
Compile historical utility and balancing area territories.

Use the mapping of utilities to counties, and balancing areas to utilities, available within the EIA 861, in conjunction with the US Census geometries for counties, to infer the historical spatial extent of utility and balancing area territories. Output the resulting geometries for use in other applications.



utility_ids_all_eia(→ pandas.DataFrame)

Compile IDs and Names of all known EIA Utilities.

get_territory_fips(→ pandas.DataFrame)

Compile county FIPS codes associated with an entity's service territory.

add_geometries(→ geopandas.GeoDataFrame)

Merge census geometries into dataframe on county_id_fips, optionally dissolving.

get_territory_geometries(→ geopandas.GeoDataFrame)

Compile service territory geometries based on county_id_fips.

_save_geoparquet(→ None)

Save utility or balancing authority service territory geometries to GeoParquet.

compile_geoms(→ pandas.DataFrame)

Compile all available utility or balancing authority geometries.


Build asset definitions for balancing authority and utility territories.

plot_historical_territory(→ None)

Plot all the historical geometries defined for the specified entity.

plot_all_territories(gdf, report_date[, ...])

Plot all of the planning areas of a given type for a given report date.

pudl_service_territories(entity_type, dissolve, ...)

Compile historical utility and balancing area service territory geometries.

Module Contents

pudl.analysis.service_territory.MAP_CRS = 'EPSG:3857'[source]
pudl.analysis.service_territory.CALC_CRS = 'ESRI:102003'[source]
pudl.analysis.service_territory.utility_ids_all_eia(out_eia__yearly_utilities: pandas.DataFrame, core_eia861__yearly_service_territory: pandas.DataFrame) pandas.DataFrame[source]

Compile IDs and Names of all known EIA Utilities.

Grab all EIA utility names and IDs from both the EIA 861 Service Territory table and the EIA 860 Utility entity table. This is a temporary function that’s only needed because we haven’t integrated the EIA 861 information into the entity harvesting process and PUDL database yet.

  • out_eia__yearly_utilities – De-normalized EIA 860 utility attributes table.

  • core_eia861__yearly_service_territory – Normalized EIA 861 Service Territory table.


A DataFrame having 2 columns utility_id_eia and utility_name_eia.

pudl.analysis.service_territory.get_territory_fips(ids: collections.abc.Iterable[int], assn: pandas.DataFrame, assn_col: str, core_eia861__yearly_service_territory: pandas.DataFrame, limit_by_state: bool = True) pandas.DataFrame[source]

Compile county FIPS codes associated with an entity’s service territory.

For each entity identified by ids, look up the set of counties associated with that entity on an annual basis. Optionally limit the set of counties to those within states where the selected entities reported activity elsewhere within the EIA 861 data.

  • ids – A collection of EIA utility or balancing authority IDs.

  • assn – Association table, relating report_date,

  • state – column indicated by assn_col – if it’s not utility_id_eia.

  • other (and utility_id_eia to each) – column indicated by assn_col – if it’s not utility_id_eia.

  • the (as well as) – column indicated by assn_col – if it’s not utility_id_eia.

  • assn_col – Label of the dataframe column in assn that contains the ID of the entities of interest. Should probably be either balancing_authority_id_eia or utility_id_eia.

  • core_eia861__yearly_service_territory – The EIA 861 Service Territory table.

  • limit_by_state – Whether to require that the counties associated with the balancing authority are inside a state that has also been seen in association with the balancing authority and the utility whose service territory contians the county.


A table associating the entity IDs with a collection of counties annually, identifying counties both by name and county_id_fips (both state and state_id_fips are included for clarity).

pudl.analysis.service_territory.add_geometries(df: pandas.DataFrame, census_gdf: geopandas.GeoDataFrame, dissolve: bool = False, dissolve_by: list[str] = None) geopandas.GeoDataFrame[source]

Merge census geometries into dataframe on county_id_fips, optionally dissolving.

Merge the US Census county-level geospatial information into the DataFrame df based on the the column county_id_fips (in df), which corresponds to the column GEOID10 in census_gdf. Also bring in the population and area of the counties, summing as necessary in the case of dissolved geometries.

  • df – A DataFrame containing a county_id_fips column.

  • census_gdf (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – A GeoDataFrame based on the US Census demographic profile (DP1) data at county resolution, with the original column names as published by US Census.

  • dissolve – If True, dissolve individual county geometries into larger service territories.

  • dissolve_by – The columns to group by in the dissolve. For example, dissolve_by=[“report_date”, “utility_id_eia”] might provide annual utility service territories, while [“report_date”, “balancing_authority_id_eia”] would provide annual balancing authority territories.



pudl.analysis.service_territory.get_territory_geometries(ids: collections.abc.Iterable[int], assn: pandas.DataFrame, assn_col: str, core_eia861__yearly_service_territory: pandas.DataFrame, census_gdf: geopandas.GeoDataFrame, limit_by_state: bool = True, dissolve: bool = False) geopandas.GeoDataFrame[source]

Compile service territory geometries based on county_id_fips.

Calls get_territory_fips to generate the list of counties associated with each entity identified by ids, and then merges in the corresponding county geometries from the US Census DP1 data passed in via census_gdf.

Optionally dissolve all of the county level geometries into a single geometry for each combination of entity and year.


Dissolving geometires is a costly operation, and may take half an hour or more if you are processing all entities for all years. Dissolving also means that all the per-county information will be lost, rendering the output inappropriate for use in many analyses. Dissolving is mostly useful for generating visualizations.

