Raw FERC Form 1 Data Dictionary¶
We have mapped the Visual FoxPro DBF files to their corresponding FERC Form 1 database tables and provided a short description of the contents of each table here.
The Table Names link to the contents of the database table on our FERC Form 1 Datasette deployment where you can browse and query the raw data yourself or download the SQLite DB in its entirety.
The mapping of File Name to Table Name is consistent across all years of data.
Page numbers correspond to the pages of the FERC Form 1 PDF as it appeared in 2015 and may not be valid for other years.
Many tables without descriptions were discontinued prior to 2015.
The “Freq” column indicates the reporting frequency – A for Annual; Q for Quarterly. A/Q if the data is reported both annually and quarterly.
Table Name / Data Link |
File Name |
Pages |
Freq |
Table Description |
F1_106_2009.DBF |
106 |
A |
Information on Formula Rates |
F1_106A_2009.DBF |
106 |
A |
Information on Formula Rates |
F1_106B_2009.DBF |
106 |
A |
Information on Formula Rates |
F1_208_ELC_DEP.DBF |
208 |
Q |
Electric Plant In Service and Accumulated Provision For Depreciation by Function |
231 |
A/Q |
Transmission Service and Generation Interconnection Study Costs |
324 |
Q |
Electric Production, Other Power Supply Expenses, Transmission and Distribution Expenses |
325 |
Q |
Electric Customer Accounts, Service, Sales, Administration and General Expenses |
331 |
A/Q |
Transmission of Electricity by ISO/RTOs |
338 |
Q |
Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization of Electric Plant (FERC Accounts 403, 403.1, 404, and 405, except Amortization of Acquisition Adjustments) |
397 |
A/Q |
Amounts Included in ISO/RTO Settlement Statements |
F1_398_ANCL_PS.DBF |
398 |
A |
Purchases and Sales of Ancillary Services |
399 |
A/Q |
Monthly Peak Loads and Energy Output |
400 |
A/Q |
Monthly Transmission System Peak Load |
980, 400a |
A/Q |
Monthly ISO/RTO Transmission System Peak Load |
429 |
A |
Transactions with Associated (Affiliated) Companies |
F1_2.DBF |
336-337 |
A |
Depreciation & Amortization of Electric Plant (Basis for Amortization Charges) |
F1_3.DBF |
219 |
A |
Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Elecric Utility Plant (Account 108) |
F1_4.DBF |
266-267 |
A |
Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credits |
F1_5.DBF |
234-234a |
A |
Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes (Individual Schedule Lines) |
F1_6.DBF |
234-234b |
A |
Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes (Notes) |
F1_7.DBF |
272-273 |
A |
Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes - Accelerated Amortization Property |
F1_8.DBF |
276-277 |
A |
Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes - Other |
F1_9.DBF |
274-275 |
A |
Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes - Other Property |
F1_10.DBF |
228-229 |
A |
SO2 Emissions Allowances |
228-229 |
A |
NOx Emissions Allowances |
F1_78.DBF |
Not a data table. Has to do with data access logging? Appears only in 1994-1995 data. |
F1_11.DBF |
112-113 |
A/Q |
Comparative Balance Sheet (Liabilities & Other Credits) |
F1_12.DBF |
250-251 |
A |
Capital Stock |
F1_13.DBF |
120-121 |
A/Q |
Statement of Cash Flows |
F1_14.DBF |
356 |
A |
Common Utility Plant & Expenses |
990, 122(a)(b) |
A/Q |
Statement of Accumulated Comparative Income, Comparative Income, and Hedging Activities |
990 |
Statement of Accumulated Comparative Income, Comparative Income, and Hedging Activities |
F1_18.DBF |
105 |
A |
Names, Titles, and Addresses of Directors |
F1_76.DBF |
Contains various DBF/Visual FoxPro error codes and their meanings. |
F1_79.DBF |
Descriptive headers for each column in the Form 1. Useful for discerning their semantic content. |
F1_15.DBF |
110-111 |
A/Q |
Comparative Balance Sheet (Assets & Other Debits) |
F1_16.DBF |
217 |
Spending on Construction (1994-2002 only) |
F1_17.DBF |
102 |
A |
Control Over Respondent |
F1_19.DBF |
254-254b |
A |
Capital Stock Expense |
F1_20.DBF |
252 |
Information related to utility preferred capital stock. Reported 1994-2002. |
F1_21.DBF |
336-337 |
A |
Depreciation & Amortization of Electric Plant (Depreciation & Amortization Charges) |
F1_22.DBF |
254 |
Discount on capital stock |
F1_23.DBF |
336-337 |
A |
Depreciation & Amortization of Electric Plant (Factors Used in Estimating Depreciation Charges) |
F1_27.DBF |
320-323 |
A |
Electric Operation & Maintenance Expenses |
F1_26.DBF |
300-301b |
A/Q |
Electric Operating Revenues (Unbilled Revenues Only) |
F1_24.DBF |
401-401a |
A |
Electric Energy Account |
F1_25.DBF |
300-301a |
A/Q |
Electric Operating Revenues (Individual Schedule Lines) |
F1_28.DBF |
429 |
Meaning unclear. We do not have a copy of this page. |
Respondent point of contact email addresses. |
F1_29.DBF |
431 |
Environmental Expenses. Filed 1994-2002. We do not have a copy of this page. |
