Packaging and Dependencies#

In order to distribute a ready-to-use package to others via the Python Package Index and conda-forge, we need to encapsulate it with some metadata and define its dependencies. When we first packaged up PUDL Python packaging systems, they were a bit of a mess. Changes to the Python packaging & build system implemented as a result of PEP 517 and PEP 518 have improved the available options, and we should look at using a simpler more modern setup. The online Python Packages book is a great guide to current best / better practices.

The script in the top level of the repository coordinates the packaging process using setuptools, a part of the Python standard library. is really just a single function call to setuptools.setup(), and the parameters of that function are metadata related to the Python package. Most of them are relatively self explanatory – like the name of the package, the license it’s being released under, search keywords, etc. – but a few are more arcane:

  • use_scm_version: Instead of having a hard-coded version that’s stored in the repository somewhere, handed off to the packaging script, and often out of date, pull the version from the source code management (SCM) system, in our case git (and Github). To make a release, we will first need to tag a particular revision in git with a version like v0.1.0.

  • python_requires='>=3.8': Specifies what versions of Python the package is expected to run on. In this case, it’s anything greater than or equal to 3.8.

  • setup_requires=['setuptools_scm']: What other packages need to be installed in order for the packaging script to run? Because we are obtaining the package version from our SCM (git/Github), we need the special package that lets us do that magic: setuptools_scm. This automatically generated version number can then be accessed in the package metadata, as is done our top-level file:

    __version__ = pkg_resources.get_distribution(__name__).version

    This is admittedly convoluted.

  • install_requires: lists all the other packages that need to be installed before pudl can be installed. These are our package dependencies. This list plays a role similar to the environment.yml file in the main pudl repository, but it depends on pip not conda – in the packaging system we do not have access to conda. It turns out this makes our lives difficult because of the kind of Python packages we depend on. More on this below.

  • extras_require: a dictionary describing optional packages that can be conditionally installed depending on the expected usage of the install. For now, this is mostly used in conjunction with Tox to ensure that the required documentation and testing packages are installed alongside PUDL in the virtual environment.

  • packages=find_packages('src'): The packages parameter takes a list of all the python packages to be included in the distribution that is being packaged. The setuptools.find_packages function automatically searches whatever directories it is given for any packages and all of their subpackages. All of the code we want to distribute to users lives under the src directory.

  • package_dir={'': 'src'}: this tells the packaging to treat any modules or packages found in the src directory as part of the root package of the distribution. This is a vestigial parameter that pertains to the distutils which are the predecessor to setuptools… but the system still depends on them deep down inside. In our case, we don’t have any modules that aren’t part of any package – everything is within pudl.

  • include_package_data=True: This tells the packaging system to include any non-python files that it finds in the directories it has been told to package. In our case, this is all the stuff inside package_data including example settings files, metadata, glue, etc.

  • entry_points: This parameter tells the packaging what executable scripts should be installed on the user’s system and which modules:functions implement those scripts.

In addition to generating a version number automatically based on our git repository, setuptools_scm pulls every single file tracked by the repository and every other random file sitting in the working repository directory into the distribution. This is… not what we want. allows us to specify in more detail which files should be included and excluded. Mostly, we are just including the python package and supporting data that exist under the src/pudl directory.


The adoption of PEP 517 and PEP 518 has opened up the possibility of using build and packaging systems besides setuptools. The new system uses pyproject.toml to specify the build system requirements.