
Metadata constants and methods.



Package Contents



Tabular data package.


Tabular data resource (package.resources[...]).



class pudl.metadata.Package[source]

Bases: Base

Tabular data package.

See https://specs.frictionlessdata.io/data-package.


Foreign keys between resources are checked for completeness and consistency.

>>> fields = [{'name': 'x', 'type': 'year'}, {'name': 'y', 'type': 'string'}]
>>> fkey = {'fields': ['x', 'y'], 'reference': {'resource': 'b', 'fields': ['x', 'y']}}
>>> schema = {'fields': fields, 'primary_key': ['x'], 'foreign_keys': [fkey]}
>>> a = Resource(name='a', schema=schema)
>>> b = Resource(name='b', schema=Schema(fields=fields, primary_key=['x']))
>>> Package(name='ab', resources=[a, b])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: ...
>>> b.schema.primary_key = ['x', 'y']
>>> package = Package(name='ab', resources=[a, b])

SQL Alchemy can sort tables, based on foreign keys, in the order in which they need to be loaded into a database.

>>> metadata = package.to_sql()
>>> [table.name for table in metadata.sorted_tables]
['b', 'a']
name :String
title :String
description :String
keywords :List[String] = []
homepage :HttpUrl = https://catalyst.coop/pudl
created :Datetime
contributors :List[Contributor] = []
sources :List[DataSource] = []
licenses :List[License] = []
resources :StrictList(Resource)
_check_foreign_keys(cls, value)
_populate_from_resources(cls, values)
classmethod from_resource_ids(cls, resource_ids: Tuple[str] = tuple(sorted(RESOURCE_METADATA)), resolve_foreign_keys: bool = False) Package

Construct a collection of Resources from PUDL identifiers (resource.name).

Identify any fields that have foreign key relationships referencing the coding tables defined in pudl.metadata.codes and if so, associate the coding table’s encoder with those columns for later use cleaning them up.

The result is cached, since we so often need to generate the metdata for the full collection of PUDL tables.

  • resource_ids – Resource PUDL identifiers (resource.name). Needs to be a Tuple so that the set of identifiers is hashable, allowing return value caching through lru_cache.

  • resolve_foreign_keys – Whether to add resources as needed based on foreign keys.

get_resource(self, name: str) Resource

Return the resource with the given name if it is in the Package.

to_rst(self, path: str) None

Output to an RST file.

to_sql(self, check_types: bool = True, check_values: bool = True) sqlalchemy.MetaData

Return equivalent SQL MetaData.

class pudl.metadata.Resource[source]

Bases: Base

Tabular data resource (package.resources[…]).

See https://specs.frictionlessdata.io/tabular-data-resource.


A simple example illustrates the conversion to SQLAlchemy objects.

>>> fields = [{'name': 'x', 'type': 'year'}, {'name': 'y', 'type': 'string'}]
>>> fkeys = [{'fields': ['x', 'y'], 'reference': {'resource': 'b', 'fields': ['x', 'y']}}]
>>> schema = {'fields': fields, 'primary_key': ['x'], 'foreign_keys': fkeys}
>>> resource = Resource(name='a', schema=schema)
>>> table = resource.to_sql()
>>> table.columns.x
Column('x', Integer(), ForeignKey('b.x'), CheckConstraint(...), table=<a>, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
>>> table.columns.y
Column('y', Text(), ForeignKey('b.y'), CheckConstraint(...), table=<a>)

To illustrate harvesting operations, say we have a resource with two fields - a primary key (id) and a data field - which we want to harvest from two different dataframes.

>>> from pudl.metadata.helpers import unique, as_dict
>>> fields = [
...     {'name': 'id', 'type': 'integer'},
...     {'name': 'x', 'type': 'integer', 'harvest': {'aggregate': unique, 'tolerance': 0.25}}
... ]
>>> resource = Resource(**{
...     'name': 'a',
...     'harvest': {'harvest': True},
...     'schema': {'fields': fields, 'primary_key': ['id']}
... })
>>> dfs = {
...     'a': pd.DataFrame({'id': [1, 1, 2, 2], 'x': [1, 1, 2, 2]}),
...     'b': pd.DataFrame({'id': [2, 3, 3], 'x': [3, 4, 4]})
... }

Skip aggregation to access all the rows concatenated from the input dataframes. The names of the input dataframes are used as the index.

