~~~~~ * Added 2024 NREL ATB data. This includes adding a new tax credit case, ``model_tax_credit_case_nrelatb``, a breakout of ``capex_grid_connection_per_kw`` for all technologies, and more detailed nuclear breakdowns of ``fuel_cost_per_mwh``. Simultaneously, updated the :mod:`docs.dev.existing_data_updates` documentation to make it easier to add future years of data. See :issue:`3706` and :pr:`3719`. * Updated NREL ATB data to include `error corrections in the 2024 data `__. See :issue:`3777` and PR :pr:`3778`. Data Cleaning ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * When ``generator_operating_date`` values are too inconsistent to be harvested successfully, we now take the last reported date in EIA 860 and 860M. See :issue:`423` and PR :pr:`3967`. * Added the ``generator_operating_date`` field into :ref:`core_eia860m__changelog_generators`, adding 860M reported generator operating dates into the changelog table. This table is not harvested, and thus does not affect the ``generator_operating_date`` values reported in other core EIA tables. See :issue:`3722` and PR :pr:`3751.` Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * Disabled filling of missing values using rolling averages for the ``fuel_cost_per_mmbtu`` column in the :ref:`out_eia923__fuel_receipts_costs` table, as it was resulting in some anomlously high fuel prices. See :pr:`3716`. This results in about 2% more records in the table being left ``NA`` after filling with the average prices for that fuel type for the state and month found in the bulk EIA API data. Quality of Life Improvements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * The full ETL settings are now read directly from ``etl_full.yml`` instead of using default values defined in the settings classes. This also results in the settings showing up in the Dagster UI Launchpad, which previously they didn't, leading to confusion when trying to re-run the FERC to SQLite conversions. See :pr:`3710`. * ``mlflow`` experiment tracking has been disabled by default when running the DAG, since it is only really helpful during development of new record linkage or other ML workflows. See :pr:`3710`. .. _release-v2024.5.0: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2024.5.0 (2024-05-24) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We've just completed our quarterly integration of EIA data sources for 2024Q2 (in support of RMI's Utility Transition Hub) and have also added a bunch of new tables over the last few months in an effort to better support energy system modelers (with support from GridLab). Details below. New Data Coverage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ EIA-860 & EIA-923 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added cleaned EIA860 Schedule 8E FGD Equipment and EIA923 Schedule 8C FGD Operation and Maintenance data to the PUDL database as :ref:`i_core_eia923__fgd_operation_maintenance` and :ref:`i_core_eia860__fgd_equipment`. Once harvested, these tables will eventually be removed from the database, but they are being published until then. See :issue:`3394` and :issue:`3392`, and :pr:`3403`. * Added new :ref:`core_eia860__scd_generators_wind` table from EIA860 Schedule 3.2 which contains wind generator attributes. See :pr:`3522` and :pr:`3494`. * Added new :ref:`core_eia860__scd_generators_solar` table from EIA860 Schedule 3.3 which contains solar generator attributes. See :pr:`3524` and :pr:`3482`. * Added new :ref:`core_eia860__scd_generators_energy_storage` table from EIA860 Schedule 3.4 which contains energy storage generator attributes. See :pr:`3488` and :pr:`3526`. which contains solar generator attributes. See :pr:`3524` and :pr:`3482` * Added new :ref:`core_eia923__monthly_energy_storage` table from EIA923 which contains monthly energy and fuel consumption metrics. See :pr:`3516` and :pr:`3546`. * Added 2024 Q1 EIA923 and EIA860m data. See issues :issue:`3617,3618`, and PR :pr:`3625`. GridPath RA Toolkit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added a new ``gridpathratoolkit`` data source containing hourly wind and solar generation profiles from the `GridPath Resoure Adequacy Toolkit `__. See :doc:`data_sources/gridpathratoolkit` and the `new Zenodo archive `__, PR :pr:`3489` and `this PUDL archiver issue `__. * Integrated the most processed version of the GridPath RA Toolkit wind and solar generation profiles, as well as the tables describing how individual generators were aggregated together to create the profiles. See issues :issue:`3509,3510,3511,3515` and PR :pr:`3514`. The new tables include: :ref:`out_gridpathratoolkit__hourly_available_capacity_factor` and :ref:`core_gridpathratoolkit__assn_generator_aggregation_group`. EIA AEO ~~~~~~~ * Extracted tables 13, 15, 20, and 54 from the `EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2023 `__, which include future projections related to electric power and renewable energy through the year 2050, across a variety of scenarios. See :issue:`3368` and :pr:`3538`. * Added new :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_short_form` table from EIA861 which contains the shorter version of EIA861. See issues :issue:`3540` and PR :pr:`3565`. * Added new tables from EIA AEO table 54: * :ref:`core_eiaaeo__yearly_projected_generation_in_electric_sector_by_technology` contains generation capacity & generation projections for the electric sector, broken out by technology type. See :issue:`3581` and :pr:`3582`. * :ref:`core_eiaaeo__yearly_projected_generation_in_end_use_sectors_by_fuel_type` contains generation capacity & generation projections for the electric sector, broken out by technology type. See :issue:`3581` and :pr:`3598`. * :ref:`core_eiaaeo__yearly_projected_electric_sales` contains electric sales projections until 2050, broken out by customer type. See :issue:`3581` and :pr:`3617`. NREL ATB ~~~~~~~~ * Added new NREL ATB tables with annual technology cost and performance projections. See issue :issue:`3465` and PRs :pr:`3498,3570`. EIA-930 ~~~~~~~ * Added hourly generation, demand, and interchange tables from the EIA-930. See issues :issue:`3486,3505` PR :pr:`3584` and `this issue in the PUDL archiver repo `__. See the data source documentation :doc:`data_sources/eia930` for more information. EPA CEMS ~~~~~~~~ * Added 2024 Q1 of CEMS data. See :issue:`3620` and :pr:`3624` EIA Bulk Electricity Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Updated the EIA Bulk Electricity data archive to include data that was available as of 2024-05-01, which covers up through 2024-02-01 (3 months more than the previously used archive). See PR :pr:`3615`. FERC Form 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added new :ref:`out_ferc1__yearly_rate_base` table which includes granular financial data regarding what utilities include in their rate bases. See epic :issue:`2016`. Data Cleaning ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * When ``generator_operating_date`` values are too inconsistent to be harvested successfully, we now take the max date within a year and attempt to harvest again, to rescue records lost because of inconsistent month reporting in EIA 860 and 860M. See :issue:`3340` and PR :pr:`3419`. This change also fixed a bug that was preventing other columns harvested with a special process from being saved. * When ingesting FERC 1 XBRL filings, we now take the most recent non-null value instead of the value from the latest filing that applies for a specific row. This means that we no longer lose data if a utility posts a FERC filing with only a small number of updated values. EIA - FERC1 Record Linkage Model Update ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We merged in a refactor of the EIA plant parts to FERC1 plants record linkage model, which was generously supported by a `CCAI Innovation Grant `__. This replaced the linear regression model with a model built with the Python package `Splink `__. Splink provides helpful visualizations to understand model performance and parameter tuning, which can be generated with :mod:`devtools/splink-ferc1-eia-match.ipynb`. We measured model performance with precision - a measure of accuracy when the model makes a prediction, recall - a measure of coverage of FERC records model predicted a match for, and accuracy - a measure of overall correctness of the predictions. Model performance improved and now has a precision of .94, recall of .9, and overall accuracy of .85. Schema Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Added ``balancing_authority_code_eia`` and ``sector_id_eia`` into the :ref:`core_eia860m__changelog_generators` table. The BA codes reported in the raw data contained a lot of non-standard values, which have now been standardized. See issue :issue:`3437` and PR :pr:`3442`. * Renamed the ``utc_datetime`` column found in the FERC-714 tables to ``datetime_utc`` in order to be consistent with ``operating_datetime_utc`` in the EPA CEMS data, and the new hourly renewable generation profiles in the GridPath RA Toolkit. See PR :pr:`3514`. * Renamed the utility and balancing authority service territory tables to better conform to our naming conventions: ``out_eia861__compiled_geometry_utilities`` is now :ref:`out_eia861__yearly_utility_service_territory` and ``out_eia861__compiled_geometry_balancing_authorities`` is now :ref:`out_eia861__yearly_balancing_authority_service_territory`. See PR :pr:`3552`. * All hourly tables are now published only as Apache Parquet files, rather than being written to the main PUDL SQLite database. This reduces the size of the PUDL DB, and also makes accessing these large table much faster both during data processing and for end users. See PR :pr:`3584`. Affected tables include: * :ref:`core_eia930__hourly_interchange` * :ref:`core_eia930__hourly_net_generation_by_energy_source` * :ref:`core_eia930__hourly_operations` * :ref:`core_eia930__hourly_subregion_demand` * :ref:`core_epacems__hourly_emissions` * :ref:`out_ferc714__hourly_estimated_state_demand` * :ref:`out_ferc714__hourly_planning_area_demand` * :ref:`out_gridpathratoolkit__hourly_available_capacity_factor` The FERC-714 hourly demand tables have been removed from the :class:`pudl.output.pudltabl.PudlTabl` class, which has been deprecated. * The long derelict ``core_ferc__codes_accounts`` table has been removed from the PUDL database. This table contained descriptions of the FERC accounts that were found in the Electric Plant in Service table, but only pertained to a single year, and was not being referenced or maintained elsewhere. See PR :pr:`3584`. * Additional columns were added to the :ref:`core_eia__codes_balancing_authorities` table, indicating the timezone associated with each BA's reporting, whether it is a generation only BA, and its date of retirement, and what region it is part of. See PR :pr:`3584`. * A new :ref:`core_eia__codes_balancing_authority_subregions` table was added to describe the relationships between BAs and their subregions. See PR :pr:`3584`. Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * Ensure that all columns fed into the harvesting / reconciliation process are encoded before harvesting takes place, improving the consistency of harvested fields. See issue :issue:`3542` and PR :pr:`3558`. This change also simplifies the encoding process in the vast majority of cases, since the same global set of encoders can be used on any dataframe, with every column encoded based on the field definitions and FK constraints associated with the column name. CLI Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^ * Removed the ``--clobber`` option from the ``ferc_to_sqlite`` command and associated assets. We rebuild these databases infrequently, and needing to either edit the runtime parameters in Dagster's Launchpad or remove the existing databases from the filesystem manually are brittle. Partly in response to issue :issue:`3612`; see PR :pr:`3622`. .. _release-v2024.2.6: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2024.2.6 (2024-02-25) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main impetus behind this release is the quarterly update of some of our core datasets with preliminary data for 2023Q4. The :doc:`data_sources/eia860`, :doc:`data_sources/epacems`, and bulk EIA API data are all up to date through the end of 2023, while the :doc:`data_sources/eia923` lags a month behind and is currently only available through November, 2023. We also addressed several issues we found in our initial release automation process that will make it easier for us to do more frequent releases, like this one! We're also for the first time publishing the full historical time series of of generator data available in the EIA860M, rather than just using the most recent release to update the EIA860 outputs. This enables tracking of how planned fossil plant retirement dates have evolved over time. There are also updates to our data validation system, a new version of Pandas, and experimental Parquet outputs. See below for the details. New Data Coverage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Add EIA860M data through December 2023 :issue:`3313`, :pr:`3367`. * Add 2023 Q4 of CEMS data. See :issue:`3315`, :pr:`3379`. * Add EIA923 monthly data through November 2023 :issue:`3314`, :pr:`3398,3422`. * Create a new table :ref:`core_eia860m__changelog_generators` which tracks the evolution of all generator data reported in the EIA860M, in particular the stated retirement dates. see issue :issue:`3330` and PR :pr:`3331`. Previously only the most recent month of reported EIA860M data was available within the PUDL DB. Release Infrastructure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Use the same logic to merge version tags into the ``stable`` branch as we are using to merge the nightly build tags into the ``nightly`` branch. See PR :pr:`3347` * Automatically place a `temporary object hold `__ on all versioned data releases that we publish to GCS, to ensure that they can't be accidentally deleted. See issue :issue:`3400` and PR :pr:`3421`. Schema Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Restored the individual FERC Form 1 plant output tables, providing direct access to denormalized versions of the specific plant types via: * :ref:`out_ferc1__yearly_steam_plants_sched402` * :ref:`out_ferc1__yearly_small_plants_sched410` * :ref:`out_ferc1__yearly_hydroelectric_plants_sched406` * :ref:`out_ferc1__yearly_pumped_storage_plants_sched408` See issue :issue:`3416` & PR :pr:`3417` Data Validation with Pandera ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We've started integrating :mod:`pandera` dataframe schemas and checks with :mod:`dagster` `asset checks `__ to validate data while our ETL pipeline is running instead of only after all the data has been produced. Initially we are using the various database schema checks that are generated by our metadata, but the goal is to migrate all of our data validation tests into this framework over time, and to start using it to encode any new data validations immediately. See issues :issue:`941,1572,3318,3412` and PR :pr:`3282`. Pandas 2.2 ^^^^^^^^^^ We've updated to Pandas 2.2, which has a number of changes and deprecations. See PRs :pr:`3272,3410`. * Changes in `how merge results are sorted `__ impacted the assignment of ``unit_id_pudl`` values, so any hard-coded values that dependent on the previous assignments will likely be incorrect now. We had to update a number of tests and FERC1-EIA record linkage training data to account for this change. * Pandas is also deprecating the use of the ``AS`` frequency alias, in favor of ``YS``, so many references to the old alias have been updated. * We've switched to using the ``calamine`` engine for reading Excel files, which is much faster than the old ``openpyxl`` library. Parquet Outputs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ETL now outputs PyArrow Parquet files for all tables that are written to the PUDL DB. The Parquet outputs are used as the interim storage for the ETL, rather than reading all tables out of the SQLite DB. We aren't publicly distributing the Parquet outputs yet, but are giving them a test run with some existing users. See :issue:`3102` :pr:`3296,3399`. Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Update PUDL to use Python 3.12. See issue :issue:`3327` and PR :pr:`3413`. .. _release-v2024.02.05: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2024.02.05 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This release contains only minor data updates compared to what we put out in December, however the database naming conventions and release process has changed pretty dramatically. We are confident these changes will make the data we publish more accessible, and allow us to push out updates much more frequently going forward. We also finally merged in improvements and generalizations to our record linkage processes, which were generously supported by a `CCAI Innovation Grant `__. Connecting disparate public datasets that describe the same physical infrastructure and corporate entities is one of the most valuable improvements we make to the data, and we are excited to be able to be able to do it in a more general, reproducible way so we can easily apply it to other datasets. We've already started work on a Mozilla Foundation grant to link SEC data to the FERC and EIA data we already have, allowing us to track ownership relationships between utility holding companies and their many subsidiaries. We expect the same kind of process will be useful for linking the PHMSA gas pipeline data to natural gas utilities that report to EIA and FERC. Database Naming Conventions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Our main focus with this release was to overhaul the naming system for our nearly 200 database tables. This will hopefully make it easier to find what you're looking for, especially if you are a new PUDL user. We think it will also make it easier for us to keep the database organized as we continue to expand its scope. For an explanation of the new naming conventions, see :doc:`dev/naming_conventions`, and to see the full list of all available tables, see the :doc:`data_dictionaries/pudl_db`. This is a major breaking change for anybody is accessing the database directly. Stick with the :ref:`release-v2023.12.01` release until you're ready to update your references to the old database table names. For the time being we have patched the old :class:`pudl.output.pudltabl.PudlTabl` class so that it behaves as similarly as possible to before. However, we plan to remove this output class in the near future, and no new database tables will be made accessible through it. Going forward we expect users to use the database directly, freeing them from the need to install all of the software and dependencies which we use to produce it, hopefully improving the data's technical accessibility and platform independence. For more development details see :issue:`2765` which was the main epic tracking this process (with many sub-issues: :issue:`2777,2788,2812,2868,2992,3030,3173,3174,3223`) and PR :pr:`2818`. Changes to CLI Tools ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * The ``epacems_to_parquet`` and ``state_demand`` scripts have been retired in favor of using the Dagster UI. See :issue:`3107` and :pr:`3086`. Visualizations of hourly state-level electricity demand have been moved into our example notebooks which can be found both `on Kaggle `__ and `on GitHub `__ * The ``pudl_setup`` script has been retired. All input/output locations are now set using the ``$PUDL_INPUT`` and ``$PUDL_OUTPUT`` environment variables. See :issue:`3107` and :pr:`3086`. * The :func:`pudl.analysis.service_territory.pudl_service_territories` script has been fixed, and can be used to generate `GeoParquet `__ outputs describing historical utility and balancing authority service territories. See :issue:`1174` and :pr:`3086`. Development Infrastructure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Automate the process of doing software and data releases when a new version tag is pushed to facilitate continuous deployment. See :pr:`3127,3158` * To make development more convenient given our long-running integration tests, the PUDL repository now uses a `merge queue `__. * Switch to using Google Batch for our data builds. See :pr:`3211`. * Deprecated the ``dev`` branch and updated our nightly builds and GitHub workflow to use three persistent branches: ``main`` for bleeding edge changes, ``nightly`` for the most recent commit to have a successful nightly build output, and ``stable`` for the most recently released version of PUDL. The ``nightly`` and ``stable`` branches are protected and automatically updated. Build outputs are now written to ``gs://builds.catalyst.coop`` and retained for 30 days. See issues :issue:`3140,3179` and PRs :pr:`3195,3206,3212,3188,3164` Record Linkage Improvements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * The :mod:`pudl.analysis.record_linkage.eia_ferc1_record_linkage` module has been refactored substantially to make use of more generic PUDL record linkage infrastructure and include extra cleaning steps. This resulted in around 500 or 2% of matches changing. See `catalyst-cooperative/ccai-entity-matching#108 `__ and :pr:`3184`. * Update the FERC Form 1 plant ID assignment (Identifying related plant records from different years within the FERC Form 1 data) to use the new record linkage infrastructure. See :pr:`3007,3137` New Data Coverage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Updated :doc:`data_sources/epacems` to switch to pulling the quarterly updates of CEMS instead of the annual files. Integrates CEMS through 2023Q3. See issue :issue:`2973` & PR :pr:`3096,3139`. * Began integration of PHMSA gas distribution and transmission tables into PUDL, extracting raw data from 1990-present. Note that these tables are not yet being written to the database as they are still raw. See epic :issue:`2848`, and constituent PRs: :pr:`2932,3242,3254,3260,3262, 3266,3267,3269,3270,3279,3280`. * We began integration of data from EIA Forms 176, 191, and 757, describing natural gas sources, storage, transporation, and disposition. Note this data is still in its raw extracted form and is not yet being written to the PUDL DB. See :pr:`3304,3227` * Updated the EIA Bulk Electricity data archive so that the available data now to runs through 2023-10-01. See :pr:`3252`. Also added this dataset to the set of data that will automatically generate archives each month. See `This PUDL Archiver PR `__ and `this Zenodo archive `__ Data Cleaning ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Filled in null annual balances with fourth-quarter quarterly balances in :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_balance_sheet_liabilities_sched110`. :issue:`3233` and :pr:`3234`. * Added a notebook :mod:`devtools/debug-column-mapping.ipynb` to make debugging manual column maps for new datasets simpler and faster. Metadata Cleaning ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fix metadata structures and pyarrow schema generation process so that all tables can now be output as Parquet files. See issue :issue:`3102` and PR :pr:`3222`. * Made a description field mandatory for all instances of ``Field`` and ``Resource``. Updated the :py:const:`pudl.metadata.fields.FIELD_METADATA`` and :py:const:`pudl.metadata.resources.RESOURCE_METADATA`` so that all of them have a description. This primarily affected :doc:`data_sources/eia861` tables. See :issue:`3224`, :pr:`3283`. * Removed fields that are not used in any tables and removed the xfail from the ``test_defined_fields_are_used`` test. :issue:`3224`, :pr:`3283`. .. _release-v2023.12.01: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2023.12.01 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dagster Adoption ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * After comparing comparing python orchestration tools :issue:`1487`, we decided to adopt `Dagster `__. Dagster will allow us to parallize the ETL, persist datafarmes at any step in the data cleaning process, visualize data depedencies and run subsets of the ETL from upstream caches. * We are converting PUDL code to use dagster concepts in two phases. The first phase converts the ETL portion of the code base to use `software defined assets `__ :issue:`1570`. The second phase converts the output and analysis tables in the :mod:`pudl.output.pudltabl.PudlTabl` class to use software defined assets, replacing the existing ``pudl_out`` output functions. * General changes: * :mod:`pudl.etl` is now a subpackage that collects all pudl assets into a dagster `Definition `__. * The ``pudl_settings``, ``Datastore`` and ``DatasetSettings`` are now dagster resources. See :mod:`pudl.resources`. * The ``pudl_etl`` and ``ferc_to_sqlite`` commands no longer support loading specific tables. The commands run all of the tables. Use dagster assets to run subsets of the tables. * The ``--clobber`` argument has been removed from the ``pudl_etl`` command. * New static method :mod:`pudl.metadata.classes.Package.get_etl_group_tables` returns the resources ids for a given etl group. * :mod:`pudl.settings.FercToSqliteSettings` class now loads all FERC datasources if no datasets are specified. * The Excel extractor in ``pudl.extract.excel`` has been updated to parallelize Excel spreadsheet extraction using Dagster ``@multi_asset`` functionality, thanks to :user:`dstansby`. This is currently being used for EIA 860, 861 and 923 data. See :issue:`2385` and PRs :pr:`2644`, :pr:`2943`. * EIA ETL changes: * The EIA table level cleaning functions are now dagster assets. The table level cleaning assets now have a "clean\_" prefix and a "_{datasource}" suffix to distinguish them from the final harvested tables. * ``pudl.transform.eia.transform()`` is now a ``@multi_asset`` that depends on all of the EIA table level cleaning functions / assets. * EPA CEMS ETL changes: * :func:`pudl.transform.epacems.transform()` now loads the ``epacamd_eia`` and ``plants_entity_eia`` tables as dataframes using the :mod:`pudl.io_manager.pudl_sqlite_io_manager` instead of reading the tables using a ``pudl_engine``. * Adds a Ohio plant that is in 2021 CEMS but missing from EIA since 2018 to the ``additional_epacems_plants.csv`` sheet. * FERC ETL changes: * :mod:`pudl.extract.ferc1.dbf2sqlite()` and :mod:`pudl.extract.xbrl.xbrl2sqlite()` are now configurable dagster ops. These ops make up the ``ferc_to_sqlite`` dagster graph in :mod:`pudl.ferc_to_sqlite.defs`. * FERC 714 extraction methods are now subsettable by year, with 2019 and 2020 data included in the ``etl_fast.yml`` by default. See :issue:`2628` and PR :pr:`2649`. * Census DP1 ETL changes: * :mod:`pudl.convert.censusdp1tract_to_sqlite` and :mod:`pudl.output.censusdp1tract` are now integrated into dagster. See :issue:`1973` and :pr:`2621`. New Asset Naming Convention ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There are hundreds of new tables in ``pudl.sqlite`` now that the methods in ``PudlTabl`` have been converted to Dagster assets. This significant increase in tables and diversity of table types prompted us to create a new naming convention to make the table names more descriptive and organized. You can read about the new naming convention in the :ref:`docs `. To help users migrate away from using ``PudlTabl`` and our temporary table names, we've created a `google sheet `__ that maps the old table names and ``PudlTabl`` methods to the new table names. We've added deprecation warnings to the ``PudlTabl`` class. We plan to remove ``PudlTabl`` from the ``pudl`` package once our known users have succesfully migrated to pulling data directly from ``pudl.sqlite``. Data Coverage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Updated :doc:`data_sources/eia860` to include final release data from 2022, see :issue:`3008` & PR :pr:`3040`. * Updated :doc:`data_sources/eia861` to include final release data from 2022, see :issue:`3034` & PR :pr:`3048`. * Updated :doc:`data_sources/eia923` to include final release data from 2022 and monthly YTD data as of October 2023, see :issue:`3009` & PR :pr:`#3073`. * Extracted the raw ``raw_eia923__emissions_control`` table, see PR :pr:`3100`. * Updated :doc:`data_sources/epacems` to switch from the old FTP server to the new CAMPD API, and to include 2022 data. Due to changes in the ETL, Alaska, Puerto Rico and Hawaii are now included in CEMS processing. See issue :issue:`1264` & PRs :pr:`2779`, :pr:` 2816`. * New :ref:`core_epa__assn_eia_epacamd` crosswalk version v0.3, see issue :issue:`2317` and PR :pr:`2316`. EPA's updates add manual matches and exclusions focusing on operating units with a generator ID as of 2018. * New PUDL tables from :doc:`data_sources/ferc1`, integrating older DBF and newer XBRL data. See :issue:`1574` for an overview of our progress integrating FERC's XBRL data. To see which DBF and XBRL tables the following PUDL tables are derived from, refer to :py:const:`pudl.extract.ferc1.TABLE_NAME_MAP` * :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_energy_sources_sched401`, see issue :issue:`1819` & PR :pr:`2094`. * :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_energy_dispositions_sched401`, see issue :issue:`1819` & PR :pr:`2100`. * :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_transmission_lines_sched422`, see issue :issue:`1822` & PR :pr:`2103` * :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_utility_plant_summary_sched200`, see issue :issue:`1806` & PR :pr:`2105`. * :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_balance_sheet_assets_sched110`, see issue :issue:`1805` & PRs :pr:`2112,2127`. * :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_balance_sheet_liabilities_sched110`, see issue :issue:`1810` & PR :pr:`2134`. * :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_depreciation_summary_sched336`, see issue :issue:`1816` & PR :pr:`2143`. * :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_income_statements_sched114`, see issue :issue:`1813` & PR :pr:`2147`. * :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_depreciation_changes_sched219` see issue :issue:`1808` & :pr:`2119`. * :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_depreciation_by_function_sched219` see issue :issue:`1808` & PR :pr:`2183`. * :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_operating_expenses_sched320`, see issue :issue:`1817` & PR :pr:`2162`. * :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_retained_earnings_sched118`, see issue :issue:`1811` & PR :pr:`2155`. * :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_cash_flows_sched120`, see issue :issue:`1821` & PR :pr:`2184`. * :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_sales_by_rate_schedules_sched304`, see issue :issue:`1823` & PR :pr:`2205`. * Harvested owner utilities from the EIA 860 ownership table which are now included in the :ref:`core_eia__entity_utilities` and :ref:`core_pudl__assn_eia_pudl_utilities` tables. See :pr:`2714`. Renamed columns with owner or operator suffix to differentiate between owner and operator utility columns in :ref:`core_eia860__scd_ownership` and :ref:`out_eia860__yearly_ownership`. See :pr:`2903`. * New PUDL tables from :doc:`data_sources/eia860`: * :ref:`core_eia860__scd_emissions_control_equipment`, see issue :issue:`2338` & PR :pr:`2561`. * :ref:`out_eia860__yearly_emissions_control_equipment`, see issue :issue:`2338` & PR :pr:`2561`. * :ref:`core_eia860__assn_yearly_boiler_emissions_control_equipment`, see :issue:`2338` & PR :pr:`2561`. * :ref:`core_eia860__assn_boiler_cooling`, see :issue:`2586` & PR :pr:`2587` * :ref:`core_eia860__assn_boiler_stack_flue`, see :issue:`2586` & PR :pr:`2587` * The :ref:`core_eia860__scd_boilers` table now includes annual boiler attributes from :doc:`data_sources/eia860` Schedule 6.2 Environmental Equipment data, and the new :ref:`core_eia__entity_boilers` table now includes static boiler attributes. See issue :issue:`1162` & PR :pr:`2319`. * All :doc:`data_sources/eia861` tables are now being loaded into the PUDL DB, rather than only being available via an ad-hoc ETL process that was only accessible through