
Functions for manipulating metadata constants.



Error raised by aggregation functions.


format_errors(→ str)

Format multiple errors into a single error.

_parse_field_names(→ list[str])

Parse field names.

_parse_foreign_key_rule(→ list[dict])

Parse foreign key rule from resource descriptor.

_build_foreign_key_tree(→ dict[str, dict[tuple[str, ...)

Build foreign key tree.

_traverse_foreign_key_tree(→ list[dict[str, Any]])

Traverse foreign key tree.

build_foreign_keys(→ dict[str, list[dict]])

Build foreign keys for each resource.

split_period(→ tuple[str, str | None])

Split the time period from a column name.

expand_periodic_column_names(→ list[str])

Add smaller periods to a list of column names.

most_frequent(→ Any)

Return most frequent value (or error if none exists).

most_and_more_frequent(→ Any)

Return the most frequent value if more frequent than min_frequency.

unique(→ Any)

Return single unique value (or error if none exists).

as_dict(→ dict[Any, list])

Return dictionary of values, listed by index.

try_aggfunc(→ collections.abc.Callable)

Wrap aggregate function in a try-except for error handling.

groupby_apply(→ tuple[pandas.DataFrame, dict[Any, ...)

Aggregate dataframe and capture errors (using apply).

groupby_aggregate(→ tuple[pandas.DataFrame, dict[Any, ...)

Aggregate dataframe and capture errors (using aggregate).

Module Contents

pudl.metadata.helpers.format_errors(*errors: str, title: str = None, pydantic: bool = False) str[source]

Format multiple errors into a single error.

  • errors – Error messages.

  • title – Title for error messages.


>>> e = format_errors('worse', title='bad')
>>> print(e)
* worse
>>> e = format_errors('worse', title='bad', pydantic=True)
>>> print(e)
  * worse
>>> e = format_errors('bad', 'worse')
>>> print(e)
* bad
* worse
>>> e = format_errors('bad', 'worse', pydantic=True)
>>> print(e)
* bad
  * worse
pudl.metadata.helpers._parse_field_names(fields: list[str | dict]) list[str][source]

Parse field names.


fields – Either field names or field descriptors with a name key.


Field names.

pudl.metadata.helpers._parse_foreign_key_rule(rule: dict, name: str, key: list[str]) list[dict][source]

Parse foreign key rule from resource descriptor.

  • meta – Resource descriptor.

  • name – Resource name.

  • key – Resource primary key.


  • fields (List[str]): Local fields.

  • reference[‘resource’] (str): Reference resource name.

  • reference[‘fields’] (List[str]): Reference primary key fields.

  • exclude (List[str]): Names of resources to exclude, including name.

Return type:

Parsed foreign key rules

pudl.metadata.helpers._build_foreign_key_tree(resources: dict[str, dict]) dict[str, dict[tuple[str, Ellipsis], dict]][source]

Build foreign key tree.


resources – Resource descriptors by name.


Foreign key tree where the first key is a resource name (str), the second key is resource field names (Tuple[str, …]), and the value describes the reference resource (dict):

  • reference[‘resource’] (str): Reference name.

  • reference[‘fields’] (List[str]): Reference field names.

pudl.metadata.helpers._traverse_foreign_key_tree(tree: dict[str, dict[tuple[str, Ellipsis], dict]], name: str, fields: tuple[str, Ellipsis]) list[dict[str, Any]][source]

Traverse foreign key tree.


  • fields (List[str]): Local fields.

  • reference[‘resource’] (str): Reference resource name.

  • reference[‘fields’] (List[str]): Reference primary key fields.

Return type:

Sequence of foreign keys starting from name and fields

pudl.metadata.helpers.build_foreign_keys(resources: dict[str, dict], prune: bool = True) dict[str, list[dict]][source]

Build foreign keys for each resource.

