Source code for pudl.extract.eia860

Retrieve data from EIA Form 860 spreadsheets for analysis.

This modules pulls data from EIA's published Excel spreadsheets.

This code is for use analyzing EIA Form 860 data.

import glob
import logging
import os.path

import pandas as pd

import pudl
import pudl.constants as pc
import pudl.workspace.datastore as datastore

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Helper functions & other objects to ingest & process Energy Information
# Administration (EIA) Form 860 data.

[docs]def get_eia860_file(yr, file, data_dir): """ Construct the appopriate path for a given EIA860 Excel file. Args: year (int): The year that we're trying to read data for. file (str): A string containing part of the file name for a given EIA 860 file (e.g. '*Generat*') data_dir (str): Top level datastore directory. Returns: str: Path to EIA 860 spreadsheets corresponding to a given year. Raises: AssertionError: If the requested year is not in the list of working years for EIA 860. """ if yr not in pc.working_years['eia860']: raise AssertionError( f"Requested non-working EIA 860 year: {yr}.\n" f"EIA 860 is only working for: {pc.working_years['eia860']}\n" ) eia860_dir = datastore.path('eia860', year=yr, file=False, data_dir=data_dir) eia860_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(eia860_dir, file))[0] return eia860_file
[docs]def get_eia860_xlsx(years, filename, data_dir): """Read in Excel files to create Excel objects. Rather than reading in the same Excel files several times, we can just read them each in once (one per year) and use the ExcelFile object to refer back to the data in memory. Args: years (list): The years that we're trying to read data for. filename (str): ['enviro_assn', 'utilities', 'plants', 'generators'] Returns: xlsx file of EIA Form 860 for input year(s) """ eia860_xlsx = {} pattern = pc.files_dict_eia860[filename] for yr in years: f"Extracting data from EIA 860 {filename} spreadsheet for {yr}.") eia860_xlsx[yr] = pd.ExcelFile( get_eia860_file(yr, pattern, data_dir=data_dir) ) return eia860_xlsx
[docs]def get_eia860_column_map(page, year): """Given a year and EIA860 page, returns info needed to slurp it from Excel. The format of the EIA860 has changed slightly over the years, and so it is not completely straightforward to pull information from the spreadsheets into our analytical framework. This function looks up a map of the various tabs in the spreadsheet by year and page, and returns the information needed to name the data fields in a standardized way, and pull the right cells from each year & page into our database. Args: page (str): The string label indicating which page of the EIA860 we are attempting to read in. Must be one of the following: - 'generation_fuel' - 'stocks' - 'boiler_fuel' - 'generator' - 'fuel_receipts_costs' - 'plant_frame' year (int): The year that we're trying to read data for. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing: - int: sheet_name, an integer indicating which page in the worksheet the data should be pulled from. 0 is the first page, 1 is the second page, etc. For use by pandas.read_excel() - int: skiprows, an integer indicating how many rows should be skipped at the top of the sheet being read in, before the header row that contains the strings which will be converted into column names in the dataframe which is created by pandas.read_excel() - dict: column_map, a dictionary that maps the names of the columns in the year being read in, to the canonical EIA923 column names (i.e. the column names as they are in 2014-2016). This dictionary will be used by DataFrame.rename(). The keys are the column names in the dataframe as read from older years, and the values are the canonmical column names. All should be stripped of leading and trailing whitespace, converted to lower case, and have internal non-alphanumeric characters replaced with underscores. - pd.Index: all_columns, the column Index associated with the column map -- it includes all of the columns which might be present in all of the years of data, for use in setting the column index of the raw dataframe which is