the :class:`pudl.output.pudltabl.PudlTabl` class. Note that most of these tables have not been normalized, and the ``utility_id_eia`` and ``balancing_authority_id_eia`` values in them haven't been harvested, so these tables have very few valid foreign key relationships with the rest of the database right now -- but at least the data is available in the database! Existing methods for accessing these tables have been preserved. The ``PudlTabl`` methods just read directly from the DB and apply uniform data types, rather than actually doing the ETL. See :issue:`2265` & :pr:`2403`. The newly accessible tables contain data from 2001-2021 and include: * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_advanced_metering_infrastructure` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_balancing_authority` * :ref:`core_eia861__assn_balancing_authority` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_demand_response` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_demand_response_water_heater` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_demand_side_management_sales` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_demand_side_management_ee_dr` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_demand_side_management_misc` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_distributed_generation_tech` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_distributed_generation_fuel` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_distributed_generation_misc` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_distribution_systems` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_dynamic_pricing` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_energy_efficiency` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_green_pricing` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_mergers` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_net_metering_customer_fuel_class` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_net_metering_misc` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_non_net_metering_customer_fuel_class` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_non_net_metering_misc` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_operational_data_revenue` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_operational_data_misc` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_reliability` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_sales` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_service_territory` * :ref:`core_eia861__assn_utility` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_utility_data_nerc` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_utility_data_rto` * :ref:`core_eia861__yearly_utility_data_misc` * A couple of tables from :doc:`data_sources/ferc714` have been added to the PUDL DB. These tables contain data from 2006-2020 (2021 is distributed by FERC in XBRL format and we have not yet integrated it). See :issue:`2266`, :pr:`2421` and :pr:`2550`. The newly accessible tables include: * :ref:`core_ferc714__respondent_id` (linking FERC-714 respondents to EIA utilities) * :ref:`out_ferc714__hourly_planning_area_demand` (hourly electricity demand by planning area) * :ref:`out_ferc714__respondents_with_fips` (annual respondents with county FIPS IDs) * :ref:`out_ferc714__summarized_demand` (annual demand for FERC-714 respondents) * Added new table :ref:`core_epa__assn_eia_epacamd_subplant_ids`, which aguments the :ref:`core_epa__assn_eia_epacamd` glue table. This table incorporates all :ref:`core_eia__entity_generators` and all :ref:`core_epacems__hourly_emissions` ID's and uses these complete IDs to develop a full-coverage ``subplant_id`` column which granularly connects EPA CAMD with EIA. Thanks to :user:`grgmiller` for his contribution to this process. See :issue:`2456` & :pr:`2491`. * Added new table :ref:`out_pudl__yearly_assn_eia_ferc1_plant_parts` which links FERC1 records from :ref:`out_ferc1__yearly_all_plants` and :ref:`out_eia__yearly_plant_parts`. * Thanks to contributions from :user:`rousik` we've generalized the code we use to convert FERC's old annual Visual FoxPro databases into multi-year SQLite databases. * We have started extracting the FERC Form 2 (natual gas utility financial reports). See issues :issue:`1984,2642` and PRs :pr:`2536,2564,2652`. We haven't yet done any integration of the Form 2 into the cleaned and normalized PUDL DB, but the converted `FERC Form 2 is available on Datasette `__ covering 1996-2020. Earlier years (1991-1995) were distributed using a different binary format and we don't currently have plans to extract them. From 2021 onward we are extracting the `FERC 2 from XBRL `__. * Similarly :pr:`2595` converts the earlier years of FERC Form 6 (2000-2020) from DBF to SQLite, describing the finances of oil pipeline companies. When the nightly builds succeed, `FERC Form 6 will be available on Datasette `__ as well. * :pr:`2734` converts the earlier years of FERC Form 60 (2006-2020) from DBF to SQLite. Form 60 is a comprehensive financial and operating report submitted for centralized service companies. `FERC Form 60 will also be available on Datasette `__. Data Cleaning ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Removed inconsistently reported leading zeroes from numeric ``boiler_id`` values. This affected a small number of records in any table referring to boilers, including :ref:`core_eia__entity_boilers`, :ref:`core_eia860__scd_boilers`, :ref:`core_eia923__monthly_boiler_fuel`, :ref:`core_eia860__assn_boiler_generator` and the :ref:`core_epa__assn_eia_epacamd` crosswalk. It also had some minor downstream effects on the MCOE outputs. See :issue:`2366` and :pr:`2367`. * The :ref:`core_eia923__monthly_boiler_fuel` table now includes the ``prime_mover_code`` column. This column was previously incorrectly being associated with boilers in the :ref:`core_eia__entity_boilers` table. See issue :issue:`2349` & PR :pr:`2362`. * Fixed column naming issues in the :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_operating_revenues_sched300` table. * Made minor calculation fixes in the metadata for :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_income_statements_sched114`, :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_utility_plant_summary_sched200`, :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_operating_revenues_sched300`, :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_balance_sheet_assets_sched110`, :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_balance_sheet_liabilities_sched110`, and :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_operating_expenses_sched320`, :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_depreciation_changes_sched219` and :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_depreciation_by_function_sched219`. See :issue:`2016`, :pr:`2563`, :pr:`2662` and :pr:`2687`. * Changed the :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_retained_earnings_sched118` table transform to restore factoids for previous year balances, and added calculation metadata. See :issue:`1811`, :issue:`2016`, and :pr:`2645`. * Added "correction" records to many FERC Form 1 tables where the reported totals do not match the outcomes of calculations specified in XBRL metadata (even after cleaning up the often incorrect calculation specifications!). See :issue:`2957` and :pr:`2620`. * Flip the sign of some erroneous negative values in the :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_plant_in_service_sched204` and :ref:`core_ferc1__yearly_utility_plant_summary_sched200` tables. See :issue:`2599`, and :pr:`2647`. Analysis ^^^^^^^^ * Added a method for attributing fuel consumption reported on the basis of boiler ID and fuel to individual generators, analogous to the existing method for attributing net generation reported on the basis of prime mover & fuel. This should allow much more complete estimates of generator heat rates and thus fuel costs and emissions. Thanks to :user:`grgmiller` for his contribution, which was integrated by :user:`cmgosnell`! See PRs :pr:`1096,1608` and issues :issue:`1468,1478`. * Integrated :mod:`pudl.analysis.eia_ferc1_record_linkage` from our RMI collaboration repo, which uses logistic regression to match FERC1 plants data to EIA 860 records. While far from perfect, this baseline model utilizes the manually created training data and plant IDs to perform record linkage on the FERC1 data and EIA plant parts list created in :mod:`pudl.analysis.plant_parts_eia`. See issue :issue:`1064` & PR :pr:`2224`. To account for 1:m matches in the manual data, we added ``plant_match_ferc1`` as a plant part in :mod:`pudl.analysis.plant_parts_eia`. * Refined how we are associating generation and fuel data in :mod:`pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel`, which was renamed from ``allocate_net_gen``. Energy source codes that show up in the :ref:`core_eia923__monthly_generation_fuel` or the :ref:`core_eia923__monthly_boiler_fuel` are now added into the :ref:`core_eia860__scd_generators` table so associating those gf and bf records are more cleanly associated with generators. Thanks to :user:`grgmiller` for his contribution, which was integrated by :user:`cmgosnell`! See PRs :pr:`2235,2446`. * The :mod:`pudl.analysis.mcoe` table now uses the allocated estimates for per-generator net generation and fuel consumption. See PR :pr:`2553`. * Additionally, the :mod:`pudl.analysis.mcoe` table now only includes attributes pertaining to the generator capacity, heat rate, and fuel cost. No additional generator attributes are included in this table. The full table with generator attributes merged on is now provided by :mod:`pudl.analysis.mcoe_generators`. See PR :pr:`2553`. * Added outputs from :mod:`pudl.analysis.service_territory` and :mod:`pudl.analysis.state_demand` into PUDL. These outputs include the US Census geometries associated with balancing authority and utility data from EIA 861 (:ref:`out_eia861__yearly_balancing_authority_service_territory` and :ref:`out_eia861__yearly_utility_service_territory`), and the estimated total hourly electricity demand for each US state in :ref:`out_ferc714__hourly_estimated_state_demand`. See :issue:`1973` and :pr:`2550`. Deprecations ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Replace references to deprecated ``pudl-scrapers`` and ``pudl-zenodo-datastore`` repositories with references to `pudl-archiver `__ repository in :doc:`dev/datastore`, and :doc:`dev/existing_data_updates`. See :pr:`2190`. * :mod:`pudl.etl` is now a subpackage that collects all pudl assets into a dagster `Definition `__. All ``pudl.etl._etl_{datasource}`` functions have been deprecated. The coordination of ETL steps