Source code for pudl.metadata.dfs

"""Static database tables."""
import pandas as pd

[docs]FERC_ACCOUNTS: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame( columns=['row_number', 'ferc_account_id', 'ferc_account_description'], data=[ # 1. Intangible Plant (2, '301', 'Intangible: Organization'), (3, '302', 'Intangible: Franchises and consents'), (4, '303', 'Intangible: Miscellaneous intangible plant'), (5, 'subtotal_intangible', 'Subtotal: Intangible Plant'), # 2. Production Plant # A. steam production (8, '310', 'Steam production: Land and land rights'), (9, '311', 'Steam production: Structures and improvements'), (10, '312', 'Steam production: Boiler plant equipment'), (11, '313', 'Steam production: Engines and engine-driven generators'), (12, '314', 'Steam production: Turbogenerator units'), (13, '315', 'Steam production: Accessory electric equipment'), (14, '316', 'Steam production: Miscellaneous power plant equipment'), (15, '317', 'Steam production: Asset retirement costs for steam production plant'), (16, 'subtotal_steam_production', 'Subtotal: Steam Production Plant'), # B. nuclear production (18, '320', 'Nuclear production: Land and land rights (Major only)'), (19, '321', 'Nuclear production: Structures and improvements (Major only)'), (20, '322', 'Nuclear production: Reactor plant equipment (Major only)'), (21, '323', 'Nuclear production: Turbogenerator units (Major only)'), (22, '324', 'Nuclear production: Accessory electric equipment (Major only)'), (23, '325', 'Nuclear production: Miscellaneous power plant equipment (Major only)'), (24, '326', 'Nuclear production: Asset retirement costs for nuclear production plant (Major only)'), (25, 'subtotal_nuclear_produciton', 'Subtotal: Nuclear Production Plant'), # C. hydraulic production (27, '330', 'Hydraulic production: Land and land rights'), (28, '331', 'Hydraulic production: Structures and improvements'), (29, '332', 'Hydraulic production: Reservoirs, dams, and waterways'), (30, '333', 'Hydraulic production: Water wheels, turbines and generators'), (31, '334', 'Hydraulic production: Accessory electric equipment'), (32, '335', 'Hydraulic production: Miscellaneous power plant equipment'), (33, '336', 'Hydraulic production: Roads, railroads and bridges'), (34, '337', 'Hydraulic production: Asset retirement costs for hydraulic production plant'), (35, 'subtotal_hydraulic_production', 'Subtotal: Hydraulic Production Plant'), # D. other production (37, '340', 'Other production: Land and land rights'), (38, '341', 'Other production: Structures and improvements'), (39, '342', 'Other production: Fuel holders, producers, and accessories'), (40, '343', 'Other production: Prime movers'), (41, '344', 'Other production: Generators'), (42, '345', 'Other production: Accessory electric equipment'), (43, '346', 'Other production: Miscellaneous power plant equipment'), (44, '347', 'Other production: Asset retirement costs for other production plant'), (None, '348', 'Other production: Energy Storage Equipment'), (45, 'subtotal_other_production', 'Subtotal: Other Production Plant'), (46, 'subtotal_production', 'Subtotal: Production Plant'), # 3. Transmission Plant, (48, '350', 'Transmission: Land and land rights'), (None, '351', 'Transmission: Energy Storage Equipment'), (49, '352', 'Transmission: Structures and improvements'), (50, '353', 'Transmission: Station equipment'), (51, '354', 'Transmission: Towers and fixtures'), (52, '355', 'Transmission: Poles and fixtures'), (53, '356', 'Transmission: Overhead conductors and devices'), (54, '357', 'Transmission: Underground conduit'), (55, '358', 'Transmission: Underground conductors and devices'), (56, '359', 'Transmission: Roads and trails'), (57, '359.1', 'Transmission: Asset retirement costs for transmission plant'), (58, 'subtotal_transmission', 'Subtotal: Transmission Plant'), # 4. Distribution Plant (60, '360', 'Distribution: Land and land rights'), (61, '361', 'Distribution: Structures and improvements'), (62, '362', 'Distribution: Station equipment'), (63, '363', 'Distribution: Storage battery equipment'), (64, '364', 'Distribution: Poles, towers and fixtures'), (65, '365', 'Distribution: Overhead conductors and devices'), (66, '366', 'Distribution: Underground conduit'), (67, '367', 'Distribution: Underground conductors and devices'), (68, '368', 'Distribution: Line transformers'), (69, '369', 'Distribution: Services'), (70, '370', 'Distribution: Meters'), (71, '371', 'Distribution: Installations on customers\' premises'), (72, '372', 'Distribution: Leased property on customers\' premises'), (73, '373', 'Distribution: