pudl.load.csv module

A module with functions for loading the pudl database tables.

class pudl.load.csv.BulkCopy(table_name, pkg_dir, buffer=1073741824)[source]

Bases: contextlib.AbstractContextManager

Accumulate several DataFrames, then COPY FROM pandas to a CSV.

NOTE: You shoud use this class to load one table at a time. To load different tables, use different instances of BulkCopy.

  • table_name (str) – The exact name of the database table which the DataFrame df is going to be used to populate. It will be used both to look up an SQLAlchemy table object in the PUDLBase metadata object, and to name the CSV file.

  • buffer (int) – Size of data to accumulate (in bytes) before actually writing the data into postgresql. (Approximate, because we don’t introspect memory usage ‘deeply’). Default 1 GB.

  • pkg_dir (str) – Path to the directory into which the CSV file should be saved, if it’s being kept.


>>> with BulkCopy(my_table, my_engine) as p:
        for df in df_generator:

Adds a DataFrame to the accumulated list.


df (pandas.DataFrame) – The DataFrame to add to the accumulated list.




Output the accumulated tabular data to disk.


Return to


Spill the accumulated dataframes into the datapackage.

pudl.load.csv.clean_columns_dump(table_name, pkg_dir, df)[source]

Output the cleaned columns to a CSV file.




Incomplete Docstring

pudl.load.csv.csv_dump(df, table_name, keep_index, pkg_dir)[source]

Writes a dataframe to CSV and loads it into postgresql using COPY FROM.

The fastest way to load a bunch of records is using the database’s native text file copy function. This function dumps a given dataframe out to a CSV file, and then loads it into the specified table using a sqlalchemy wrapper around the postgresql COPY FROM command, called postgres_copy.

Note that this creates an additional in-memory representation of the data, which takes slightly less memory than the DataFrame itself.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – The DataFrame which is to be dumped to CSV and loaded into the database. All DataFrame columns must have exactly the same names as the database fields they are meant to populate, and all column data types must be directly compatible with the database fields they are meant to populate. Do any cleanup before you call this function.

  • table_name (str) – The exact name of the database table which the DataFrame df is going to be used to populate. It will be used both to look up an SQLAlchemy table object in the PUDLBase metadata object, and to name the CSV file.

  • keep_index (bool) – Should the output CSV file contain an index?

  • pkg_dir (path-like) – Path to the directory into which the CSV file should be saved, if it’s being kept.



pudl.load.csv.dict_dump(transformed_dfs, data_source, need_fix_inting={'coalmine_eia923': ('mine_id_msha', 'county_id_fips'), 'fuel_receipts_costs_eia923': ('mine_id_pudl', ), 'generation_fuel_eia923': ('nuclear_unit_id', ), 'generators_eia860': ('turbines_num', ), 'hourly_emissions_epacems': ('facility_id', 'unit_id_epa'), 'plants_eia860': ('utility_id_eia', ), 'plants_entity_eia': ('zip_code', ), 'plants_hydro_ferc1': ('construction_year', 'installation_year'), 'plants_pumped_storage_ferc1': ('construction_year', 'installation_year'), 'plants_small_ferc1': ('construction_year', 'ferc_license_id'), 'plants_steam_ferc1': ('construction_year', 'installation_year')}, pkg_dir='')[source]

Wrapper for _csv_dump for each data source.

  • transformed_dfs (dict) – A dictionary of DataFrame objects in which tables from datasets (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that table (values)

  • datasource (str) – The name of the datasource we are working with.

  • need_fix_inting (dict) – A dictionary containing table names (keys) and column names for each table that need their null values cleaned up (values).

  • pkg_dir (path-like) – Path to the directory into which the CSV file should be saved, if it’s being kept.