  • ids – A collection of EIA balancing authority IDs.

  • assn – Association table, relating report_date,

  • state – column indicated by assn_col – if it’s not utility_id_eia.

  • other (and utility_id_eia to each) – column indicated by assn_col – if it’s not utility_id_eia.

  • the (as well as) – column indicated by assn_col – if it’s not utility_id_eia.

  • assn_col – Label of the dataframe column in assn that contains the ID of the entities of interest. Should probably be either balancing_authority_id_eia or utility_id_eia.

  • core_eia861__yearly_service_territory – The EIA 861 Service Territory table.

  • census_gdf – The US Census DP1 county-level geometries.

  • limit_by_state – Whether to require that the counties associated with the balancing authority are inside a state that has also been seen in association with the balancing authority and the utility whose service territory contians the county.

  • dissolve – If False, each record in the compiled territory will correspond to a single county, with a county-level geometry, and there will be many records enumerating all the counties associated with a given balancing_authority_id_eia in each year. If dissolve=True, all of the county-level geometries for each utility in each year will be merged together (“dissolved”) resulting in a single geometry and record for each balancing_authority-year.


A GeoDataFrame with service territory geometries for each entity.

pudl.analysis.service_territory._save_geoparquet(gdf: geopandas.GeoDataFrame, entity_type: Literal['utility', 'balancing_authority'], dissolve: bool, limit_by_state: bool, output_dir: pathlib.Path | None = None) None[source]

Save utility or balancing authority service territory geometries to GeoParquet.

In order to prevent the geometry data from exceeding the 2GB maximum size of an Arrow object, we need to keep the row groups small. Sort the dataframe by the primary key columns to minimize the number of values in any row group. Output filename is constructed based on input arguments.

  • gdf – GeoDataframe containing utility or balancing authority geometries.

  • entity_type – string indicating whether we’re outputting utility or balancing authority geometries.

  • dissolve – Wether the individual county geometries making up the service territories have been merged together. Used to construct filename.

  • limit_by_state – Whether service territories have been limited to include only counties in states where the utilities reported sales. Used to construct filename.

  • output_dir – Path to the directory where the GeoParquet file will be written.

pudl.analysis.service_territory.compile_geoms(core_eia861__yearly_balancing_authority: pandas.DataFrame, core_eia861__assn_balancing_authority: pandas.DataFrame, out_eia__yearly_utilities: pandas.DataFrame, core_eia861__yearly_service_territory: pandas.DataFrame, core_eia861__assn_utility: pandas.DataFrame, census_counties: pandas.DataFrame, entity_type: Literal['balancing_authority', 'utility'], save_format: Literal['geoparquet', 'geodataframe', 'dataframe'], output_dir: pathlib.Path | None = None, dissolve: bool = False, limit_by_state: bool = True, years: list[int] = []) pandas.DataFrame[source]

Compile all available utility or balancing authority geometries.

Returns a geoparquet file, geopandas GeoDataFrame or a pandas DataFrame with the geometry column removed depending on the value of the save_format parameter. By default, this returns only counties with observed EIA 861 data for a utility or balancing authority, with geometries available at the county level.

pudl.analysis.service_territory.service_territory_asset_factory(entity_type: Literal['balancing_authority', 'utility'], io_manager_key: str | None = None) list[dagster.AssetsDefinition][source]

Build asset definitions for balancing authority and utility territories.

pudl.analysis.service_territory.plot_historical_territory(gdf: geopandas.GeoDataFrame, id_col: str, id_val: str | int) None[source]

Plot all the historical geometries defined for the specified entity.

This is useful for exploring how a particular entity’s service territory has evolved over time, or for identifying individual missing or inaccurate territories.

  • gdf – A geodataframe containing geometries pertaining electricity planning areas. Can be broken down by county FIPS code, or have a single record containing a geometry for each combination of report_date and the column being used to select planning areas (see below).

  • id_col – The label of a column in gdf that identifies the planning area to be visualized, like utility_id_eia, balancing_authority_id_eia, or balancing_authority_code_eia.

  • id_val – The ID of the entity whose territory should be plotted.

pudl.analysis.service_territory.plot_all_territories(gdf: geopandas.GeoDataFrame, report_date: str, respondent_type: str | collections.abc.Iterable[str] = ('balancing_authority', 'utility'), color: str = 'black', alpha: float = 0.25)[source]

Plot all of the planning areas of a given type for a given report date.


This function needs to be made more general purpose, and less entangled with the FERC 714 data.

  • gdf – GeoDataFrame containing planning area geometries, organized by respondent_id_ferc714 and report_date.

  • report_date – A string representing a datetime that indicates what year’s planning areas should be displayed.

  • respondent_type – Type of respondent whose planning areas should be displayed. Either “utility” or “balancing_authority” or an iterable collection containing both.

  • color – Color to use for the planning areas.

  • alpha – Transparency to use for the planning areas.



pudl.analysis.service_territory.pudl_service_territories(entity_type: Literal['utility', 'balancing_authority'], dissolve: bool, output_dir: pathlib.Path, limit_by_state: bool, years: list[int], logfile: pathlib.Path, loglevel: str)[source]

Compile historical utility and balancing area service territory geometries.

This script produces GeoParquet files describing the historical service territories of utilities and balancing authorities based on data reported in the EIA Form 861 and county geometries from the US Census DP1 geodatabase.

See: https://geoparquet.org/ for more on the GeoParquet file format.

Usage examples:

pudl_service_territories –entity-type balancing_authority –dissolve –limit-by-state pudl_service_territories –entity-type utility