Street lighting and signal systems'), (74, '374', 'Distribution: Asset retirement costs for distribution plant'), (75, 'subtotal_distribution', 'Subtotal: Distribution Plant'), # 5. Regional Transmission and Market Operation Plant (77, '380', 'Regional transmission: Land and land rights'), (78, '381', 'Regional transmission: Structures and improvements'), (79, '382', 'Regional transmission: Computer hardware'), (80, '383', 'Regional transmission: Computer software'), (81, '384', 'Regional transmission: Communication Equipment'), (82, '385', 'Regional transmission: Miscellaneous Regional Transmission and Market Operation Plant'), (83, '386', 'Regional transmission: Asset Retirement Costs for Regional Transmission and Market Operation Plant'), (84, 'subtotal_regional_transmission', 'Subtotal: Transmission and Market Operation Plant'), (None, '387', 'Regional transmission: [Reserved]'), # 6. General Plant (86, '389', 'General: Land and land rights'), (87, '390', 'General: Structures and improvements'), (88, '391', 'General: Office furniture and equipment'), (89, '392', 'General: Transportation equipment'), (90, '393', 'General: Stores equipment'), (91, '394', 'General: Tools, shop and garage equipment'), (92, '395', 'General: Laboratory equipment'), (93, '396', 'General: Power operated equipment'), (94, '397', 'General: Communication equipment'), (95, '398', 'General: Miscellaneous equipment'), (96, 'subtotal_general', 'Subtotal: General Plant'), (97, '399', 'General: Other tangible property'), (98, '399.1', 'General: Asset retirement costs for general plant'), (99, 'total_general', 'TOTAL General Plant'), (100, '101_and_106', 'Electric plant in service (Major only)'), (101, '102_purchased', 'Electric plant purchased'), (102, '102_sold', 'Electric plant sold'), (103, '103', 'Experimental plant unclassified'), (104, 'total_electric_plant', 'TOTAL Electric Plant in Service')
] ) """ FERC electric plant account IDs with associated row numbers and descriptions. From FERC Form 1 pages 204-207, Electric Plant in Service. Descriptions from: """
[docs]FERC_DEPRECIATION_LINES: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame( columns=['row_number', 'line_id', 'ferc_account_description'], data=[ # Section A. Balances and Changes During Year (1, 'balance_beginning_of_year', 'Balance Beginning of Year'), (3, 'depreciation_expense', '(403) Depreciation Expense'), (4, 'depreciation_expense_asset_retirement', '(403.1) Depreciation Expense for Asset Retirement Costs'), (5, 'expense_electric_plant_leased_to_others', '(413) Exp. of Elec. Plt. Leas. to Others'), (6, 'transportation_expenses_clearing', 'Transportation Expenses-Clearing'), (7, 'other_clearing_accounts', 'Other Clearing Accounts'), (8, 'other_accounts_specified', 'Other Accounts (Specify, details in footnote):'), # blank: might also be other charges like line 17. (9, 'other_charges', 'Other Charges:'), (10, 'total_depreciation_provision_for_year', 'TOTAL Deprec. Prov for Year (Enter Total of lines 3 thru 9)'), (11, 'net_charges_for_plant_retired', 'Net Charges for Plant Retired:'), (12, 'book_cost_of_plant_retired', 'Book Cost of Plant Retired'), (13, 'cost_of_removal', 'Cost of Removal'), (14, 'salvage_credit', 'Salvage (Credit)'), (15, 'total_net_charges_for_plant_retired', 'TOTAL Net Chrgs. for Plant Ret. (Enter Total of lines 12 thru 14)'), (16, 'other_debit_or_credit_items', 'Other Debit or Cr. Items (Describe, details in footnote):'), # blank: can be "Other Charges", e.g. in 2012 for PSCo. (17, 'other_charges_2', 'Other Charges 2'), (18, 'book_cost_or_asset_retirement_costs_retired', 'Book Cost or Asset Retirement Costs Retired'), (19, 'balance_end_of_year', 'Balance End of Year (Enter Totals of lines 1, 10, 15, 16, and 18)'), # Section B. Balances at End of Year According to Functional Classification (20, 'steam_production_end_of_year', 'Steam Production'), (21, 'nuclear_production_end_of_year', 'Nuclear Production'), (22, 'hydraulic_production_end_of_year', 'Hydraulic Production-Conventional'), (23, 'pumped_storage_end_of_year', 'Hydraulic Production-Pumped Storage'), (24, 'other_production', 'Other Production'), (25, 'transmission', 'Transmission'), (26, 'distribution', 'Distribution'), (27, 'regional_transmission_and_market_operation', 'Regional Transmission and Market Operation'), (28, 'general', 'General'), (29, 'total', 'TOTAL (Enter Total of lines 20 thru 28)'),
], ) """ Row numbers, FERC account IDs, and FERC account descriptions. From FERC Form 1 page 219, Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of electric utility plant (Account 108). """