A resource’s foreign_key_rules (if present) determines which other resources will be assigned a foreign key (foreign_keys) to the reference’s primary key:

  • fields (list[list[str]]): Sets of field names for which to create a foreign key. These are assumed to match the order of the reference’s primary key fields.

  • exclude (Optional[list[str]]): Names of resources to exclude.

  • resources – Resource descriptors by name.

  • prune – Whether to prune redundant foreign keys.


Foreign keys for each resource (if any), by resource name.

  • fields (list[str]): Field names.

  • reference[‘resource’] (str): Reference resource name.

  • reference[‘fields’] (list[str]): Reference resource field names.


>>> resources = {
...     'x': {
...         'schema': {
...             'fields': ['z'],
...             'primary_key': ['z'],
...             'foreign_key_rules': {'fields': [['z']]}
...         }
...     },
...     'y': {
...         'schema': {
...             'fields': ['z', 'yy'],
...             'primary_key': ['z', 'yy'],
...             'foreign_key_rules': {'fields': [['z', 'zz']]}
...         }
...     },
...     'z': {'schema': {'fields': ['z', 'zz']}}
... }
>>> keys = build_foreign_keys(resources)
>>> keys['z']
[{'fields': ['z', 'zz'], 'reference': {'resource': 'y', 'fields': ['z', 'yy']}}]
>>> keys['y']
[{'fields': ['z'], 'reference': {'resource': 'x', 'fields': ['z']}}]
>>> keys = build_foreign_keys(resources, prune=False)
>>> keys['z'][0]
{'fields': ['z'], 'reference': {'resource': 'x', 'fields': ['z']}}
pudl.metadata.helpers.split_period(name: str) tuple[str, str | None][source]

Split the time period from a column name.


name – Column name.


Base name and time period, if any.


>>> split_period('report_date')
('report', 'date')
>>> split_period('report_day')
('report_day', None)
>>> split_period('date')
('date', None)
pudl.metadata.helpers.expand_periodic_column_names(names: collections.abc.Iterable[str]) list[str][source]

Add smaller periods to a list of column names.


names – Column names.


Column names with additional names for smaller periods.


>>> expand_periodic_column_names(['id', 'report_year'])
['id', 'report_year', 'report_quarter', 'report_month', 'report_date']
exception pudl.metadata.helpers.AggregationError[source]

Bases: ValueError

Error raised by aggregation functions.

pudl.metadata.helpers.most_frequent(x: pandas.Series) Any[source]

Return most frequent value (or error if none exists).

pudl.metadata.helpers.most_and_more_frequent(x: pandas.Series, min_frequency: float = None) Any[source]

Return the most frequent value if more frequent than min_frequency.

The minimum frequency ignores null values, so for example, 1 in [1, 1, 1, nan] has a frequency of 1.


AggregationError – if no value is more frequent than min_frequency.

pudl.metadata.helpers.unique(x: pandas.Series) Any[source]

Return single unique value (or error if none exists).

pudl.metadata.helpers.as_dict(x: pandas.Series) dict[Any, list][source]

Return dictionary of values, listed by index.

pudl.metadata.helpers.try_aggfunc(func: collections.abc.Callable, raised: bool = True, error: str | collections.abc.Callable = None) collections.abc.Callable[source]

Wrap aggregate function in a try-except for error handling.

  • func – Aggregate function.

  • raised – Whether AggregationError errors are raised or returned.

  • error

    Error value, whose type and format depends on raise. Below, x is the original input and e is the original error.

    • raised=True: A string with substitions (e.g. ‘Error at {x.name}: {e}’) that replaces the arguments of the original error. By default, the original error is raised unchanged.

    • raised=False: A function with signature f(x, e) returning a value that replaces the arguments of the original error. By default, the original error is returned unchanged.


Aggregate function with custom error handling.


