Source code for pudl.analysis.record_linkage.embed_dataframe

"""Tools for embedding a DataFrame to create feature matrix for models."""

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass

import mlflow
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy
from dagster import graph, op
from jellyfish import jaro_winkler_similarity
from pydantic import BaseModel
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import (

import pudl
from pudl.analysis.ml_tools import experiment_tracking
from pudl.analysis.record_linkage.name_cleaner import CompanyNameCleaner

[docs] logger = pudl.logging_helpers.get_logger(__name__)
[docs] class FeatureMatrix: """Class to wrap a feature matrix returned from dataframe embedding. Depending on the transformations applied, a feature matrix may be sparse or dense matrix. Using this wrapper enables Dagsters type checking while allowing both dense and sparse matrices underneath. """
[docs] matrix: np.ndarray | scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
[docs] index: pd.Index
[docs] class TransformStep(BaseModel, ABC): """TransformStep's can be combined to vectorize one or more columns. This class defines a very simple interface for TransformStep's, which essentially says that a TransformStep should take configuration and implement the method as_transformer. """
[docs] name: str
[docs] def as_transformer(self) -> BaseEstimator: """This method should use configuration to produce a :class:`sklearn.base.BaseEstimator`.""" ...
[docs] class ColumnVectorizer(BaseModel): """Define a set of transformations to apply to one or more columns."""
[docs] transform_steps: list[TransformStep]
[docs] weight: float = 1.0
[docs] columns: list[str]
[docs] def as_pipeline(self): """Return :class:`sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline` with configuration.""" return Pipeline( [ (, step.as_transformer(), ) for step in self.transform_steps ] )
[docs] def as_config_dict(self): """Return config dict formatted for logging to mlflow.""" config = { "weight": self.weight, "columns": self.columns, } for step in self.transform_steps: step_dict = step.dict() config[step_dict.pop("name")] = step_dict return config
[docs] def log_dataframe_embedder_config( embedder_name: str, vectorizers: dict[str, ColumnVectorizer], experiment_tracker: experiment_tracking.ExperimentTracker, ): """Log embedder config to mlflow experiment.""" vectorizer_config = { embedder_name: { name: vectorizer.as_config_dict() for name, vectorizer in vectorizers.items() } } experiment_tracker.execute_logging( lambda: mlflow.log_params( experiment_tracking._flatten_model_config(vectorizer_config) ) )
[docs] def dataframe_embedder_factory( name_prefix: str, vectorizers: dict[str, ColumnVectorizer] ): """Return a configured op graph to embed an input dataframe.""" @op(name=f"{name_prefix}_train") def train_dataframe_embedder( df: pd.DataFrame, experiment_tracker: experiment_tracking.ExperimentTracker ): """Train :class:`sklearn.compose.ColumnTransformer` on input.""" log_dataframe_embedder_config(name_prefix, vectorizers, experiment_tracker) column_transformer = ColumnTransformer( transformers=[ (name, column_transform.as_pipeline(), column_transform.columns) for name, column_transform in vectorizers.items() ], transformer_weights={ name: column_transform.weight for name, column_transform in vectorizers.items() }, ) return @op(name=f"{name_prefix}_apply") def apply_dataframe_embedder(df: pd.DataFrame, transformer: ColumnTransformer): """Use :class:`sklearn.compose.ColumnTransformer` to transform input.""" return FeatureMatrix(matrix=transformer.transform(df), index=df.index) @graph(name=f"{name_prefix}_embed_graph") def embed_dataframe_graph( df: pd.DataFrame, experiment_tracker: experiment_tracking.ExperimentTracker ) -> FeatureMatrix: """Train dataframe embedder and apply to input df.""" transformer = train_dataframe_embedder(df, experiment_tracker) return apply_dataframe_embedder(df, transformer) return embed_dataframe_graph
[docs] class TextVectorizer(TransformStep): """Implement TransformStep for :class:`sklearn.feature_extraction.text.TfidfVectorizer`."""
[docs] name: str = "tfidf_vectorizer"
#: See sklearn documentation for all options
[docs] options: dict = {"analyzer": "char", "ngram_range": (2, 10)}
[docs] def as_transformer(self): """Return configured TfidfVectorizer.""" return TfidfVectorizer(**self.options)
[docs] class CategoricalVectorizer(TransformStep): """Implement TransformStep for :class:`sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder`."""
[docs] name: str = "one_hot_encoder_vectorizer"
[docs] options: dict = {"categories": "auto"}
[docs] def as_transformer(self): """Return configured OneHotEncoder.""" return OneHotEncoder(**self.options)
[docs] class NumericalVectorizer(TransformStep): """Implement ColumnTransformation for MinMaxScaler."""
[docs] name: str = "numerical_vectorizer"
[docs] options: dict = {}
[docs] def as_transformer(self): """Return configured MinMaxScalerConfig.""" return MinMaxScaler(**self.options)
[docs] class NumericalNormalizer(TransformStep): """Implement ColumnTransformation for Normalizer."""
[docs] name: str = "numerical_normalizer"
[docs] options: dict = {}
[docs] def as_transformer(self): """Return configured NormalizerConfig.""" return Normalizer(**self.options)
