Implement utilities for working with data produced in the pudl modelling repo.
Clean percent ownership, convert to float, then convert percent to ratio. |
Convert a year quarter in the format '2024q1' to date type. |
Basic company information extracted from SEC10k filings. |
Company ownership information extracted from sec10k exhibit 21 attachments. |
Metadata on all 10k filings submitted to SEC. |
Denormalized output table with sec10k info and company ownership linked to EIA. |
Module Contents¶
- pudl.analysis.pudl_models._load_table_from_gcs(table_name: str) pandas.DataFrame [source]¶
- pudl.analysis.pudl_models._compute_fraction_owned(percent_ownership: pandas.Series) pandas.Series [source]¶
Clean percent ownership, convert to float, then convert percent to ratio.
- pudl.analysis.pudl_models._year_quarter_to_date(year_quarter: pandas.Series) pandas.Series [source]¶
Convert a year quarter in the format ‘2024q1’ to date type.
- pudl.analysis.pudl_models.core_sec10k__quarterly_company_information() pandas.DataFrame [source]¶
Basic company information extracted from SEC10k filings.
- pudl.analysis.pudl_models.core_sec10k__quarterly_exhibit_21_company_ownership() pandas.DataFrame [source]¶
Company ownership information extracted from sec10k exhibit 21 attachments.
- pudl.analysis.pudl_models.core_sec10k__quarterly_filings() pandas.DataFrame [source]¶
Metadata on all 10k filings submitted to SEC.
- pudl.analysis.pudl_models.out_sec10k__parents_and_subsidiaries() pandas.DataFrame [source]¶
Denormalized output table with sec10k info and company ownership linked to EIA.