Source code for pudl.transform.eia923

"""Module to perform data cleaning functions on EIA923 data tables."""
import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import pudl
from pudl import constants as pc

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _yearly_to_monthly_records(df):
    """Converts an EIA 923 record of 12 months of data into 12 monthly records.

    Much of the data reported in EIA 923 is monthly, but all 12 months worth of data is
    reported in a single record, with one field for each of the 12 months.  This
    function converts these annualized composite records into a set of 12 monthly
    records containing the same information, by parsing the field names for months, and
    adding a month field.  Non - time series data is retained in the same format.

        df (pandas.DataFrame): A pandas DataFrame containing the annual data to be
            converted into monthly records.

        pandas.DataFrame: A dataframe containing the same data as was passed in via df,
        but with monthly records as rows instead of as columns.

    month_dict = {
        'january': 1,
        'february': 2,
        'march': 3,
        'april': 4,
        'may': 5,
        'june': 6,
        'july': 7,
        'august': 8,
        'september': 9,
        'october': 10,
        'november': 11,
        'december': 12
    multi_idx = df.columns.str.rsplit(
        "_", n=1, expand=True).set_names([None, 'report_month'])
    ends_with_month_filter = multi_idx.get_level_values(
    if not ends_with_month_filter.any():
        return df
    index_cols = df.columns[~ends_with_month_filter]
    # performance note: this was good enough for eia923 data size.
    # Using .set_index() is simple but inefficient due to unecessary index creation.
    # Performance may be improved by separating into two dataframes,
    # .stack()ing the monthly data, then joining back together on the original index.
    df = df.set_index(list(index_cols), append=True)
    # convert month names to numbers (january -> 1)
    col_df = multi_idx[ends_with_month_filter].to_frame(index=False)
    col_df.loc[:, 'report_month'] = col_df.loc[:, 'report_month'].map(month_dict)
    month_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(col_df).set_names([None, 'report_month'])
    # reshape
    df.columns = month_idx
    df = df.stack()
    # restore original index and columns - reset index except level 0
    df = df.reset_index(level=list(range(1, df.index.nlevels)))
    return df

def _coalmine_cleanup(cmi_df):
    """Cleans up the coalmine_eia923 table.

    This function does most of the coalmine_eia923 table transformation. It is separate
    from the coalmine() transform function because of the peculiar way that we are
    normalizing the fuel_receipts_costs_eia923() table.

    All of the coalmine information is originally coming from the EIA
    fuel_receipts_costs spreadsheet, but it really belongs in its own table. We strip it
    out of FRC, and create that separate table, but then we need to refer to that table
    through a foreign key. To do so, we actually merge the entire contents of the
    coalmine table into FRC, including the surrogate key, and then drop the data fields.

    For this to work, we need to have exactly the same coalmine data fields in both the
    new coalmine table, and the FRC table. To ensure that's true, we isolate the
    transformations here in this function, and apply them to the coalmine columns in
    both the FRC table and the coalmine table.

        cmi_df (pandas.DataFrame): A DataFrame to be cleaned, containing coalmine
            information (e.g. name, county, state)

        pandas.DataFrame: A cleaned DataFrame containing coalmine information.

    # Because we need to pull the mine_id_msha field into the FRC table,
    # but we don't know what that ID is going to be until we've populated
    # this table... we're going to functionally end up using the data in
    # the coalmine info table as a "key."  Whatever set of things we
    # drop duplicates on will be the defacto key.  Whatever massaging we do
    # of the values here (case, removing whitespace, punctuation, etc.) will
    # affect the total number of "unique" mines that we end up having in the
    # table... and we probably want to minimize it (without creating
    # collisions).  We will need to do exactly the same transofrmations in the
    # FRC ingest function before merging these values in, or they won't match
    # up.
    cmi_df = (
            # Map mine type codes, which have changed over the years, to a few
            # canonical values:
            mine_type_code=lambda x: x.mine_type_code.replace(
                {'[pP]': 'P', 'U/S': 'US', 'S/U': 'SU', 'Su': 'S'},
            # replace 2-letter country codes w/ ISO 3 letter as appropriate:
            state=lambda x: x.state.replace(pc.coalmine_country_eia923),
            # remove all internal non-alphanumeric characters:
            mine_name=lambda x: x.mine_name.replace(
                '[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]', '', regex=True),
            # Homogenize the data type that we're finding inside the
            # county_id_fips field (ugh, Excel sheets!).  Mostly these are
            # integers or NA values, but for imported coal, there are both
            # 'IMP' and 'IM' string values.
            county_id_fips=lambda x: x.county_id_fips.replace(
                '[a-zA-Z]+', value=np.nan, regex=True
        # No leading or trailing whitespace:
        .pipe(pudl.helpers.simplify_strings, columns=["mine_name"])
        .astype({"county_id_fips": float})
        .astype({"county_id_fips": pd.Int64Dtype()})
        .fillna({"mine_type_code": pd.NA})
        .astype({"mine_type_code": pd.StringDtype()})
    return cmi_df