F1_30.DBF |
430 |
Environmental Facilities. Filed 1994-2002. We do not have a copy of this page. |
F1_85.DBF |
450 |
A/Q |
Footnote Data. Used to be large binary attachments, now nearly empty. Not loaded into the combined FERC 1 SQLite DB. |
F1_87.DBF |
Table containing pointers to the footnote data. Not loaded into the combined FERC 1 SQLite DB. |
f1_freeze |
F1_31.DBF |
402-403b |
A |
Steam-Electric Generation Plant Statistics - Large Plants (Fuel Details) |
F1_32.DBF |
101 |
A |
General Information |
F1_33.DBF |
410-411 |
A |
Generating Plant Statistics (Small Plants) |
F1_86.DBF |
406-407 |
A |
Hydroelectric Gen Plant Stats (Large Plants) |
F1_88.DBF |
1 |
A/Q |
Identification & Attestation |
F1_34.DBF |
108-109 |
A/Q |
Important Changes During the Quarter/Year |
F1_35.DBF |
114-117b |
A/Q |
Statement of Income (Other Income & Deductions, Interest Charges, Extraordinary Items) |
F1_36.DBF |
114-117a |
A/Q |
Statement of Income |
F1_90.DBF |
213 |
A |
Electric Plant Leased to Others |
F1_80.DBF |
Lists files containing various pieces of information to be loaded into the DBF database. Only present in 1995. |
F1_93.DBF |
256-257 |
A |
Long-Term Debt |
F1_38.DBF |
233 |
A |
Miscellaneous Deferred Debits |
F1_37.DBF |
335 |
A |
Miscellaneous General Expenses - Electric |
F1_39.DBF |
401-401b |
A |
Monthly Peaks & Output |
F1_40.DBF |
227, 228-229 |
A |
Materials & Supplies |
F1_41.DBF |
320 |
Payroll totals and number of permanent and temporary employees. Reported 1994-2001. |
F1_42.DBF |
221 |
Investments in non-utility property. Reported 1994-2002. |
F1_43.DBF |
122-123 |
A/Q |
Notes to Financial Statements |
F1_44.DBF |
202-203 |
A |
Nuclear Fuel Materials |
F1_45.DBF |
104 |
A |
Officers |
F1_46.DBF |
269 |
A |
Other Deferred Credits |
F1_47.DBF |
253 |
A |
Other Paid-in Capital |
F1_48.DBF |
232 |
A/Q |
Other Regulatory Assets |
F1_49.DBF |
278 |
A/Q |
Other Regulatory Liabilities |
F1_50.DBF |
218 |
Overhead. Reported 1994-2002. We have no copy of this page. |
F1_51.DBF |
340 |
Deductions of income and interest charges. Reported 1994-2001. |
f1_pins |
Personal Identification Numbers used to authenticate respondents. Not distributed in FERC’s public data. |
F1_92.DBF |
204, 214 |
A |
Electric Plant Held for Future Use |
F1_52.DBF |
204-207 |
A |
Electric Plant in Service |
F1_81.DBF |
Empty table pertaining to original DBF database permissions. |
F1_53.DBF |
408-409 |
A |
Pumped Storage Generating Plant Statistics (Large Plants) |
F1_54.DBF |
326-327 |
A |
Purchased Power |
F1_59.DBF |
352-353 |
A |
Research, Development & Demonstration Activities |
F1_55.DBF |
261 |
A |
Reconciliation of Reported Net Income with Taxable Income for Federal Income Taxes |
F1_56.DBF |
350-351 |
A |
Regulatory Commission Expenses |
F1_57.DBF |
103 |
A |
Corporations Controlled by Respondent |
F1_1.DBF |
Respondent ID |
F1_58.DBF |
118-119 |
A/Q |
Statement of Retained Earnings for the Year |
302 |
A/Q |
Regional Transmission Service Revenues (Account 457.1) |
F1_84.DBF |
Descriptive labels for each numbered row in the Form 1. Useful for identifying semantic content and changes in line numbers from year to year. |
Empty table, apparently related to validating calculations within the DBF database. |
Records the email of whoever submitted each filing, and when it was submitted, received, and loaded. |
F1_61.DBF |
310-311 |
A |
Sales for Resale |
F1_60.DBF |
304 |
A |
Sales of Electricity by Rate Schedules |
F1_91.DBF |
224-225 |
A |
Investment in Subsidiary Companies (Account 123.1) |
F1_62.DBF |
224-225 |
A |
Investment in Subsidiary Companies (Total Line for Schedule) |
F1_77.DBF |
Strings used to describe the schedules in the form each year. |
F1_63.DBF |
002-004 |
A/Q |
Lists the schedules submitted by each respondent each quarter or year. |
106 |
Respondent password information. Empty table. |
F1_64.DBF |
106 |
Shares held by the utility. Describes proxy voting. |
F1_65.DBF |
354-355 |
A |
Distribution of Salaries & Wages |
F1_89.DBF |
402-403a |
A |
Steam-Electric Generation Plant Statistics - Large Plants (Plant Information) |
F1_66.DBF |
426-427 |
A |
Substations |
F1_82.DBF |
Database error logs. Reported 1994-1995 only. |
F1_67.DBF |
262-263 |
A |
Taxes Accrued, Prepaid & Charged During Year |
F1_83.DBF |
Very small junk table. |
F1_68.DBF |
230-230b |
A |
Unrecovered Plant & Regulatory Study Costs |
F1_69.DBF |
200-201 |
A/Q |
Summary of Utility Plant & Accumulated Provisions for Depreciation, Amortization, & Depletion |
F1_70.DBF |
216 |
A |
Construction Work in Progress - Electric |
F1_71.DBF |
424-425 |
A |
Transmission Lines Added During Year |
F1_72.DBF |
332 |
A/Q |
Transmission of Electricity by Others |
F1_73.DBF |
328-330 |
A/Q |
Transmission of Electricity for Others |
F1_74.DBF |
422-423 |
A |
Transmission Line Statistics |
F1_75.DBF |
230-230a |
A |
Extraordinary Property Losses |