>>> df, _ = resource.harvest_dfs(dfs, aggregate=False)
>>> df
    id  x
a    1  1
a    1  1
a    2  2
a    2  2
b    2  3
b    3  4
b    3  4

Field names and data types are enforced.

>>> resource.to_pandas_dtypes() == df.dtypes.apply(str).to_dict()

Alternatively, aggregate by primary key (the default when harvest. harvest=True) and report aggregation errors.

>>> df, report = resource.harvest_dfs(dfs)
>>> df
1      1
2   <NA>
3      4
>>> report['stats']
{'all': 2, 'invalid': 1, 'tolerance': 0.0, 'actual': 0.5}
>>> report['fields']['x']['stats']
{'all': 3, 'invalid': 1, 'tolerance': 0.25, 'actual': 0.33...}
>>> report['fields']['x']['errors']
2    Not unique.
Name: x, dtype: object

Customize the error values in the error report.

>>> error = lambda x, e: as_dict(x)
>>> df, report = resource.harvest_dfs(
...    dfs, aggregate_kwargs={'raised': False, 'error': error}
... )
>>> report['fields']['x']['errors']
2    {'a': [2, 2], 'b': [3]}
Name: x, dtype: object

Limit harvesting to the input dataframe of the same name by setting harvest. harvest=False.

>>> resource.harvest.harvest = False
>>> df, _ = resource.harvest_dfs(dfs, aggregate_kwargs={'raised': False})
>>> df
    id  x
a    1  1
a    1  1
a    2  2
a    2  2

Harvesting can also handle conversion to longer time periods. Period harvesting requires primary key fields with a datetime data type, except for year fields which can be integer.

>>> fields = [{'name': 'report_year', 'type': 'year'}]
>>> resource = Resource(**{
...     'name': 'table', 'harvest': {'harvest': True},
...     'schema': {'fields': fields, 'primary_key': ['report_year']}
... })
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'report_date': ['2000-02-02', '2000-03-03']})
>>> resource.format_df(df)
0  2000-01-01
1  2000-01-01
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'report_year': [2000, 2000]})
>>> resource.format_df(df)
0  2000-01-01
1  2000-01-01
name :SnakeCase
title :String
description :String
harvest :ResourceHarvest
schema_ :Schema
contributors :List[Contributor] = []
licenses :List[License] = []
sources :List[DataSource] = []
keywords :List[String] = []
encoder :Encoder
field_namespace :Literal[eia, epacems, ferc1, ferc714, glue, pudl]
etl_group :Literal[eia860, pudl.metadata.resources.eia861, eia923, entity_eia, epacems, ferc1, ferc1_disabled, ferc714, glue, static_ferc1, static_eia]
_check_harvest_primary_key(cls, value, values)
static dict_from_id(x: str) dict

Construct dictionary from PUDL identifier (resource.name).

  • schema.fields

    • Field names are expanded (Field.from_id()).

    • Field attributes are replaced with any specific to the resource.group and field.name.

  • sources: Source ids are expanded (Source.from_id()).

  • licenses: License ids are expanded (License.from_id()).

  • contributors: Contributor ids are fetched by source ids, then expanded (Contributor.from_id()).

  • keywords: Keywords are fetched by source ids.

  • schema.foreign_keys: Foreign keys are fetched by resource name.

classmethod from_id(cls, x: str) Resource

Construct from PUDL identifier (resource.name).

get_field(self, name: str) Field

Return field with the given name if it’s part of the Resources.

to_sql(self, metadata: sqlalchemy.MetaData = None, check_types: bool = True, check_values: bool = True) sqlalchemy.Table

Return equivalent SQL Table.

to_pyarrow(self) pyarrow.Schema

Construct a PyArrow schema for the resource.

to_pandas_dtypes(self, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Union[str, pandas.CategoricalDtype]]

Return Pandas data type of each field by field name.


kwargs – Arguments to Field.to_pandas_dtype().

match_primary_key(self, names: Iterable[str]) Optional[Dict[str, str]]

Match primary key fields to input field names.

An exact match is required unless harvest .`harvest=True`, in which case periodic names may also match a basename with a smaller period.


names – Field names.

  • ValueError – Field names are not unique.

  • ValueError – Multiple field names match primary key field.


The name matching each primary key field (if any) as a dict, or None if not all primary key fields have a match.


