pudl.glue.ferc1_eia module

Extract and transform glue tables between FERC Form 1 and EIA 860/923.

pudl.glue.ferc1_eia.glue(ferc1=False, eia=False)[source]

Generates a dictionary of dataframes for glue tables between FERC1, EIA.

That data is primarily stored in the plant_output and utility_output tabs of results/id_mapping/mapping_eia923_ferc1.xlsx in the repository. There are a total of seven relations described in this data:

  • utilities: Unique id and name for each utility for use across the PUDL DB.

  • plants: Unique id and name for each plant for use across the PUDL DB.

  • utilities_eia: EIA operator ids and names attached to a PUDL utility id.

  • plants_eia: EIA plant ids and names attached to a PUDL plant id.

  • utilities_ferc: FERC respondent ids & names attached to a PUDL utility id.

  • plants_ferc: A combination of FERC plant names and respondent ids, associated with a PUDL plant ID. This is necessary because FERC does not provide plant ids, so the unique plant identifier is a combination of the respondent id and plant name.

  • utility_plant_assn: An association table which describes which plants have relationships with what utilities. If a record exists in this table then combination of PUDL utility id & PUDL plant id does have an association of some kind. The nature of that association is somewhat fluid, and more scrutiny will likely be required for use in analysis.

Presently, the ‘glue’ tables are a very basic piece of infrastructure for the PUDL DB, because they contain the primary key fields for utilities and plants in FERC1.

  • ferc1 (bool) – Are we ingesting FERC Form 1 data?

  • eia (bool) – Are we ingesting EIA data?


a dictionary of glue table DataFrames

Return type