[docs]def plants(eia923_dfs, eia923_transformed_dfs): """Transforms the plants_eia923 table. Much of the static plant information is reported repeatedly, and scattered across several different pages of EIA 923. The data frame that this function uses is assembled from those many different pages, and passed in via the same dictionary of dataframes that all the other ingest functions use for uniformity. Transformations include: * Map full spelling onto code values. * Convert Y/N columns to booleans. * Remove excess white space around values. * Drop duplicate rows. Args: eia923_dfs (dictionary of pandas.DataFrame): Each entry in this dictionary of DataFrame objects corresponds to a page from the EIA 923 form, as reported in the Excel spreadsheets they distribute. eia923_transformed_dfs (dict): A dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA923 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values). Returns: dict: eia923_transformed_dfs, a dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA923 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values). """ plant_info_df = eia923_dfs['plant_frame'].copy() # There are other fields being compiled in the plant_info_df from all of # the various EIA923 spreadsheet pages. Do we want to add them to the # database model too? E.g. capacity_mw, operator_name, etc. plant_info_df = plant_info_df[['plant_id_eia', 'combined_heat_power', 'plant_state', 'eia_sector', 'naics_code', 'reporting_frequency', 'census_region', 'nerc_region', 'capacity_mw', 'report_year']] plant_info_df['reporting_frequency'] = plant_info_df.reporting_frequency.replace( {'M': 'monthly', 'A': 'annual'}) # Since this is a plain Yes/No variable -- just make it a real sa.Boolean. plant_info_df.combined_heat_power.replace( {'N': False, 'Y': True}, inplace=True) # Get rid of excessive whitespace introduced to break long lines (ugh) plant_info_df.census_region = plant_info_df.census_region.str.replace( ' ', '') plant_info_df.drop_duplicates(subset='plant_id_eia') plant_info_df['plant_id_eia'] = plant_info_df['plant_id_eia'].astype(int) eia923_transformed_dfs['plants_eia923'] = plant_info_df return eia923_transformed_dfs
[docs]def generation_fuel(eia923_dfs, eia923_transformed_dfs): """Transforms the generation_fuel_eia923 table. Transformations include: * Remove fields implicated elsewhere. * Replace . values with NA. * Remove rows with utility ids 99999. * Create a fuel_type_code_pudl field that organizes fuel types into clean, distinguishable categories. * Combine year and month columns into a single date column. Args: eia923_dfs (dict): Each entry in this dictionary of DataFrame objects corresponds to a page from the EIA923 form, as reported in the Excel spreadsheets they distribute. eia923_transformed_dfs (dict): A dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA923 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values). Returns: dict: eia923_transformed_dfs, a dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA923 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values). """ # This needs to be a copy of what we're passed in so we can edit it. gf_df = eia923_dfs['generation_fuel'].copy() # Drop fields we're not inserting into the generation_fuel_eia923 table. cols_to_drop = ['combined_heat_power', 'plant_name_eia', 'operator_name', 'operator_id', 'plant_state', 'census_region', 'nerc_region', 'naics_code', 'eia_sector', 'sector_name', 'fuel_unit', 'total_fuel_consumption_quantity', 'electric_fuel_consumption_quantity', 'total_fuel_consumption_mmbtu', 'elec_fuel_consumption_mmbtu', 'net_generation_megawatthours'] gf_df.drop(cols_to_drop, axis=1, inplace=True) # Convert the EIA923 DataFrame from yearly to monthly records. gf_df = _yearly_to_monthly_records(gf_df) # Replace the EIA923 NA value ('.') with a real NA value. gf_df = pudl.helpers.fix_eia_na(gf_df) # Remove "State fuel-level increment" records... which don't pertain to # any particular plant (they have plant_id_eia == operator_id == 99999) gf_df = gf_df[gf_df.plant_id_eia != 99999] # conservative manual correction for bad prime mover codes gf_df['prime_mover_code'] = gf_df['prime_mover_code'].replace({ 'CC': '' # one plant in 2004. Pre-2004, it was '', post-2004, it was broken into combined cycle parts }) # conservative manual corrections for misplaced or mistyped fuel types gf_df['fuel_type'] = gf_df['fuel_type'].replace({ # mistyped, 1 record in 2002 (as of 2019 data) 'OW': 'WO', # duplicated AER fuel code, subtype not reported. One record in 2001 (as of 2019 data) 'COL': '', # duplicated AER fuel code, maps unambiguously to 'wat'. 