[docs] def _apply_cleaning_func(df, function_key: str = None): category_cols = df.select_dtypes(include="category").columns df[category_cols] = df[category_cols].astype("str") function_transforms = { "null_to_zero": lambda df: df.fillna(value=0.0), "null_to_empty_str": lambda df: df.fillna(value=""), "fix_int_na": lambda df: pudl.helpers.fix_int_na(df, columns=list(df.columns)), } return function_transforms[function_key](df)
[docs] class ColumnCleaner(TransformStep): """Implement ColumnTransformation for cleaning functions."""
[docs] name: str = "column_cleaner"
[docs] cleaning_function: str
[docs] def as_transformer(self): """Return configured NormalizerConfig.""" return FunctionTransformer( _apply_cleaning_func, kw_args={"function_key": self.cleaning_function} )
[docs] class NameCleaner(TransformStep): """Implement ColumnTransformation for CompanyNameCleaner."""
[docs] name: str = "name_cleaner"
[docs] company_cleaner: CompanyNameCleaner = CompanyNameCleaner()
[docs] def as_transformer(self): """Return configured CompanyNameCleaner.""" return FunctionTransformer(self.company_cleaner.apply_name_cleaning)
[docs] def _apply_string_similarity_func(df, function_key: str, col1: str, col2: str): function_transforms = { "jaro_winkler": lambda df: df.apply( lambda row: jaro_winkler_similarity(row[col1], row[col2]), axis=1 ).to_frame() } return function_transforms[function_key](df)
[docs] class StringSimilarityScorer(TransformStep): """Vectorize two string columns with Jaro Winkler similarity."""
[docs] name: str = "string_sim"
[docs] metric: str
[docs] col1: str
[docs] col2: str
[docs] def as_transformer(self): """Return configured Jaro Winkler similarity function.""" return FunctionTransformer( _apply_string_similarity_func, kw_args={"function_key": self.metric, "col1": self.col1, "col2": self.col2}, )
[docs] def _apply_numeric_similarity_func( df, function_key: str, col1: str, col2: str, scale: float, offset: float, origin: float, missing_value: float, label: str, ): def _exp_sim(df, col1, col2, scale, offset, origin, missing_value, label): if offset < 0: raise ValueError("The offset must be positive.") if scale <= 0: raise ValueError("The scale must be larger than 0.") diff = df[col1] - df[col2] d = (abs(diff - origin)).clip(offset, None) return ( (2 ** (-(d - offset) / scale)) .fillna(missing_value) .rename(label) .to_frame() ) def _linear_sim(df, col1, col2, scale, offset, origin, missing_value, label): if offset < 0: raise ValueError("The offset must be positive.") if scale <= 0: raise ValueError("The scale must be larger than 0.") diff = df[col1] - df[col2] d = (abs(diff - origin)).clip(offset, offset + 2 * scale) return ( (1 - (d - offset) / (2 * scale)) .fillna(missing_value) .rename(label) .to_frame() ) def _exact(df, missing_value, label): compare = pd.Series(0, index=df.index) compare[df[col1] == df[col2]] = 1 if missing_value != 0: compare[(df[col1].isnull() | df[col2].isnull())] = missing_value return compare.rename(label).to_frame() function_transforms = { "exponential": lambda df: _exp_sim( df=df, col1=col1, col2=col2, scale=scale, offset=offset, origin=origin, missing_value=missing_value, label=label, ), "linear": lambda df: _linear_sim( df=df, col1=col1, col2=col2, scale=scale, offset=offset, origin=origin, missing_value=missing_value, label=label, ), "exact": lambda df: _exact(df=df, missing_value=missing_value, label=label), } return function_transforms[function_key](df)
[docs] class NumericSimilarityScorer(TransformStep): """Vectorize two numeric columns with a similarity score. If two values are the same the similarity is 1 and in case of complete disagreement it is 0. The implementation is adapted from the recordlinkage Python package Numeric comparison library and is similar with numeric comparing in ElasticSearch, a full-text search tool. Arguments: name: The name of the transformation step. Default is numeric_sim. col1: The name of the first column to compare. Must be a numeric column. col2: The name of the second column to compare. Must be a numeric column. output_name: The name of the output Series of compared values. method: The metric used. Options are "exponential", "linear", "exact". scale : The rate of decay, how quickly the score should drop the further from the origin that a value lies. Default is 1.0. offset: Setting a nonzero offset expands the central point to cover a range of values instead of just the single point specified by the origin. Default is 0. origin : The central point, or the best possible value for the difference between records. Differences that fall at the origin will get a similarity score of 1.0. The default is 0. missing_value: The value if one or both records have a missing value on the compared field. Default 0. """
[docs] name: str = "numeric_sim"
[docs] col1: str
[docs] col2: str
[docs] output_name: str
[docs] method: str = "linear"
[docs] scale: float = 1.0
[docs] offset: float = 0.0
[docs] origin: float = 0.0
[docs] missing_value: float = 0.0
[docs] def as_transformer(self): """Return configured exponential similarity function.""" return FunctionTransformer( _apply_numeric_similarity_func, kw_args={ "function_key": self.method, "col1": self.col1, "col2": self.col2, "scale": self.scale, "offset": self.offset, "origin": self.origin, "missing_value": self.missing_value, "label": self.output_name, }, )