pudl.workspace.resource_cache ============================= .. py:module:: pudl.workspace.resource_cache .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Implementations of datastore resource caches. Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: pudl.workspace.resource_cache.logger pudl.workspace.resource_cache.gcs_retry Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: pudl.workspace.resource_cache.PudlResourceKey pudl.workspace.resource_cache.AbstractCache pudl.workspace.resource_cache.LocalFileCache pudl.workspace.resource_cache.GoogleCloudStorageCache pudl.workspace.resource_cache.LayeredCache Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: pudl.workspace.resource_cache.extend_gcp_retry_predicate Module Contents --------------- .. py:data:: logger .. py:function:: extend_gcp_retry_predicate(predicate, *exception_types) Extend a GCS predicate function with additional exception_types. .. py:data:: gcs_retry .. py:class:: PudlResourceKey Bases: :py:obj:`NamedTuple` Uniquely identifies a specific resource. .. py:attribute:: dataset :type: str .. py:attribute:: doi :type: str .. py:attribute:: name :type: str .. py:method:: __repr__() -> str Returns string representation of PudlResourceKey. .. py:method:: get_local_path() -> pathlib.Path Returns (relative) path that should be used when caching this resource. .. py:class:: AbstractCache(read_only: bool = False) Bases: :py:obj:`abc.ABC` Defines interaface for the generic resource caching layer. .. py:attribute:: _read_only .. py:method:: is_read_only() -> bool Returns true if the cache is read-only and should not be modified. .. py:method:: get(resource: PudlResourceKey) -> bytes :abstractmethod: Retrieves content of given resource or throws KeyError. .. py:method:: add(resource: PudlResourceKey, content: bytes) -> None :abstractmethod: Adds resource to the cache and sets the content. .. py:method:: delete(resource: PudlResourceKey) -> None :abstractmethod: Removes the resource from cache. .. py:method:: contains(resource: PudlResourceKey) -> bool :abstractmethod: Returns True if the resource is present in the cache. .. py:class:: LocalFileCache(cache_root_dir: pathlib.Path, **kwargs: Any) Bases: :py:obj:`AbstractCache` Simple key-value store mapping PudlResourceKeys to ByteIO contents. .. py:attribute:: cache_root_dir .. py:method:: _resource_path(resource: PudlResourceKey) -> pathlib.Path .. py:method:: get(resource: PudlResourceKey) -> bytes Retrieves value associated with a given resource. .. py:method:: add(resource: PudlResourceKey, content: bytes) Adds (or updates) resource to the cache with given value. .. py:method:: delete(resource: PudlResourceKey) Deletes resource from the cache. .. py:method:: contains(resource: PudlResourceKey) -> bool Returns True if resource is present in the cache. .. py:class:: GoogleCloudStorageCache(gcs_path: str, **kwargs: Any) Bases: :py:obj:`AbstractCache` Implements file cache backed by Google Cloud Storage bucket. .. py:attribute:: _path_prefix .. py:attribute:: _bucket .. py:method:: _blob(resource: PudlResourceKey) -> google.cloud.storage.blob.Blob Retrieve Blob object associated with given resource. .. py:method:: get(resource: PudlResourceKey) -> bytes Retrieves value associated with given resource. .. py:method:: add(resource: PudlResourceKey, value: bytes) Adds (or updates) resource to the cache with given value. .. py:method:: delete(resource: PudlResourceKey) Deletes resource from the cache. .. py:method:: contains(resource: PudlResourceKey) -> bool Returns True if resource is present in the cache. .. py:class:: LayeredCache(*caches: list[AbstractCache], **kwargs: Any) Bases: :py:obj:`AbstractCache` Implements multi-layered system of caches. This allows building multi-layered system of caches. The idea is that you can have faster local caches with fall-back to the more remote or expensive caches that can be acessed in case of missing content. Only the closest layer is being written to (set, delete), while all remaining layers are read-only (get). .. py:attribute:: _caches :type: list[AbstractCache] .. py:method:: add_cache_layer(cache: AbstractCache) Adds caching layer. The priority is below all other. .. py:method:: num_layers() Returns number of caching layers that are in this LayeredCache. .. py:method:: get(resource: PudlResourceKey) -> bytes Returns content of a given resource. .. py:method:: add(resource: PudlResourceKey, value) Adds (or replaces) resource into the cache with given value. .. py:method:: delete(resource: PudlResourceKey) Removes resource from the cache if the cache is not in the read_only mode. .. py:method:: contains(resource: PudlResourceKey) -> bool Returns True if resource is present in the cache. .. py:method:: is_optimally_cached(resource: PudlResourceKey) -> bool Return True if resource is contained in the closest write-enabled layer.