>>> fields = [{'name': 'x_year', 'type': 'year'}]
>>> schema = {'fields': fields, 'primary_key': ['x_year']}
>>> resource = Resource(name='r', schema=schema)

By default, when harvest .`harvest=False`, exact matches are required.

>>> resource.harvest.harvest
>>> resource.match_primary_key(['x_month']) is None
>>> resource.match_primary_key(['x_year', 'x_month'])
{'x_year': 'x_year'}

When harvest .`harvest=True`, in the absence of an exact match, periodic names may also match a basename with a smaller period.

>>> resource.harvest.harvest = True
>>> resource.match_primary_key(['x_year', 'x_month'])
{'x_year': 'x_year'}
>>> resource.match_primary_key(['x_month'])
{'x_month': 'x_year'}
>>> resource.match_primary_key(['x_month', 'x_date'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: ... {'x_month', 'x_date'} match primary key field 'x_year'
format_df(self, df: pandas.DataFrame = None, **kwargs: Any) pandas.DataFrame

Format a dataframe.

  • df – Dataframe to format.

  • kwargs – Arguments to Field.to_pandas_dtypes().


Dataframe with column names and data types matching the resource fields. Periodic primary key fields are snapped to the start of the desired period. If the primary key fields could not be matched to columns in df (match_primary_key()) or if df=None, an empty dataframe is returned.

aggregate_df(self, df: pandas.DataFrame, raised: bool = False, error: Callable = None) Tuple[pandas.DataFrame, dict]

Aggregate dataframe by primary key.

The dataframe is grouped by primary key fields and aggregated with the aggregate function of each field (schema_. fields[*].harvest.aggregate).

The report is formatted as follows:

  • valid (bool): Whether resouce is valid.

  • stats (dict): Error statistics for resource fields.

  • fields (dict):

    • <field_name> (str)

      • valid (bool): Whether field is valid.

      • stats (dict): Error statistics for field groups.

      • errors (pandas.Series): Error values indexed by primary key.

Each stats (dict) contains the following:

  • all (int): Number of entities (field or field group).

  • invalid (int): Invalid number of entities.

  • tolerance (float): Fraction of invalid entities below which parent entity is considered valid.

  • actual (float): Actual fraction of invalid entities.

  • df – Dataframe to aggregate. It is assumed to have column names and data types matching the resource fields.

  • raised – Whether aggregation errors are raised or replaced with np.nan and returned in an error report.

  • error – A function with signature f(x, e) -> Any, where x are the original field values as a pandas.Series and e is the original error. If provided, the returned value is reported instead of e.


ValueError – A primary key is required for aggregating.


The aggregated dataframe indexed by primary key fields, and an aggregation report (descripted above) that includes all aggregation errors and whether the result meets the resource’s and fields’ tolerance.

_build_aggregation_report(self, df: pandas.DataFrame, errors: dict) dict

Build report from aggregation errors.

  • df – Harvested dataframe (see harvest_dfs()).

  • errors – Aggregation errors (see groupby_aggregate()).


Aggregation report, as described in aggregate_df().

harvest_dfs(self, dfs: Dict[str, pandas.DataFrame], aggregate: bool = None, aggregate_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, format_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}) Tuple[pandas.DataFrame, dict]

Harvest from named dataframes.

For standard resources (harvest. harvest=False), the columns matching all primary key fields and any data fields are extracted from the input dataframe of the same name.

For harvested resources (harvest. harvest=True), the columns matching all primary key fields and any data fields are extracted from each compatible input dataframe, and concatenated into a single dataframe. Periodic key fields (e.g. ‘report_month’) are matched to any column of the same name with an equal or smaller period (e.g. ‘report_day’) and snapped to the start of the desired period.

If aggregate=False, rows are indexed by the name of the input dataframe. If aggregate=True, rows are indexed by primary key fields.

  • dfs – Dataframes to harvest.

  • aggregate – Whether to aggregate the harvested rows by their primary key. By default, this is True if self.harvest.harvest=True and False otherwise.

  • aggregate_kwargs – Optional arguments to aggregate_df().

  • format_kwargs – Optional arguments to format_df().


A dataframe harvested from the dataframes, with column names and data types matching the resource fields, alongside an aggregation report.

to_rst(self, path: str) None

Output to an RST file.

encode(self, df: pandas.DataFrame) pandas.DataFrame

Standardize coded columns using the foreign column they refer to.
