
Static database tables.

Module Contents#

pudl.metadata.dfs.FERC_ACCOUNTS: pandas.DataFrame[source]#

FERC electric plant account IDs with associated row numbers and descriptions.

From FERC Form 1 pages 204-207, Electric Plant in Service. Descriptions from: https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/18/part-101

pudl.metadata.dfs.FERC_DEPRECIATION_LINES: pandas.DataFrame[source]#

Row numbers, FERC account IDs, and FERC account descriptions.

From FERC Form 1 page 219, Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of electric utility plant (Account 108).


Association table describing the many-to-many relationships between plant sectors and various aggregates in fuel_receipts_costs_aggs_eia.


Association table describing the many-to-many relationships between fuel types and various aggregates in fuel_receipts_costs_aggs_eia.

Missing from these aggregates are all the “other” categories of gases: OG, BFG, SGP, SC, PG. But those gases combine for about 0.2% of total MMBTU of reported fuel receipts.

pudl.metadata.dfs.POLITICAL_SUBDIVISIONS: pandas.DataFrame[source]#

Static attributes of sub-national political jurisdictions.

Note AK and PR have incomplete EPA CEMS data, and so are excluded from is_epacems_state: See https://github.com/catalyst-cooperative/pudl/issues/1264