A module with functions to aid generating MCOE.
default list of columns from the EIA 860 generators table that will be included |
Build MCOE related assets at yearly and monthly frequencies. |
Calculate heat rates (mmBTU/MWh) within separable generation units. |
Convert per-unit heat rate to by-generator, adding fuel type & count. |
Calculate fuel costs per MWh on a per generator basis for MCOE. |
Calculate the capacity factor for each generator. |
Compile marginal cost of electricity (MCOE) at the generator level. |
Merge generator attributes onto the marginal cost of electricity table. |
Module Contents¶
- pudl.analysis.mcoe.DEFAULT_GENS_COLS = ['plant_id_eia', 'generator_id', 'report_date', 'unit_id_pudl', 'plant_id_pudl',...[source]¶
default list of columns from the EIA 860 generators table that will be included in the MCOE table. These default columns are necessary for the creation of the EIA plant parts table.
The ID and name columns are all that’s needed to create a bare-bones MCOE table.
The remaining columns are used during the creation of the plant parts list as different attributes to aggregate the plant parts by or are attributes necessary for inclusion in the final table.
- Type:
- pudl.analysis.mcoe.mcoe_asset_factory(freq: Literal['YS', 'MS']) list[dagster.AssetsDefinition] [source]¶
Build MCOE related assets at yearly and monthly frequencies.
- pudl.analysis.mcoe.heat_rate_by_unit(gen_fuel_by_energy_source: pandas.DataFrame, bga: pandas.DataFrame)[source]¶
Calculate heat rates (mmBTU/MWh) within separable generation units.
Assumes a “good” Boiler Generator Association (bga) i.e. one that only contains boilers and generators which have been completely associated at some point in the past.
The BGA dataframe needs to have the following columns:
report_date (annual)
The unit_id is associated with generation records based on report_date, plant_id_eia, and generator_id. The unit_id is merged onto the net generation and fuel consumption allocations at the generator energy source level. Then, net generation and fuel consumption are summed per unit per time period, allowing the calculation of a per unit heat rate. That per unit heat rate is returned in a dataframe containing:
- pudl.analysis.mcoe.heat_rate_by_gen(bga: pandas.DataFrame, hr_by_unit: pandas.DataFrame, gens: pandas.DataFrame) pandas.DataFrame [source]¶
Convert per-unit heat rate to by-generator, adding fuel type & count.
Heat rates really only make sense at the unit level, since input fuel and output electricity are comingled at the unit level, but it is useful in many contexts to have that per-unit heat rate associated with each of the underlying generators, as much more information is available about the generators.
To combine the (potentially) more granular temporal information from the per-unit heat rates with annual generator level attributes, we have to do a many-to-many merge.
- Returns:
DataFrame with columns report_date, plant_id_eia, unit_id_pudl, generator_id, unit_heat_rate_mmbtu_per_mwh, fuel_type_code_pudl, fuel_type_count, prime_mover_code. The output will have a time frequency corresponding to that of the input pudl_out. Output data types are set to their canonical values before returning.
- pudl.analysis.mcoe.fuel_cost(hr_by_gen: pandas.DataFrame, gens: pandas.DataFrame, frc: pandas.DataFrame) pandas.DataFrame [source]¶
Calculate fuel costs per MWh on a per generator basis for MCOE.
Fuel costs are reported on a per-plant basis, but we want to estimate them at the generator level. This is complicated by the fact that some plants have several different types of generators, using different fuels. We have fuel costs broken out by type of fuel (coal, oil, gas), and we know which generators use which fuel based on their energy_source_code and reported prime_mover. Coal plants use a little bit of natural gas or diesel to get started, but based on our analysis of the “pure” coal plants, this amounts to only a fraction of a percent of their overal fuel consumption on a heat content basis, so we’re ignoring it for now.
For plants whose generators all rely on the same fuel source, we simply attribute the fuel costs proportional to the fuel heat content consumption associated with each generator.
For plants with more than one type of generator energy source, we need to split out the fuel costs according to fuel type – so the gas fuel costs are associated with generators that have energy_source_code gas, and the coal fuel costs are associated with the generators that have energy_source_code coal.
- pudl.analysis.mcoe.capacity_factor(gens: pandas.DataFrame, gen: pandas.DataFrame, freq: Literal['YS', 'MS'], min_cap_fact: float | None = None, max_cap_fact: float | None = None) pandas.DataFrame [source]¶
Calculate the capacity factor for each generator.
Capacity Factor is calculated by using the net generation from eia923 and the nameplate capacity from eia860. The net gen and capacity are pulled into one dataframe and then run through
- pudl.analysis.mcoe.mcoe(fuel_cost: pandas.DataFrame, capacity_factor: pandas.DataFrame, min_heat_rate: float = 5.5, min_fuel_cost_per_mwh: float = 0.0, min_cap_fact: float = 0.0, max_cap_fact: float = 1.5) pandas.DataFrame [source]¶
Compile marginal cost of electricity (MCOE) at the generator level.
Use data from EIA 923, EIA 860, and (someday) FERC Form 1 to estimate the MCOE of individual generating units. The calculation is performed over the range of times and at the time resolution of the input pudl_out object.
- Parameters:
min_heat_rate – lowest plausible heat rate, in mmBTU/MWh. Any MCOE records with lower heat rates are presumed to be invalid, and are discarded before returning.
min_fuel_cost_per_mwh – minimum fuel cost on a per MWh basis that is required for a generator record to be considered valid. For some reason there are now a large number of $0 fuel cost records, which previously would have been NaN.
min_cap_fact – minimum & maximum generator capacity factor. Generator records with a lower capacity factor will be filtered out before returning. This allows the user to exclude generators that aren’t being used enough to have valid.
max_cap_fact – minimum & maximum generator capacity factor. Generator records with a lower capacity factor will be filtered out before returning. This allows the user to exclude generators that aren’t being used enough to have valid.
- Returns:
A dataframe organized by date and generator, with lots of juicy information about the generators – including fuel cost on a per MWh and MMBTU basis, heat rates, and net generation.
- pudl.analysis.mcoe.mcoe_generators(mcoe: pandas.DataFrame, gens: pandas.DataFrame, freq: Literal['YS', 'MS'], all_gens: bool = True, timeseries_fillin: bool = False) pandas.DataFrame [source]¶
Merge generator attributes onto the marginal cost of electricity table.
Merge generator attributes onto the MCOE table and optionally fill in the timeseries for each generator.
- Parameters:
mcoe – The MCOE dataframe outputted from the mcoe analysis function.
gens – The denormalized dataframe of all EIA generators.
all_gens – if True, include attributes of all generators in the core_eia860__scd_generators table, rather than just the generators which have records in the derived MCOE values. True by default.
timeseries_fillin – if True, fill in the full timeseries for each generator in the output dataframe. The data in the timeseries will be filled with the data from the next previous chronological record.
- Returns:
An MCOE dataframe organized by date and generator, with additionally generator attributes merged on and optionally a filled in timeseries for each generator.