is being handled by dagster. * The ``pudl.load`` module has been removed in favor of using the :mod:`pudl.io_managers.pudl_sqlite_io_manager`. * The ``pudl_etl`` and ``ferc_to_sqlite`` commands no longer support loading specific tables. The commands run all of the tables. Use dagster assets to run subsets of the tables. * The ``--clobber`` argument has been removed from the ``pudl_etl`` command. * ``pudl.transform.eia860.transform()`` and ``pudl.transform.eia923.transform()`` functions have been deprecated. The table level EIA cleaning funtions are now coordinated using dagster. * ``pudl.transform.ferc1.transform()`` has been removed. The ferc1 table transformations are now being orchestrated with Dagster. * ``pudl.transform.ferc1.transform`` can no longer be executed as a script. Use dagster-webserver to execute just the FERC Form 1 pipeline. * ``pudl.extract.ferc1.extract_dbf``, ``pudl.extract.ferc1.extract_xbrl`` ``pudl.extract.ferc1.extract_xbrl_single``, ``pudl.extract.ferc1.extract_dbf_single``, ``pudl.extract.ferc1.extract_xbrl_generic``, ``pudl.extract.ferc1.extract_dbf_generic`` have all been deprecated. The extraction logic is now covered by the :mod:`pudl.io_managers.ferc1_xbrl_sqlite_io_manager` and :mod:`pudl.io_managers.ferc1_dbf_sqlite_io_manager` IO Managers. * ``pudl.extract.ferc1.extract_xbrl_metadata`` has been replaced by the :func:`pudl.extract.ferc1.xbrl_metadata_json` asset. * All sub classes of :func:`pudl.settings.GenericDatasetSettings` in :mod:`pudl.settings` no longer have table attributes because the ETL no longer supports loading specific tables via settings. Use dagster to select subsets of tables to process. Miscellaneous ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Updated PUDL to use Python 3.11. See :pr:`2408` & :issue:`2383` * Apply start and end dates to ferc1 data in :class:`pudl.output.pudltabl.PudlTabl`. See :pr:`2238` & :issue:`274`. * Add generic spot fix method to transform process, to manually rescue FERC1 records. See :pr:`2254` & :issue:`1980`. * Reverted a fix made in :pr:`1909`, which mapped all plants located in NY state that reported a balancing authority code of "ISONE" to "NYISO". These plants now retain their original EIA codes. Plants with manual re-mapping of BA codes have also been fixed to have correctly updated BA names. See :pr:`2312` and :issue:`2255`. * Fixed a column naming bug that was causing EIA860 monthly retirement dates to get nulled out. See :issue:`2834` and :pr:`2835` * Switched to using ``conda-lock`` and ``Makefile`` to manage testing and python environment. Moved away from packaging PUDL for distribution via PyPI and ``conda-forge`` and toward treating it as an application. See :pr:`2968` * The two-point-ohening: We now require Pandas v2 (see :pr:`2320`), SQLAlchemy v2 (see :pr:`2267`) and Pydantic v2 (see :pr:`3051`). * Update the names of our FERC SQLite DBs to indicate what source data they come from. See issue :issue:`3079` and` :pr:`3094`. .. _release-v2022.11.30: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2022.11.30 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Coverage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Added archives of the bulk EIA electricity API data to our datastore, since the API itself is too unreliable for production use. This is part of :issue:`1763`. The code for this new data is ``eia_bulk_elec`` and the data comes as a single 200MB zipped JSON file. :pr:`1922` updates the datastore to include `this archive on Zenodo `__ but most of the work happened in the `pudl-scrapers `__ and `pudl-zenodo-storage `__ repositories. See issue :issue:`catalyst-cooperative/pudl-zenodo-storage#29`. * Incorporated 2021 data from the :doc:`data_sources/epacems` dataset. See :pr:`1778` * Incorporated Final Release 2021 data from the :doc:`data_sources/eia860`, :doc:`data_sources/eia861`, and :doc:`data_sources/eia923`. We also integrated a ``data_maturity`` column and related ``data_maturities`` table into most of the EIA data tables in order to alter users to the level of finality of the data. See :pr:`1834,1855,1915,1921`. * Incorporated 2022 data from the :doc:`data_sources/eia860` monthly update from September 2022. See :pr:`2079`. A June 2022 eia860m update included adding new ``energy_storage_capacity_mwh`` (for batteries) and ``net_capacity_mwdc`` (for behind-the-meter solar PV) attributes to the ``generators_eia860`` table, as they appear in the :doc:`data_sources/eia860` monthly updates for 2022. See :pr:`1834`. * Added new ``datasources`` table, which includes partitions used to generate the database. See :pr:`2079`. * Integrated several new columns into the EIA 860 and EIA 923 including several codes with coding tables (See :doc:`data_dictionaries/codes_and_labels`). :pr:`1836` * Added the `EPACAMD-EIA Crosswalk `__ to the database. Previously, the crosswalk was a csv stored in ``package_data/glue``, but now it has its own scraper :pr:`https://github.com/catalyst-cooperative/pudl-scrapers/pull/20`, archiver, :pr:`https://github.com/catalyst-cooperative/pudl-zenodo-storage/pull/20` and place in the PUDL db. For now there's a ``epacamd_eia`` output table you can use to merge CEMS and EIA data yourself :pr:`1692`. Eventually we'll work these crosswalk values into an output table combining CEMS and EIA. * Integrated 2021 from the :doc:`data_sources/ferc1` data. FERC updated its reporting format for 2021 from a DBF file to a XBRL files. This required a major overhaul of the extract and transform step. The updates were accumulated in :pr:`1665`. The raw XBRL data is being extracted through a `FERC XBRL Extractor `__. This work is ongoing with additional tasks being tracked in :issue:`1574`. Specific updates in this release include: * Convert XBRL into raw sqlite database :pr:`1831` * Build transformer infrastructure & Add ``fuel_ferc1`` table :pr:`1721` * Map utility XBRL and DBF utility IDs :pr:`1931` * Add ``plants_steam_ferc1`` table :pr:`1881` * Add ``plants_hydro_ferc1`` :pr:`1992` * Add ``plants_pumped_storage_ferc1`` :pr:`2005` * Add ``purchased_power_ferc1`` :pr:`2011` * Add ``plants_small_ferc1`` table :pr:`2035` * Add ``plant_in_service_ferc1`` table :pr:`2025` & :pr:`2058` * Added all of the SQLite databases which we build from FERC's raw XBRL filings to our Datasette deployment. See :pr:`2095` & :issue:`2080`. Browse the published data here: * `FERC Form 1 `__ * `FERC Form 2 `__ * `FERC Form 6 `__ * `FERC Form 60 `__ * `FERC Form 714 `__ Data Analysis ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Instead of relying on the EIA API to fill in redacted fuel prices with aggregate values for individual states and plants, use the archived ``eia_bulk_elec`` data. This means we no longer have any reliance on the API, which should make the fuel price filling faster and more reliable. Coverage is still only about 90%. See :issue:`1764` and :pr:`1998`. Additional filling with aggregate and/or imputed values is still on the workplan. You can follow the progress in :issue:`1708`. Nightly Data Builds ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * We added infrastructure to run the entire ETL and all tests nightly so we can catch data errors when they are merged into ``dev``. This allows us to automatically update the `PUDL Intake data catalogs `__ when there are new code releases. See :issue:`1177` for more details. * Created a `docker image `__ that installs PUDL and it's depedencies. The ``build-deploy-pudl.yaml`` GitHub Action builds and pushes the image to Docker Hub and deploys the image on a Google Compute Engine instance. The ETL outputs are then loaded to Google Cloud buckets for the data catalogs to access. * Added ``GoogleCloudStorageCache`` support to ``ferc1_to_sqlite`` and ``censusdp1tract_to_sqlite`` commands and pytest. * Allow users to create monolithic and partitioned EPA CEMS outputs without having to clobber or move any existing CEMS outputs. * ``GoogleCloudStorageCache`` now supports accessing requester pays buckets. * Added a ``--loglevel`` arg to the package entrypoint commands. Database Schema Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * After learning that generators' prime movers do very occasionally change over time, we recategorized the ``prime_mover_code`` column in our entity resolution process to enable the rare but real variability over time. We moved the ``prime_mover_code`` column from the statically harvested/normalized data column to an annually harvested data column (i.e. from ``generators_entity_eia`` to ``generators_eia860``) :pr:`1600`. See :issue:`1585` for more details. * Created ``operational_status_eia`` into our static metadata tables (See :doc:`data_dictionaries/codes_and_labels`). Used these standard codes and code fixes to clean ``operational_status_code`` in the ``generators_entity_eia`` table. :pr:`1624` * Moved a number of slowly changing plant attributes from the ``plants_entity_eia`` table to the annual ``plants_eia860`` table. See :issue:`1748` and :pr:`1749`. This was initially inspired by the desire to more accurately reproduce the aggregated fuel prices which are available in the EIA's API. Along with state, census region, month, year, and fuel type, those prices are broken down by industrial sector. Previously ``sector_id_eia`` (an aggregation of several ``primary_purpose_naics_id`` values) had been assumed to be static over a plant's lifetime, when in fact it can change if e.g. a plant is sold to an IPP by a regulated utility. Other plant attributes which are now allowed to vary annually include: * ``balancing_authority_code_eia`` * ``balancing_authority_name_eia`` * ``ferc_cogen_status`` * ``ferc_exempt_wholesale_generator`` * ``ferc_small_power_producer`` * ``grid_voltage_1_kv`` * ``grid_voltage_2_kv`` * ``grid_voltage_3_kv`` * ``iso_rto_code`` * ``primary_purpose_id_naics`` * Renamed ``grid_voltage_kv`` to ``grid_voltage_1_kv`` in the ``plants_eia860`` table, to follow the pattern of many other multiply reported values. * Added a ``balancing_authorities_eia`` coding table mapping BA codes found in the :doc:`data_sources/eia860` and :doc:`data_sources/eia923` to their names, cleaning up non-standard codes, and fixing some reporting errors for ``PACW`` vs. ``PACE`` (PacifiCorp West vs. East) based on the state associated with the plant reporting the code. Also added backfilling for codes in years before 2013 when BA Codes first started being reported, but only in the output tables. See: :pr:`1906,1911` * Renamed and removed some columns in the :doc:`data_sources/epacems` dataset. ``unitid`` was changed to ``emissions_unit_id_epa`` to clarify the type of unit it represents. ``unit_id_epa`` was removed because it is a unique identifyer for ``emissions_unit_id_epa`` and