>>> x = pd.Series([0, 0, 1, 1], index=['a', 'a', 'a', 'b'])
>>> most_frequent(x)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AggregationError: No value is most frequent.
>>> try_aggfunc(most_frequent, raised=False)(x)
AggregationError('No value is most frequent.')
>>> try_aggfunc(most_frequent, error='Bad dtype {x.dtype}')(x)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AggregationError: Bad dtype int64
>>> error = lambda x, e: as_dict(x)
>>> try_aggfunc(most_frequent, raised=False, error=error)(x)
AggregationError({'a': [0, 0, 1], 'b': [1]})
pudl.metadata.helpers.groupby_apply(df: pandas.DataFrame, by: collections.abc.Iterable, aggfuncs: dict[Any, collections.abc.Callable], raised: bool = True, error: collections.abc.Callable = None) tuple[pandas.DataFrame, dict[Any, pandas.Series]][source]

Aggregate dataframe and capture errors (using apply).

  • df – Dataframe to aggregate.

  • by – Columns names to use to group rows (see pandas.DataFrame.groupby()).

  • aggfuncs – Aggregation functions for columns not in by.

  • raised – Whether AggregationError errors are raised or replaced with np.nan and returned in an error report.

  • error – A function with signature f(x, e) -> Tuple[Any, Any], where x is the original input and e is the original error, used when raised=False. The first and second value of the returned tuple are used as the index and values, respectively, of the pandas.Series returned for each column. By default, the first value is x.name (the values of columns by for that row group), and the second is the original error.


Aggregated dataframe with by columns set as the index and an error report with (if raised=False) a pandas.Series for each column where errors occured.


>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'x': [0, 0, 1, 1], 'y': pd.Series([2, 2, 2, 3], dtype='Int64')})
>>> df.index = [0, 0, 0, 1]
>>> base = dict(df=df, by='x', aggfuncs={'y': unique})
>>> groupby_apply(**base)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AggregationError: Could not aggregate y at x = 1: Not unique.
>>> _, report = groupby_apply(**base, raised=False)
>>> report['y']
1    Not unique.
dtype: object
>>> error = lambda x, e: (x.name, as_dict(x))
>>> _, report = groupby_apply(**base, raised=False, error=error)
>>> report['y']
1    {0: [2], 1: [3]}
dtype: object
pudl.metadata.helpers.groupby_aggregate(df: pandas.DataFrame, by: collections.abc.Iterable, aggfuncs: dict[Any, collections.abc.Callable], raised: bool = True, error: collections.abc.Callable = None) tuple[pandas.DataFrame, dict[Any, pandas.Series]][source]

Aggregate dataframe and capture errors (using aggregate).

Although faster than groupby_apply(), it has some limitations:

  • Raised errors cannot access the group index.

  • Aggregation functions must return a scalar (must ‘reduce’). This is not a limitation with pandas.Series.apply().

  • df – Dataframe to aggregate.

  • by – Columns names to use to group rows (see pandas.DataFrame.groupby()).

  • aggfuncs – Aggregation functions for columns not in by.

  • raised – Whether AggregationError errors are raised or replaced with np.nan and returned in an error report.

  • error – A function with signature f(x, e) -> Any, where x is the original input and e is the original error, used when raised=False. By default, the original error is returned.


Aggregated dataframe with by columns set as the index and an error report with (if raised=False) a pandas.Series of errors (or the value returned by error) for each column where errors occured.


>>> df = pd.DataFrame({
...     'x': [0, 0, 1, 1],
...     'y': pd.Series([2, 2, 2, 3], dtype='Int64')
... })
>>> df.index = [0, 0, 0, 1]
>>> base = dict(df=df, by='x', aggfuncs={'y': unique})
>>> groupby_aggregate(**base)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AggregationError: Could not aggregate y: Not unique.
>>> result, report = groupby_aggregate(**base, raised=False)
>>> result
0     2
1  <NA>
>>> report['y']
1    Not unique.
Name: y, dtype: object
>>> error = lambda x, e: as_dict(x)
>>> result, report = groupby_aggregate(**base, raised=False, error=error)
>>> report['y']
1    {0: [2], 1: [3]}
Name: y, dtype: object