Source code for pudl.analysis.record_linkage.name_cleaner

"""This module contains the implementation of CompanyNameCleaner class from OS-Climate's financial-entity-cleaner package."""

import enum
import json
import logging
import re
from importlib.resources import as_file, files
from typing import Literal

import pandas as pd
from pydantic import BaseModel

[docs] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] CLEANING_RULES_DICT = { "remove_email": [" ", r"\S*@\S*\s?"], "remove_url": [" ", r"https*\S+"], "remove_word_the_from_the_end": [" ", r"the$"], "place_word_the_at_the_beginning": [" ", r"the$"], "remove_www_address": [" ", r"https?://[.\w]{3,}|www.[.\w]{3,}"], "enforce_single_space_between_words": [" ", r"\s+"], "replace_amperstand_by_AND": [" and ", r"&"], "add_space_between_amperstand": [" & ", r"&"], "add_space_before_opening_parentheses": [" (", r"\("], "add_space_after_closing_parentheses": [") ", r"\)"], "replace_amperstand_between_space_by_AND": [" and ", r"\s+&\s+"], "replace_hyphen_by_space": [" ", r"-"], "replace_hyphen_between_spaces_by_single_space": [" ", r"\s+-\s+"], "replace_underscore_by_space": [" ", r"_"], "replace_underscore_between_spaces_by_single_space": [" ", r"\s+_\s+"], "remove_all_punctuation": [" ", r"([^\w\s])"], "remove_punctuation_except_dot": [" ", r"([^\w\s.])"], "remove_mentions": [" ", r"@\S+"], "remove_hashtags": [" ", r"#\S+"], "remove_numbers": [" ", r"\w*\d+\w*"], "remove_text_puctuation": [" ", r'\;|\:|\,|\.|\?|\!|"'], "remove_text_puctuation_except_dot": [" ", r'\;|\:|\,|\?|\!|"'], "remove_math_symbols": [" ", r"\+|\-|\*|\>|\<|\=|\%"], "remove_math_symbols_except_dash": [" ", r"\+|\*|\>|\<|\=|\%"], "remove_parentheses": ["", r"\(|\)"], "remove_brackets": ["", r"\[|\]"], "remove_curly_brackets": ["", r"\{|\}"], "remove_single_quote_next_character": [" ", r"'\w+"], "remove_single_quote": [" ", r"'"], "remove_double_quote": [" ", r'"'], "remove_words_in_parentheses": [" ", r"\([^()]*\)"], "repeat_remove_words_in_parentheses": [" ", r"remove_words_in_parentheses"], }
[docs] class LegalTermLocation(enum.Enum): """The location of the legal terms within the name string."""
[docs] AT_THE_END = 1
[docs] ANYWHERE = 2
[docs] class CompanyNameCleaner(BaseModel): """Class to normalize/clean up text based company names.""" # Constants used internally by the class
[docs] __NAME_JSON_ENTRY_LEGAL_TERMS = "legal_forms"
#: A flag to indicate if the cleaning process must normalize #: text's legal terms. e.g. LTD => LIMITED.
[docs] cleaning_rules_list: list[str] = [ "replace_amperstand_between_space_by_AND", "replace_hyphen_between_spaces_by_single_space", "replace_underscore_by_space", "replace_underscore_between_spaces_by_single_space", "remove_text_puctuation_except_dot", "remove_math_symbols", "remove_words_in_parentheses", "remove_parentheses", "remove_brackets", "remove_curly_brackets", "enforce_single_space_between_words", ]
#: A flag to indicate if the cleaning process must normalize #: Define if unicode characters should be removed from text's name #: This cleaning rule is treated separated from the regex rules because it depends on the #: language of the text's name. For instance, russian or japanese text's may contain #: unicode characters, while portuguese and french companies may not.
[docs] remove_unicode: bool = False
#: Define the letter case of the cleaning output
[docs] output_lettercase: Literal["lower", "title"] = "lower"
#: Where in the string are legal terms found
[docs] legal_term_location: LegalTermLocation = LegalTermLocation.AT_THE_END
#: Define if the letters with accents are replaced with non-accented ones
[docs] remove_accents: bool = False