4 records in 2001 (as of 2019 data) 'HPS': 'WAT', # duplicated AER fuel code, subtype not reported. 12 records in 2001 (as of 2019 data) 'OOG': '', }) gf_df['fuel_type_code_pudl'] = ( pudl.helpers.cleanstrings_series(gf_df.fuel_type, pc.fuel_type_eia923_gen_fuel_simple_map) ) # Convert Year/Month columns into a single Date column... gf_df = pudl.helpers.convert_to_date(gf_df) eia923_transformed_dfs['generation_fuel_eia923'] = gf_df return eia923_transformed_dfs
[docs]def boiler_fuel(eia923_dfs, eia923_transformed_dfs): """Transforms the boiler_fuel_eia923 table. Transformations include: * Remove fields implicated elsewhere. * Drop values with plant and boiler id values of NA. * Replace . values with NA. * Create a fuel_type_code_pudl field that organizes fuel types into clean, distinguishable categories. * Combine year and month columns into a single date column. Args: eia923_dfs (dict): Each entry in this dictionary of DataFrame objects corresponds to a page from the EIA923 form, as reported in the Excel spreadsheets they distribute. eia923_transformed_dfs (dict): A dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA923 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values). Returns: dict: eia923_transformed_dfs, a dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA923 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values). """ bf_df = eia923_dfs['boiler_fuel'].copy() # Drop fields we're not inserting into the boiler_fuel_eia923 table. cols_to_drop = ['combined_heat_power', 'plant_name_eia', 'operator_name', 'operator_id', 'plant_state', 'census_region', 'nerc_region', 'naics_code', 'eia_sector', 'sector_name', 'fuel_unit', 'total_fuel_consumption_quantity'] bf_df.drop(cols_to_drop, axis=1, inplace=True) bf_df.dropna(subset=['boiler_id', 'plant_id_eia'], inplace=True) # Convert the EIA923 DataFrame from yearly to monthly records. bf_df = _yearly_to_monthly_records(bf_df) bf_df['fuel_type_code_pudl'] = pudl.helpers.cleanstrings_series( bf_df.fuel_type_code, pc.fuel_type_eia923_boiler_fuel_simple_map) # Replace the EIA923 NA value ('.') with a real NA value. bf_df = pudl.helpers.fix_eia_na(bf_df) # Convert Year/Month columns into a single Date column... bf_df = pudl.helpers.convert_to_date(bf_df) eia923_transformed_dfs['boiler_fuel_eia923'] = bf_df return eia923_transformed_dfs
[docs]def generation(eia923_dfs, eia923_transformed_dfs): """Transforms the generation_eia923 table. Transformations include: * Drop rows with NA for generator id. * Remove fields implicated elsewhere. * Replace . values with NA. * Drop generator-date row duplicates (all have no data). Args: eia923_dfs (dict): Each entry in this dictionary of DataFrame objects corresponds to a page from the EIA923 form, as reported in the Excel spreadsheets they distribute. eia923_transformed_dfs (dict): A dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA923 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values). Returns: dict: eia923_transformed_dfs, a dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA923 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values). """ gen_df = ( eia923_dfs['generator'] .dropna(subset=['generator_id']) .drop(['combined_heat_power', 'plant_name_eia', 'operator_name', 'operator_id', 'plant_state', 'census_region', 'nerc_region', 'naics_code', 'eia_sector', 'sector_name', 'net_generation_mwh_year_to_date'], axis="columns") .pipe(_yearly_to_monthly_records) .pipe(pudl.helpers.fix_eia_na) .pipe(pudl.helpers.convert_to_date) ) # There are a few hundred (out of a few hundred thousand) records which # have duplicate records for a given generator/date combo. However, in all # cases one of them has no data (net_generation_mwh) associated with it, # so it's pretty clear which one to drop. unique_subset = ["report_date", "plant_id_eia", "generator_id"] dupes = gen_df[gen_df.duplicated(subset=unique_subset, keep=False)] gen_df = gen_df.drop(dupes.net_generation_mwh.isna().index) eia923_transformed_dfs['generation_eia923'] = gen_df return eia923_transformed_dfs