not otherwise useful or transferable to other datasets. ``facility_id`` was removed because it is specific to EPA's internal database and does not aid in connection with other data. :pr:`1692` * Added a new table ``political_subdivisions`` which consolidated various bits of information about states, territories, provinces etc. that had previously been scattered across constants stored in the codebase. The ``ownership_eia860`` table had a mix of state and country information stored in the same column, and to retain all of it we added a new ``owner_country_code`` column. :pr:`1966` Data Accuracy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Retain NA values for :doc:`data_sources/epacems` fields ``gross_load_mw`` and ``heat_content_mmbtu``. Previously, these fields converted NA to 0, but this is not accurate, so we removed this step. * Update the ``plant_id_eia`` field from :doc:`data_sources/epacems` with values from the newly integrated ``epacamd_eia`` crosswalk as not all EPA's ORISPL codes are correct. Helper Function Updates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Replaced the PUDL helper function ``clean_merge_asof`` that merged two dataframes reported on different temporal granularities, for example monthly vs yearly data. The reworked function, :mod:`pudl.helpers.date_merge`, is more encapsulating and faster and replaces ``clean_merge_asof`` in the MCOE table and EIA 923 tables. See :pr:`1103,1550` * The helper function :mod:`pudl.helpers.expand_timeseries` was also added, which expands a dataframe to include a full timeseries of data at a certain frequency. The coordinating function :mod:`pudl.helpers.full_timeseries_date_merge` first calls :mod:`pudl.helpers.date_merge` to merge two dataframes of different temporal granularities, and then calls :mod:`pudl.helpers.expand_timeseries` to expand the merged dataframe to a full timeseries. The added ``timeseries_fillin`` argument, makes this function optionally used to generate the MCOE table that includes a full monthly timeseries even in years when annually reported generators don't have matching monthly data. See :pr:`1550` * Updated the ``fix_leading_zero_gen_ids`` fuction by changing the name to ``remove_leading_zeros_from_numeric_strings`` because it's used to fix more than just the ``generator_id`` column. Included a new argument to specify which column you'd like to fix. Plant Parts List Module Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * We refactored a couple components of the Plant Parts List module in preparation for the next round of entity matching of EIA and FERC Form 1 records with the Panda model developed by the `Chu Data Lab at Georgia Tech `__, through work funded by a `CCAI Innovation Grant `__. The labeling of different aggregations of EIA generators as the true granularity was sped up, resulting in faster generation of the final plant parts list. In addition, the generation of the ``installation_year`` column in the plant parts list was fixed and a ``construction_year`` column was also added. Finally, ``operating_year`` was added as a level that the EIA generators are now aggregated to. * The mega generators table and in turn the plant parts list requires the MCOE table to generate. The MCOE table is now created with the new :mod:`pudl.helpers.date_merge` helper function (described above). As a result, now by default only columns from the EIA 860 generators table that are necessary for the creation of the plant parts list will be included in the MCOE table. This list of columns is defined by the global :mod:`pudl.analysis.mcoe.DEFAULT_GENS_COLS`. If additional columns that are not part of the default list are needed from the EIA 860 generators table, these columns can be passed in with the ``gens_cols`` argument. See :pr:`1550` * For memory efficiency, appropriate columns are now cast to string and categorical types when the full plant parts list is created. The resource and field metadata is now included in the PUDL metadata. See :pr:`1865` * For clarity and specificity, the ``plant_name_new`` column was renamed ``plant_name_ppe`` and the ``ownership`` column was renamed ``ownership_record_type``. See :pr:`1865` * The ``PLANT_PARTS_ORDERED`` list was removed and ``PLANT_PARTS`` is now an ``OrderedDict`` that establishes the plant parts hierarchy in its keys. All references to ``PLANT_PARTS_ORDERED`` were replaced with the ``PLANT_PARTS`` keys. See :pr:`1865` Metadata ^^^^^^^^ * Used the data source metadata class added in release 0.6.0 to dynamically generate the data source documentation (See :doc:`data_sources/index`). :pr:`1532` * The EIA plant parts list was added to the resource and field metadata. This is the first output table to be included in the metadata. See :pr:`1865` Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed broken links in the documentation since the Air Markets Program Data (AMPD) changed to Clean Air Markets Data (CAMD). * Added graphics and clearer descriptions of EPA data and reporting requirements to the :doc:`data_sources/epacems` page. Also included information about the ``epacamd_eia`` crosswalk. Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * `Dask v2022.4.2 `__ introduced breaking changes into :meth:`dask.dataframe.read_parquet`. However, we didn't catch this when it happened because it's only a problem when there's more than one row-group. Now we're processing 2019-2020 data for both ID and ME (two of the smallest states) in the tests. Also restricted the allowed Dask versions in our ``setup.py`` so that we get notified by the dependabot any time even a minor update. happens to any of the packages we depend on that use calendar versioning. See :pr:`1618`. * Fixed a testing bug where the partitioned EPA CEMS outputs generated using parallel processing were getting output in the same output directory as the real ETL, which should never happen. See :pr:`1618`. * Changed the way fixes to the EIA-861 balancing authority names and IDs are applied, so that they still work when only some years of data are being processed. See :pr:`1671` and :issue:`828`. Dependencies / Environment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * In conjunction with getting the :user:`dependabot` set up to merge its own PRs if CI passes, we tightened the version constraints on a lot of our dependencies. This should reduce the frequency with which we get surprised by changes breaking things after release. See :pr:`1655` * We've switched to using `mambaforge `__ to manage our environments internally, and are recommending that users use it as well. * We're moving toward treating PUDL like an application rather than a library, and part of that is no longer trying to be compatible with a wide range of versions of our dependencies, instead focusing on a single reproducible environment that is associated with each release, using lockfiles, etc. See :issue:`1669` * As an "application" PUDL is now only supporting the most recent major version of Python (curently 3.10). We used `pyupgrade `__ and `pep585-upgrade `__ to update the syntax of to use Python 3.10 norms, and are now using those packages as pre-commit hooks as well. See :pr:`1685` .. _release-v0-6-0: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.6.0 (2022-03-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Coverage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :doc:`data_sources/eia860` monthly updates (``eia860m``) up to the end of 2021. :pr:`1510` New Analyses ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * For the purposes of linking EIA and FERC Form 1 records, we (mostly :user:`cmgosnell`) have created a new output called the Plant Parts List in :mod:`pudl.analysis.plant_parts_eia` which combines many different sub-parts of the EIA generators based on their fuel type, prime movers, ownership, etc. This allows a huge range of hypothiecally possible FERC Form 1 plant records to be synthesized, so that we can identify exactly what data in EIA should be associated with what data in FERC using a variety of record linkage & entity matching techniques. This is still a work in progress, both with our partners at RMI, and in collaboration with the `Chu Data Lab at Georgia Tech `__, through work funded by a `CCAI Innovation Grant `__. :pr:`1157` Metadata ^^^^^^^^ * Column data types for our database and Apache Parquet outputs, as well as pandas dataframes are all based on the same underlying schemas, and should be much more consistent. :pr:`1370,1377,1408` * Defined a data source metadata class :class:`pudl.metadata.classes.DataSource` using Pydantic to store information and procedures specific to each data source (e.g. :doc:`data_sources/ferc1`, :doc:`data_sources/eia923`). :pr:`1446` * Use the data source metadata classes to automatically export rich metadata for use with our Datasette deployement. :pr:`1479` * Use the data source metadata classes to store rich metadata for use with our `Zenodo raw data archives `__ so that information is no longer duplicated and liable to get out of sync. :pr:`1475` * Added static tables and metadata structures that store definitions and additional information related to the many coded categorical columns in the database. These tables are exported directly into the documentation (See :doc:`data_dictionaries/codes_and_labels`). The metadata structures also document all of the non-standard values that we've identified in the raw data, and the standard codes that they are mapped to. :pr:`1388` * As a result of all these metadata improvements we were finally able to close :issue:`52` and delete the ``pudl.constants`` junk-drawer module... after 5 years. Data Cleaning ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed a few inaccurately hand-mapped PUDL Plant & Utility IDs. :pr:`1458,1480` * We are now using the coding table metadata mentioned above and the foreign key relationships that are part of the database schema to automatically recode any column that refers to the codes defined in the coding table. This results in much more uniformity across the whole database, especially in the EIA ``energy_source_code`` columns. :pr:`1416` * In the raw input data, often NULL values will be represented by the empty string or other not really NULL values. We went through and cleaned these up in all of the categorical / coded columns so that their values can be validated based on either an ENUM constraint in the database, or a foreign key constraint linking them to the static coding tables. Now they should primarily use the pandas NA value, or numpy.nan in the case of floats. :pr:`1376` * Many FIPS and ZIP codes that appear in the raw data are stored as integers rather than strings, meaning that they lose their leading zeros, rendering them