[docs] def _apply_regex_rules( self, str_value: str, dict_regex_rules: dict[str, list[str]] ) -> str: r"""Applies several cleaning rules based on a custom dictionary. The dictionary must contain cleaning rules written in regex format. Arguments: str_value (str): any value as string to be cleaned up. dict_regex_rules (dict): a dictionary of cleaning rules writen in regex with the format [rule name] : ['replacement', 'regex rule'] Returns: (str): the modified/cleaned value. """ clean_value = str_value # Iterate through the dictionary and apply each regex rule for name_rule, cleaning_rule in dict_regex_rules.items(): # First element is the replacement replacement = cleaning_rule[0] # Second element is the regex rule regex_rule = cleaning_rule[1] # Check if the regex rule is actually a reference to another regex rule. # By adding a name of another regex rule in the place of the rule itself allows the execution # of a regex rule twice if regex_rule in dict_regex_rules: replacement = dict_regex_rules[cleaning_rule[1]][0] regex_rule = dict_regex_rules[cleaning_rule[1]][1] # Make sure to use raw string regex_rule = rf"{regex_rule}" # Treat the special case of the word THE at the end of a text's name found_the_word_the = None if name_rule == "place_word_the_at_the_beginning": found_the_word_the =, clean_value) # Apply the regex rule clean_value = re.sub(regex_rule, replacement, clean_value) # Adjust the name for the case of rule <place_word_the_at_the_beginning> if found_the_word_the is not None: clean_value = "the " + clean_value return clean_value
[docs] def _remove_unicode_chars(self, value: str) -> str: """Removes unicode character that is unreadable when converted to ASCII format. Arguments: value (str): any string containing unicode characters. Returns: (str): the corresponding input string without unicode characters. """ # Remove all unicode characters if any clean_value = value.encode("ascii", "ignore").decode() return clean_value
[docs] def _apply_cleaning_rules(self, company_name: str) -> str: """Apply the cleaning rules from the dictionary of regex rules.""" cleaning_dict = {} for rule_name in self.cleaning_rules_list: cleaning_dict[rule_name] = CLEANING_RULES_DICT[rule_name] # Apply all the cleaning rules clean_company_name = self._apply_regex_rules(company_name, cleaning_dict) return clean_company_name
[docs] def get_clean_data(self, company_name: str) -> str: """Clean a name and normalize legal terms. If ``company_name`` is null or not a string value, pd.NA will be returned. Arguments: company_name (str): the original text Returns: clean_company_name (str): the clean version of the text """ if not isinstance(company_name, str): if company_name is not pd.NA: logger.warning(f"{company_name} is not a string.") return pd.NA # Remove all unicode characters in the text's name, if requested if self.remove_unicode: clean_company_name = self._remove_unicode_chars(company_name) else: clean_company_name = company_name # Remove space in the beginning and in the end and convert it to lower case clean_company_name = clean_company_name.strip().lower() # Apply all the cleaning rules clean_company_name = self._apply_cleaning_rules(clean_company_name) # Apply normalization for legal terms if self.normalize_legal_terms: clean_company_name = self._apply_normalization_of_legal_terms( clean_company_name ) # Apply the letter case, if different from 'lower' if self.output_lettercase == "upper": clean_company_name = clean_company_name.upper() elif self.output_lettercase == "title": clean_company_name = clean_company_name.title() # Remove excess of white space that might be introduced during previous cleaning clean_company_name = clean_company_name.strip() clean_company_name = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", clean_company_name) return clean_company_name
[docs] def apply_name_cleaning( self, df: pd.DataFrame, ) -> pd.Series: """Clean up text names in a dataframe. Arguments: df (dataframe): the input dataframe that contains the text's name to be cleaned in_company_name_attribute (str): the attribute in the dataframe that contains the names out_company_name_attribute (str): the attribute to be created for the clean version of the text's name Returns: df (dataframe): the clean version of the input dataframe """ if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame) and len(df.columns) > 1: clean_df = pd.DataFrame() for col in df.columns: clean_df = pd.concat( [clean_df, df[col].apply(self.get_clean_data)], axis=1 ) return clean_df return df.squeeze().apply(self.get_clean_data)