[docs]def coalmine(eia923_dfs, eia923_transformed_dfs): """Transforms the coalmine_eia923 table. Transformations include: * Remove fields implicated elsewhere. * Drop duplicates with MSHA ID. Args: eia923_dfs (dict): Each entry in this dictionary of DataFrame objects corresponds to a page from the EIA923 form, as reported in the Excel spreadsheets they distribute. eia923_transformed_dfs (dict): A dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA923 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values). Returns: dict: eia923_transformed_dfs, a dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA923 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values). """ # These are the columns that we want to keep from FRC for the # coal mine info table. coalmine_cols = ['mine_name', 'mine_type_code', 'state', 'county_id_fips', 'mine_id_msha'] # Make a copy so we don't alter the FRC data frame... which we'll need # to use again for populating the FRC table (see below) cmi_df = eia923_dfs['fuel_receipts_costs'].copy() # Keep only the columns listed above: cmi_df = _coalmine_cleanup(cmi_df) cmi_df = cmi_df[coalmine_cols] # If we actually *have* an MSHA ID for a mine, then we have a totally # unique identifier for that mine, and we can safely drop duplicates and # keep just one copy of that mine, no matter how different all the other # fields associated with the mine info are... Here we split out all the # coalmine records that have an MSHA ID, remove them from the CMI # data frame, drop duplicates, and then bring the unique mine records # back into the overall CMI dataframe... cmi_with_msha = cmi_df[cmi_df['mine_id_msha'] > 0] cmi_with_msha = cmi_with_msha.drop_duplicates(subset=['mine_id_msha', ]) cmi_df.drop(cmi_df[cmi_df['mine_id_msha'] > 0].index) cmi_df.append(cmi_with_msha) cmi_df = cmi_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['mine_name', 'state', 'mine_id_msha', 'mine_type_code', 'county_id_fips']) # drop null values if they occur in vital fields.... cmi_df.dropna(subset=['mine_name', 'state'], inplace=True) # we need an mine id to associate this coalmine table with the frc # table. In order to do that, we need to create a clean index, like # an autoincremeted id column in a db, which will later be used as a # primary key in the coalmine table and a forigen key in the frc table # first we reset the index to get a clean index cmi_df = cmi_df.reset_index() # then we get rid of the old index cmi_df = cmi_df.drop(labels=['index'], axis=1) # then name the index id = 'mine_id_pudl' # then make the id index a column for simpler transferability cmi_df = cmi_df.reset_index() eia923_transformed_dfs['coalmine_eia923'] = cmi_df return eia923_transformed_dfs
[docs]def fuel_receipts_costs(eia923_dfs, eia923_transformed_dfs): """Transforms the fuel_receipts_costs_eia923 dataframe. Transformations include: * Remove fields implicated elsewhere. * Replace . values with NA. * Standardize codes values. * Fix dates. * Replace invalid mercury content values with NA. Fuel cost is reported in cents per mmbtu. Converts cents to dollars. Args: eia923_dfs (dict): Each entry in this dictionary of DataFrame objects corresponds to a page from the EIA923 form, as reported in the Excel spreadsheets they distribute. eia923_transformed_dfs (dict): A dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA923 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values). Returns: dict: eia923_transformed_dfs, a dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA923 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values). """ frc_df = eia923_dfs['fuel_receipts_costs'].copy() # Drop fields we're not inserting into the fuel_receipts_costs_eia923 # table. cols_to_drop = ['plant_name_eia', 'plant_state', 'operator_name', 'operator_id', 'mine_id_msha', 'mine_type_code', 'state', 'county_id_fips', 'mine_name', 'regulated', 'reporting_frequency'] cmi_df = ( eia923_transformed_dfs['coalmine_eia923'].copy() # In order for the merge to work, we need to get the