ultimately extracted, so we can ensure that they all have the same columns, even if we're only loading a limited number of years. """ sheet_name =[year, page] skiprows =[year, page] page_to_df = { 'boiler_generator_assn': pc.boiler_generator_assn_map_eia860, 'utility': pc.utility_assn_map_eia860, 'plant': pc.plant_assn_map_eia860, 'generator_existing': pc.generator_assn_map_eia860, 'generator_proposed': pc.generator_proposed_assn_map_eia860, 'generator_retired': pc.generator_retired_assn_map_eia860, 'ownership': pc.ownership_assn_map_eia860 } d = page_to_df[page].loc[year].to_dict() column_map = {} for k, v in d.items(): column_map[v] = k all_columns = page_to_df[page].columns return (sheet_name, skiprows, column_map, all_columns)
[docs]def get_eia860_page(page, eia860_xlsx, years=pc.working_years['eia860']): """Reads a table from several years of EIA860 data, returns a DataFrame. Args: page (str): The string label indicating which page of the EIA860 we are attempting to read in. The page argument must be exactly one of the following strings: - 'boiler_generator_assn' - 'utility' - 'plant' - 'generator_existing' - 'generator_proposed' - 'generator_retired' - 'ownership' eia860_xlsx ( xlsx file of EIA Form 860 for input year or years years (list): The set of years to read into the DataFrame. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A DataFrame of EIA 860 data from selected page, years. Raises: AssertionError: If the page string is not among the list of recognized EIA 860 page strings. AssertionError: If the year is not in the list of years that work for EIA 860. """ if page not in pc.tab_map_eia860.columns and page != 'year_index': raise AssertionError( f"Unrecognized EIA 860 page: {page}\n" f"Acceptable EIA 860 pages: {pc.tab_map_eia860.columns}\n" ) df = pd.DataFrame() for yr in years: if yr not in pc.working_years['eia860']: raise AssertionError( f"Requested non-working EIA 860 year: {yr}.\n" f"EIA 860 works for {pc.working_years['eia860']}\n" )"Converting EIA 860 spreadsheet tab {page} to pandas " f"DataFrame for {yr}.") sheet_name, skiprows, column_map, all_columns = get_eia860_column_map( page, yr) newdata = pd.read_excel(eia860_xlsx[yr], sheet_name=sheet_name, skiprows=skiprows) newdata = pudl.helpers.simplify_columns(newdata) # boiler_generator_assn tab is missing a YEAR column. Add it! if 'report_year' not in newdata.columns: newdata['report_year'] = yr newdata = newdata.rename(columns=column_map) df = df.append(newdata) # We need to ensure that ALL possible columns show up in the dataframe # that's being returned, even if they are empty, so that we know we have a # consistent set of columns to work with in the transform step of ETL, and # the columns match up with the database definition. missing_cols = all_columns.difference(df.columns) empty_cols = pd.DataFrame(columns=missing_cols) df = pd.concat([df, empty_cols], sort=True) return df
def _create_dfs_eia860(files, eia860_years, data_dir): """Create a dict of pages (keys) to DataDrames (values) from EIA 860 tabs. Args: files (list): a list of eia860 files eia860_years (list): a list of years data_dir (str): Top level datastore directory. Returns: dict: A dictionary of pages (key) to DataFrames (values) """ # Prep for ingesting EIA860 # Create excel objects eia860_dfs = {} for f in files: eia860_xlsx = get_eia860_xlsx(eia860_years, f, data_dir) # Create DataFrames pages = pc.file_pages_eia860[f] for page in pages: eia860_dfs[page] = get_eia860_page(page, eia860_xlsx, years=eia860_years) return eia860_dfs
[docs]def extract(eia860_years, data_dir): """Creates a dictionary of DataFrames containing all the EIA 860 tables. Args: eia860_years (list): a list of data_years data_dir (str): Top level datastore directory. Returns: dict: A dictionary of EIA 860 pages (keys) and DataFrames (values) """ # Prep for ingesting EIA860 # create raw 860 dfs from spreadsheets eia860_raw_dfs = {} if not eia860_years:'Not performing ETL for EIA 860.') return eia860_raw_dfs'Beginning ETL for EIA 860.') eia860_raw_dfs = _create_dfs_eia860( files=pc.files_eia860, eia860_years=eia860_years, data_dir=data_dir) return eia860_raw_dfs