Source code for pudl.convert.datapkg_to_sqlite

Merge compatible PUDL datapackages and load the result into an SQLite DB.

This script merges a set of compatible PUDL datapackages into a single
tabular datapackage, and then loads that package into the PUDL SQLite DB

The input datapackages must all have been produced in the same ETL run, and
share the same ``datapkg-bundle-uuid`` value. Any data sources (e.g. ferc1,
eia923) that appear in more than one of the datapackages to be merged must
also share identical ETL parameters (years, tables, states, etc.), allowing
easy deduplication of resources.

Having the ability to load only a subset of the datapackages resulting from an
ETL run into the SQLite database is helpful because larger datasets are much
easier to work with via columnar datastores like Apache Parquet -- loading all
of EPA CEMS into SQLite can take more than 24 hours. PUDL also provides a
separate epacems_to_parquet script that can be used to generate a Parquet
dataset that is partitioned by state and year, which can be read directly into
pandas or dask dataframes, for use in conjunction with the other PUDL data that
is stored in the SQLite DB.

import argparse
import logging
import pathlib
import sys
import tempfile

import coloredlogs
import datapackage
import sqlalchemy as sa
from tableschema import exceptions

import pudl
from pudl.convert.merge_datapkgs import merge_datapkgs

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def datapkg_to_sqlite(sqlite_url, out_path, clobber=False, fkeys=False): """ Load a PUDL datapackage into a sqlite database. Args: sqlite_url (str): An SQLite database connection URL. out_path (path-like): Path to the base directory of the datapackage to be loaded into SQLite. Must contain the datapackage.json file. clobber (bool): If True, replace an existing PUDL DB if it exists. If False (the default), fail if an existing PUDL DB is found. fkeys(bool): If true, tell SQLite to check foreign key constraints for the records that are being loaded. Left off by default. Returns: None """ # Using SQL Alchemy event hooks to enable the foreign key checking pragma # within SQLite for all subsequent database connections. See these pages for # additional documentation on how this stuff works: # # if fkeys:"Enforcing foreign key constraints in SQLite3") @sa.event.listens_for(sa.engine.Engine, "connect") def _set_sqlite_pragma(dbapi_connection, connection_record): from sqlite3 import Connection as SQLite3Connection if isinstance(dbapi_connection, SQLite3Connection): cursor = dbapi_connection.cursor() cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;") cursor.close() # prepping the sqlite engine pudl_engine = sa.create_engine(sqlite_url)"Dropping the current PUDL DB, if it exists.") try: # So that we can wipe it out pudl.helpers.drop_tables(pudl_engine, clobber=clobber) except sa.exc.OperationalError: pass # And start anew pudl_engine = sa.create_engine(sqlite_url) # grab the merged datapackage metadata file: pkg = datapackage.DataPackage( descriptor=str(pathlib.Path(out_path, 'datapackage.json'))) # we want to grab the dictionary of columns that need autoincrement id cols try: autoincrement = pkg.descriptor['autoincrement'] # in case there is no autoincrement columns in the metadata.. except KeyError: autoincrement = {}"Loading merged datapackage into SQLite.")"This could take a while. It might be a good time")"to get a drink of water. Hydrate or die!") try: # Save the data package in SQL'sql', engine=pudl_engine, merge_groups=True, autoincrement=autoincrement) except exceptions.TableSchemaException as exception: logger.error('SQLite conversion failed. See following errors:') logger.error(exception.errors)
[docs]def parse_command_line(argv): """ Parse command line arguments. See the -h option. Args: argv (str): Command line arguments, including caller filename. Returns: dict: Dictionary of command line arguments and their parsed values. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( '-c', '--clobber', action='store_true', help="""Overwrite the existing PUDL sqlite database if it exists. Otherwise, the existence of a pre-existing database will cause the conversion to fail.""", default=False) parser.add_argument( '-k', '--fkeys', action='store_true', help="""Enforce foreign-key constraints within SQLite.""", default=False) parser.add_argument( 'in_paths', nargs="+", help="""A list of paths to the datapackage.json files containing the metadata for the PUDL tabular data packages to be merged and potentially loaded into an SQLite database.""") arguments = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) return arguments
[docs]def main(): """Merge PUDL datapackages and save them into an SQLite database.""" # Display logged output from the PUDL package: pudl_logger = logging.getLogger("pudl") log_format = '%(asctime)s [%(levelname)8s] %(name)s:%(lineno)s %(message)s' coloredlogs.install(fmt=log_format, level='INFO', logger=pudl_logger) args = parse_command_line(sys.argv) pudl_settings = pudl.workspace.setup.get_defaults()"pudl_in={pudl_settings['pudl_in']}")"pudl_out={pudl_settings['pudl_out']}") # Check if there's already a PUDL SQLite DB that we should not clobber # Need to remove the sqlite:/// prefix from the SQLAlchemy URL since # what we're checking against is a file path, not a URL. if ( not args.clobber and pathlib.Path(pudl_settings["pudl_db"].replace("sqlite:///", "")).exists() ): raise FileExistsError( f"SQLite DB at {pudl_settings['pudl_db']} exists and clobber is False.") # Verify that the input data package descriptors exist dps = [] for path in args.in_paths: if not pathlib.Path(path).exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( f"Input datapackage path {path} does not exist.") dps.append(datapackage.DataPackage(descriptor=path))"Merging datapackages.") with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: out_path = pathlib.Path(tmpdir) merge_datapkgs(dps, out_path, clobber=args.clobber)"Loading merged datapackage into an SQLite database.") datapkg_to_sqlite( pudl_settings['pudl_db'], out_path, clobber=args.clobber, fkeys=args.fkeys, )"Success! You can connect to the PUDL DB at this URL:")"{pudl_settings['pudl_db']}")