
Module to perform data cleaning functions on EIA860 data tables.

Module Contents


ownership(eia860_dfs, eia860_transformed_dfs)

Pull and transform the ownership table.

generators(eia860_dfs, eia860_transformed_dfs)

Pull and transform the generators table.

plants(eia860_dfs, eia860_transformed_dfs)

Pull and transform the plants table.

boiler_generator_assn(eia860_dfs, eia860_transformed_dfs)

Pull and transform the boilder generator association table.

utilities(eia860_dfs, eia860_transformed_dfs)

Pull and transform the utilities table.

transform(eia860_raw_dfs, eia860_settings: pudl.settings.Eia860Settings = Eia860Settings())

Transform EIA 860 DataFrames.



pudl.transform.eia860.ownership(eia860_dfs, eia860_transformed_dfs)[source]

Pull and transform the ownership table.

Transformations include:

  • Replace . values with NA.

  • Convert pre-2012 ownership percentages to proportions to match post-2012 reporting.

  • eia860_dfs (dict) – Each entry in this dictionary of DataFrame objects corresponds to a page from the EIA860 form, as reported in the Excel spreadsheets they distribute.

  • eia860_transformed_dfs (dict) – A dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA860 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values).


eia860_transformed_dfs, a dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA860 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values).

Return type


pudl.transform.eia860.generators(eia860_dfs, eia860_transformed_dfs)[source]

Pull and transform the generators table.

There are three tabs that the generator records come from (proposed, existing, retired). Pre 2009, the existing and retired data are lumped together under a single generator file with one tab. We pull each tab into one dataframe and include an operational_status to indicate which tab the record came from. We use operational_status to parse the pre 2009 files as well.

Transformations include:

  • Replace . values with NA.

  • Update operational_status_code to reflect plant status as either proposed, existing or retired.

  • Drop values with NA for plant and generator id.

  • Replace 0 values with NA where appropriate.

  • Convert Y/N/X values to boolean True/False.

  • Convert U/Unknown values to NA.

  • Map full spelling onto code values.

  • Create a fuel_type_code_pudl field that organizes fuel types into clean, distinguishable categories.

  • eia860_dfs (dict) – Each entry in this dictionary of DataFrame objects corresponds to a page from the EIA860 form, as reported in the Excel spreadsheets they distribute.

  • eia860_transformed_dfs (dict) – A dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA860 form (keys) correspond to a normalized DataFrame of values from that page (values).


eia860_transformed_dfs, a dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA860 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values).

Return type


pudl.transform.eia860.plants(eia860_dfs, eia860_transformed_dfs)[source]

Pull and transform the plants table.

Much of the static plant information is reported repeatedly, and scattered across several different pages of EIA 923. The data frame which this function uses is assembled from those many different pages, and passed in via the same dictionary of dataframes that all the other ingest functions use for uniformity.

Transformations include:

  • Replace . values with NA.

  • Homogenize spelling of county names.

  • Convert Y/N/X values to boolean True/False.

  • eia860_dfs (dict) – Each entry in this dictionary of DataFrame objects corresponds to a page from the EIA860 form, as reported in the Excel spreadsheets they distribute.

  • eia860_transformed_dfs (dict) – A dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA860 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values).


eia860_transformed_dfs, a dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA860 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values).

Return type


pudl.transform.eia860.boiler_generator_assn(eia860_dfs, eia860_transformed_dfs)[source]

Pull and transform the boilder generator association table.

Transformations include:

  • Drop non-data rows with EIA notes.

  • Drop duplicate rows.

  • eia860_dfs (dict) – Each entry in this dictionary of DataFrame objects corresponds to a page from the EIA860 form, as reported in the Excel spreadsheets they distribute.

  • eia860_transformed_dfs (dict) – A dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA860 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values).


eia860_transformed_dfs, a dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA860 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values).

Return type


pudl.transform.eia860.utilities(eia860_dfs, eia860_transformed_dfs)[source]

Pull and transform the utilities table.

Transformations include:

  • Replace . values with NA.

  • Fix typos in state abbreviations, convert to uppercase.

  • Drop address_3 field (all NA).

  • Combine phone number columns into one field and set values that don’t mimic real US phone numbers to NA.

  • Convert Y/N/X values to boolean True/False.

  • Map full spelling onto code values.

  • eia860_dfs (dict) – Each entry in this dictionary of DataFrame objects corresponds to a page from the EIA860 form, as reported in the Excel spreadsheets they distribute.

  • eia860_transformed_dfs (dict) – A dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA860 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values).


eia860_transformed_dfs, a dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA860 form (keys) correspond to normalized DataFrames of values from that page (values).

Return type


pudl.transform.eia860.transform(eia860_raw_dfs, eia860_settings: pudl.settings.Eia860Settings = Eia860Settings())[source]

Transform EIA 860 DataFrames.

  • eia860_raw_dfs (dict) – a dictionary of tab names (keys) and DataFrames (values). This can be generated by pudl.

  • settings – Object containing validated settings relevant to EIA 860. Contains the tables and years to be loaded into PUDL.


A dictionary of DataFrame objects in which pages from EIA860 form (keys) corresponds to a normalized DataFrame of values from that page (values).

Return type