invalid in many contexts. We use the same method to clean them all up now, and enforce a uniform field width with leading zero padding. This also allows us to enforce a regex pattern constraint on these fields in the database outputs. :pr:`1405,1476` * We're now able to fill in missing values in the very useful ``generators_eia860`` ``technology_description`` field. Currently this is optionally available in the output layer, but we want to put more of this kind of data repair into the core database gong forward. :pr:`1075` Miscellaneous ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Created a simple script that allows our SQLite DB to be loaded into Google's CloudSQL hosted PostgreSQL service `pgloader `__ and `pg_dump `__. :pr:`1361` * Made better use of our `Pydantic settings classes `__ to validate and manage the ETL settings that are read in from YAML files and passed around throughout the functions that orchestrate the ETL process. :pr:`1506` * PUDL now works with pandas 1.4 (:pr:`1421`) and Python 3.10 (:pr:`1373`). * Addressed a bunch of deprecation warnings being raised by :mod:`geopandas`. :pr:`1444` * Integrated the `pre-commit.ci `__ service into our GitHub CI in order to automatically apply a variety of code formatting & checks to all commits. :pr:`1482` * Fixed random seeds to avoid stochastic test coverage changes in the :mod:`pudl.analysis.timeseries_cleaning` module. :pr:`1483` * Silenced a bunch of 3rd party module warnings in the tests. See :pr:`1476` Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * In addressing :issue:`851,1296,1325` the ``generation_fuel_eia923`` table was split to create a ``generation_fuel_nuclear_eia923`` table since they have different primary keys. This meant that the :meth:`pudl.output.pudltabl.PudlTabl.gf_eia923` method no longer included nuclear generation. This impacted the net generation allocation process and MCOE calculations downstream, which were expecting to have all the reported nuclear generation. This has now been fixed, and the generation fuel output includes both the nuclear and non-nuclear generation, with nuclear generation aggregated across nuclear unit IDs so that it has the same primary key as the rest of the generation fuel table. :pr:`1518` * EIA changed the URL of their API to only accept connections over HTTPS, but we had a hard-coded HTTP URL, meaning the historical fuel price filling that uses the API broke. This has been fixed. Known Issues ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Everything is fiiiiiine. .. _release-v0-5-0: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.5.0 (2021-11-11) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Coverage Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Integration of 2020 data for all our core datasets (See :issue:`1255`): * :doc:`data_sources/eia860` for 2020 as well as 2001-2003 (see :issue:`1122`). * EIA Form 860m through 2021-08. * :doc:`data_sources/eia923` for 2020. * :doc:`data_sources/ferc1` for 2020. * :doc:`data_sources/eia861` data for 2020. * :doc:`data_sources/ferc714` for 2020. * Note: the 2020 :doc:`data_sources/epacems` data was already available in v0.4.0. * **EPA IPM / NEEDS** data has been removed from PUDL as we didn't have the internal resources to maintain it, and it was no longer working. Apologies to :user:`gschivley`! SQLite and Parquet Outputs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * The ETL pipeline now outputs SQLite databases and Apache Parquet datasets directly, rather than generating tabular data packages. This is much faster and simpler, and also takes up less space on disk. Running the full ETL including all EPA CEMS data should now take around 2 hours if you have all the data downloaded. * The new :mod:`pudl.load.sqlite` and :mod:`pudl.load.parquet` modules contain this logic. The :mod:`pudl.load.csv` and :mod:`pudl.load.metadata` modules have been removed along with other remaining datapackage infrastructure. See :issue:`1211` * Many more tables now have natural primary keys explicitly specified within the database schema. * The ``datapkg_to_sqlite`` script has been removed and the ``epacems_to_parquet`` script can now be used to process the original EPA CEMS CSV data directly to Parquet using an existing PUDL database to source plant timezones. See :issue:`1176,806`. * Data types, specified value constraints, and the uniqueness / non-null constraints on primary keys are validated during insertion into the SQLite DB. * The PUDL ETL CLI :mod:`pudl.etl.cli` now has flags to toggle various constraint checks including ``--ignore-foreign-key-constraints`` ``--ignore-type-constraints`` and ``--ignore-value-constraints``. New Metadata System ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ With the deprecation of tabular data package outputs, we've adopted a more modular metadata management system that uses `Pydantic `__. This setup will allow us to easily validate the metadata schema and export to a variety of formats to support data distribution via `Datasette `__ and `Intake catalogs `__, and automatic generation of data dictionaries and documentation. See :issue:`806,1271,1272` and the :mod:`pudl.metadata` subpackage. Many thanks to :user:`ezwelty` for most of this work. ETL Settings File Format Changed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We are also using `Pydantic `__ to parse and validate the YAML settings files that tell PUDL what data to include in an ETL run. If you have any old settings files of your own lying around they'll need to be updated. Examples of the new format will be deployed to your system if you re-run the ``pudl_setup`` script. Or you can make a copy of the ``etl_full.yml`` or ``etl_fast.yml`` files that are stored under ``src/pudl/package_data/settings`` and edit them to reflect your needs. Database Schema Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ With the direct database output and the new metadata system, it's much eaiser for us to create foreign key relationships automatically. Updates that are in progress to the database normalization and entity resolution process also benefit from using natural primary keys when possible. As a result we've made some changes to the PUDL database schema, which will probably affect some users. * We have split out a new ``generation_fuel_nuclear_eia923`` table from the existing ``generation_fuel_eia923`` table, as nuclear generation and fuel consumption are reported at the generation unit level, rather than the plant level, requiring a different natural primary key. See :issue:`851,1296,1325`. * Implementing a natural primary key for the ``boiler_fuel_eia923`` table required the aggregation of a small number of records that didn't have well-defined ``prime_mover_code`` values. See :issue:`852,1306,1311`. * We repaired, aggregated, or dropped a small number of records in the ``generation_eia923`` (See :issue:`1208,1248`) and ``ownership_eia860`` (See :issue:`1207,1258`) tables due to null values in their primary key columns. * Many new foreign key constraints are being enforced between the EIA data tables, entity tables, and coding tables. See :issue:`1196`. * Fuel types and energy sources reported to EIA are now defined in / constrained by the static ``energy_sources_eia`` table. * The columns that indicate the mode of transport for various fuels now contain short codes rather than longer labels, and are defined in / constrained by the static ``fuel_transportation_modes_eia`` table. * In the simplified FERC 1 fuel type categories, we're now using ``other`` instead of ``unknown``. * Several columns have been renamed to harmonize meanings between different tables and datasets, including: * In ``generation_fuel_eia923`` and ``boiler_fuel_eia923`` the ``fuel_type`` and ``fuel_type_code`` columns have been replaced with ``energy_source_code``, which appears in various forms in ``generators_eia860`` and ``fuel_receipts_costs_eia923``. * ``fuel_qty_burned`` is now ``fuel_consumed_units`` * ``fuel_qty_units`` is now ``fuel_received_units`` * ``heat_content_mmbtu_per_unit`` is now ``fuel_mmbtu_per_unit`` * ``sector_name`` and ``sector_id`` are now ``sector_name_eia`` and ``sector_id_eia`` * ``primary_purpose_naics_id`` is now ``primary_purpose_id_naics`` * ``mine_type_code`` is now ``mine_type`` (a human readable label, not a code). New Analyses ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Added a deployed console script for running the state-level hourly electricity demand allocation, using FERC 714 and EIA 861 data, simply called ``state_demand`` and implemented in :mod:`pudl.analysis.state_demand`. This script existed in the v0.4.0 release, but was not deployed on the user's system. Known Issues ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * The ``pudl_territories`` script has been disabled temporarily due to a memory issue. See :issue:`1174` * Utility and Balancing Authority service territories for 2020 have not been vetted, and may contain errors or omissions. In particular there seems to be some missing demand in ND, SD, NE, KS, and OK. See :issue:`1310` Updated Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * **SQLAlchemy 1.4.x:** Addressed all deprecation warnings associated with API changes coming in SQLAlchemy 2.0, and bumped current requirement to 1.4.x * **Pandas 1.3.x:** Addressed many data type issues resulting from changes in how Pandas preserves and propagates ExtensionArray / nullable data types. * **PyArrow v5.0.0** Updated to the most recent version * **PyGEOS v0.10.x** Updated to the most recent version * **contextily** has been removed, since we only used it optionally for making a single visualization and it has substantial dependencies itself. * **goodtables-pandas-py** has been removed since we're no longer producing or validating datapackages. * **SQLite 3.32.0** The type checks that we've implemented currently only work with SQLite version 3.32.0 or later, as we discovered in debugging build failures on PR :issue:`1228`. Unfortunately Ubuntu 20.04 LTS shipped with SQLite 3.31.1. Using ``conda`` to manage your Python environment avoids this issue. .. _release-v0-4-0: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.4.0 (2021-08-16) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a ridiculously large update including more than a year and a half's worth of work. New Data Coverage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :doc:`data_sources/eia860` for 2004-2008 + 2019, plus eia860m through 2020. * :doc:`data_sources/eia923` for 2001-2008 + 2019 * :doc:`data_sources/epacems` for 2019-2020 * :doc:`data_sources/ferc1` for 2019 * :ref:`US Census Demographic Profile (DP1) ` for 2010 * :doc:`data_sources/ferc714` for 2006-2019 (experimental) * :doc:`data_sources/eia861` for 2001-2019 (experimental) Documentation & Data Accessibility ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We've updated and (hopefully) clarified the documentation, and no longer expect most users to perform the data processing on their own. Instead, we are offering several methods of directly accessing already processed data: * Processed data archives on Zenodo that include a Docker container preserving the required software environment for working with the data. * `A repository of PUDL example notebooks `__ * `A JupyterHub instance `__ hosted in collaboration with `2i2c `__ * Browsable database access via `Datasette `__ at https://data.catalyst.coop Users who still want to run the ETL themselves will need to set up the :doc:`set up the PUDL development environment ` Data Cleaning & Integration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * We now inject placeholder utilities in the cloned FERC Form 1 database when respondent IDs appear in the data tables, but not in the respondent table. This addresses a bunch of unsatisfied foreign key constraints in the original databases published by FERC. * We're doing much more software testing and data validation, and so hopefully we're catching more issues early on. Hourly Electricity Demand and Historical Utility Territories ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ With support from `GridLab `__ and in collaboration with researchers at Berkeley's `Center for Environmental Public Policy `__, we did a bunch of work on spatially attributing hourly historical electricity demand. This work was largely done by :user:`ezwelty` and :user:`yashkumar1803` and included: * Semi-programmatic compilation of historical utility and balancing authority service territory geometries based on the counties associated with utilities, and the utilities associated with balancing authorities in the EIA 861 (2001-2019). See e.g. :pr:`670` but also many others. * A method for spatially allocating hourly electricity demand from FERC 714 to US states based on the overlapping historical utility service territories described above. See :pr:`741` * A fast timeseries outlier detection routine for cleaning up the FERC 714 hourly data using correlations between the time series reported by all of the different entities. See :pr:`871` Net Generation and Fuel Consumption for All Generators ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We have developed an experimental methodology to produce net generation and fuel consumption for all generators. The process has known issues and is being actively developed. See :pr:`989` Net electricity generation and fuel consumption are reported in multiple ways in the EIA 923. The ``generation_fuel_eia923`` table reports both generation and fuel consumption, and breaks them down by plant, prime mover, and fuel. In parallel, the ``generation_eia923`` table reports generation by generator, and the ``boiler_fuel_eia923`` table reports fuel consumption by boiler. The ``generation_fuel_eia923`` table is more complete, but the ``generation_eia923`` + ``boiler_fuel_eia923`` tables are more granular. The ``generation_eia923`` table includes only ~55% of the total MWhs reported in the ``generation_fuel_eia923`` table. The :mod:`pudl.analysis.allocate_gen_fuel` module estimates the net electricity generation and fuel consumption attributable to individual generators based on the more expansive reporting of the data in the ``generation_fuel_eia923`` table. Data Management and Archiving ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * We now use a series of web scrapers to collect snapshots of the raw input data that is processed by PUDL. These original data are archived as `Frictionless Data Packages `__ on `Zenodo `__, so that they can be accessed reproducibly and programmatically via a REST API. This addresses the problems we were having with the v0.3.x releases, in which the original data on the agency websites was liable to be modified long after its "final" release, rendering it incompatible with our software. These scrapers and the Zenodo archiving scripts can be found in our `pudl-scrapers `__ and `pudl-zenodo-storage `__ repositories. The archives themselves can be found within the `Catalyst Cooperative community on Zenodo `__ * There's an experimental caching system that allows these Zenodo archives to work as long-term "cold storage" for citation and reproducibility, with cloud object storage acting as a much faster way to access the same data for day to day non-local use, implemented by :user:`rousik` * We've decided to shift to producing a combination of relational databases (SQLite files) and columnar data stores (Apache Parquet files) as the primary outputs of PUDL. `Tabular Data Packages `__ didn't end up serving either database or spreadsheet users very well. The CSV file were often too large to access via spreadsheets, and users missed out on the relationships between data tables. Needing to separately load the data packages into SQLite and Parquet was a hassle and generated a lot of overly complicated and fragile code. Known Issues ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * The EIA 861 and FERC 714 data are not yet integrated into the SQLite database outputs, because we need to overhaul our entity resolution process to accommodate them in the database structure. That work is ongoing, see :issue:`639` * The EIA 860 and EIA 923 data don't cover exactly the same rage of years. EIA 860 only goes back to 2004, while EIA 923 goes back to 2001. This is because the pre-2004 EIA 860 data is stored in the DBF file format, and we need to update our extraction code to deal with the different format. This means some analyses that require both EIA 860 and EIA 923 data (like the calculation of heat rates) can only be performed as far back as 2004 at the moment. See :issue:`848` * There are 387 EIA utilities and 228 EIA palnts which appear in the EIA 923, but which haven't yet been assigned PUDL IDs and associated with the corresponding utilities and plants reported in the FERC Form 1. These entities show up in the 2001-2008 EIA 923 data that was just integrated. These older plants and utilities can't yet be used in conjuction with FERC data. When the EIA 860 data for 2001-2003 has been integrated, we will finish this manual ID assignment process. See :issue:`848,1069` * 52 of the algorithmically assigned ``plant_id_ferc1`` values found in the ``plants_steam_ferc1`` table are currently associated with more than one ``plant_id_pudl`` value (99 PUDL plant IDs are involved), indicating either that the algorithm is making poor assignments, or that the manually assigned ``plant_id_pudl`` values are incorrect. This is out of several thousand distinct ``plant_id_ferc1`` values. See :issue:`954` * The county FIPS codes associated with coal mines reported in the Fuel Receipts and Costs table are being treated inconsistently in terms of their data types, especially in the output functions, so they are currently being output as floating point numbers that have been cast to strings, rather than zero-padded integers that are strings. See :issue:`1119` .. _release-v0-3-2: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.3.2 (2020-02-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The primary changes in this release: * The 2009-2010 data for EIA 860 have been integrated, including updates to the data validation test cases. * Output tables are more uniform and less restrictive in what they include, no longer requiring PUDL Plant & Utility IDs in some tables. This release was used to compile v1.1.0 of the PUDL Data Release, which is archived at Zenodo under this DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3672068 With this release, the EIA 860 & 923 data now (finally!) cover the same span of time. We do not anticipate integrating any older EIA 860 or 923 data at this time. .. _release-v0-3-1: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.3.1 (2020-02-05) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A couple of minor bugs were found in the preparation of the first PUDL data release: * No maximum version of Python was being specified in setup.py. PUDL currently only works on Python 3.7, not 3.8. * ``epacems_to_parquet`` conversion script was erroneously attempting to verify the availability of raw input data files, despite the fact that it now relies on the packaged post-ETL epacems data. Didn't catch this before since it was always being run in a context where the original data was lying around... but that's not the case when someone just downloads the released data packages and tries to load them. .. _release-v0-3-0: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.3.0 (2020-01-30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This release is mostly about getting the infrastructure in place to do regular data releases via Zenodo, and updating ETL with 2018 data. Added lots of data validation / quality assurance test cases in anticipation of archiving data. See the pudl.validate module for more details. New data since v0.2.0 of PUDL: * EIA Form 860 for 2018 * EIA Form 923 for 2018 * FERC Form 1 for 1994-2003 and 2018 (select tables) We removed the FERC Form 1 accumulated depreciation table from PUDL because it requires detailed row-mapping in order to be accurate across all the years. It and many other FERC tables will be integrated soon, using new row-mapping methods. Lots of new plants and utilities integrated into the PUDL ID mapping process, for the earlier years (1994-2003). All years of FERC 1 data should be integrated for all future ferc1 tables. Command line interfaces of some of the ETL scripts have changed, see their help messages for details. .. _release-v0-2-0: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.2.0 (2019-09-17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the first release of PUDL to generate data packages as the canonical output, rather than loading data into a local PostgreSQL database. The data packages can then be used to generate a local SQLite database, without relying on any software being installed outside of the Python requirements specified for the catalyst.coop package. This change will enable easier installation of PUDL, as well as archiving and bulk distribution of the data products in a platform independent format. .. _release-v0-1-0: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.1.0 (2019-09-12) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the only release of PUDL that will be made that makes use of PostgreSQL as the primary data product. It is provided for reference, in case there are users relying on this setup who need access to a well defined release.