county_id_fips # field back into ready-to-dump form... so it matches the types of the # county_id_fips field that we are going to be merging on in the # frc_df. # rename(columns={'id': 'mine_id_pudl'}) ) # This type/naming cleanup function is separated out so that we can be # sure it is applied exactly the same both when the coalmine_eia923 table # is populated, and here (since we need them to be identical for the # following merge) frc_df = ( frc_df.pipe(_coalmine_cleanup). merge(cmi_df, how='left', on=['mine_name', 'state', 'mine_id_msha', 'mine_type_code', 'county_id_fips']). drop(cols_to_drop, axis=1). # Replace the EIA923 NA value ('.') with a real NA value. pipe(pudl.helpers.fix_eia_na). # These come in ALL CAPS from EIA... pipe(pudl.helpers.simplify_strings, columns=['supplier_name']). pipe(pudl.helpers.fix_int_na, columns=['contract_expiration_date', ]). assign( # Standardize case on transportaion codes -- all upper case! primary_transportation_mode_code=lambda x: ( x.primary_transportation_mode_code.str.upper()), secondary_transportation_mode_code=lambda x: ( x.secondary_transportation_mode_code.str.upper()), # convert contract type "N" to "NC". The "N" code existed only # in 2008, the first year contracts were reported to the EIA, # before being replaced by "NC". contract_type_code=lambda x: x.contract_type_code.replace({'N': 'NC'}), fuel_cost_per_mmbtu=lambda x: x.fuel_cost_per_mmbtu / 100, fuel_group_code=lambda x: ( x.fuel_group_code.str.lower().str.replace(' ', '_')), fuel_type_code_pudl=lambda x: pudl.helpers.cleanstrings_series( x.energy_source_code, pc.energy_source_eia_simple_map), fuel_group_code_simple=lambda x: pudl.helpers.cleanstrings_series( x.fuel_group_code, pc.fuel_group_eia923_simple_map), contract_expiration_month=lambda x: x.contract_expiration_date.apply( lambda y: y[:-2] if y != '' else y)). assign( # These assignments are separate b/c they exp_month is altered 2x contract_expiration_month=lambda x: x.contract_expiration_month.apply( lambda y: y if y != '' and int(y) <= 12 else ''), contract_expiration_year=lambda x: x.contract_expiration_date.apply( lambda y: '20' + y[-2:] if y != '' else y)). # Now that we will create our own real date field, so chuck this one. drop('contract_expiration_date', axis=1). pipe(pudl.helpers.convert_to_date, date_col='contract_expiration_date', year_col='contract_expiration_year', month_col='contract_expiration_month'). pipe(pudl.helpers.convert_to_date). pipe(pudl.helpers.cleanstrings, ['natural_gas_transport_code', 'natural_gas_delivery_contract_type_code'], [{'firm': ['F'], 'interruptible': ['I']}, {'firm': ['F'], 'interruptible': ['I']}], unmapped='') ) # Remove known to be invalid mercury content values. Almost all of these # occur in the 2012 data. Real values should be <0.25ppm. bad_hg_idx = frc_df.mercury_content_ppm >= 7.0 frc_df.loc[bad_hg_idx, "mercury_content_ppm"] = np.nan eia923_transformed_dfs['fuel_receipts_costs_eia923'] = frc_df return eia923_transformed_dfs
[docs]def transform(eia923_raw_dfs, eia923_tables=pc.eia923_pudl_tables): """Transforms all the EIA 923 tables. Args: eia923_raw_dfs (dict): a dictionary of tab names (keys) and DataFrames (values). Generated from `pudl.extract.eia923.extract()`. eia923_tables (tuple): A tuple containing the EIA923 tables that can be pulled into PUDL. Returns: dict: A dictionary of DataFrame with table names as keys and :class:`pandas.DataFrame` objects as values, where the contents of the DataFrames correspond to cleaned and normalized PUDL database tables, ready for loading. """ eia923_transform_functions = { 'generation_fuel_eia923': generation_fuel, 'boiler_fuel_eia923': boiler_fuel, 'generation_eia923': generation, 'coalmine_eia923': coalmine, 'fuel_receipts_costs_eia923': fuel_receipts_costs } eia923_transformed_dfs = {} if not eia923_raw_dfs:"No raw EIA 923 DataFrames found. " "Not transforming EIA 923.") return eia923_transformed_dfs for table in eia923_transform_functions.keys(): if table in eia923_tables: f"Transforming raw EIA 923 DataFrames for {table} " f"concatenated across all years.") eia923_transform_functions[table](eia923_raw_dfs, eia923_transformed_dfs) else:'Not transforming {table}') return eia923_transformed_dfs