Source code for pudl.analysis.record_linkage.eia_ferc1_inputs

"""Prepare the inputs to the FERC1 to EIA record linkage model."""

import importlib
from typing import Literal

import pandas as pd

import pudl
from pudl.analysis.plant_parts_eia import match_to_single_plant_part

[docs] logger = pudl.logging_helpers.get_logger(__name__)
[docs] class InputManager: """Class to prepare inputs for linking FERC1 and EIA.""" def __init__( self, plants_all_ferc1: pd.DataFrame, fbp_ferc1: pd.DataFrame, plant_parts_eia: pd.DataFrame, ): """Initialize inputs manager that gets inputs for linking FERC and EIA. Args: plants_all_ferc1: Table of all of the FERC1-reporting plants. fbp_ferc1: Table of the fuel reported aggregated to the FERC1 plant-level. plant_parts_eia: The EIA plant parts list. start_date: Start date that cooresponds to the tables passed in. end_date: End date that cooresponds to the tables passed in. """ self.plant_parts_eia = plant_parts_eia.set_index("record_id_eia") self.plants_all_ferc1 = plants_all_ferc1 self.fbp_ferc1 = fbp_ferc1 self.start_date = min(plant_parts_eia.report_date) self.end_date = max(plant_parts_eia.report_date) if ( yrs_len := len(yrs_range := range(self.start_date.year, self.end_date.year)) ) < 3: logger.warning( f"Your attempting to fit a model with only {yrs_len} years " f"({yrs_range}). This will probably result in overfitting. In order to" " best judge the results, use more years of data." ) # generate empty versions of the inputs.. this let's this class check # whether or not the compiled inputs exist before compilnig self.plant_parts_eia_true = None self.plants_ferc1 = None self.train_df = None self.train_ferc1 = None self.train_eia = None
[docs] def get_plant_parts_eia_true(self, clobber: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get the EIA plant-parts with only the unique granularities.""" if self.plant_parts_eia_true is None or clobber: self.plant_parts_eia_true = ( pudl.analysis.plant_parts_eia.plant_parts_eia_distinct( self.plant_parts_eia ) ) return self.plant_parts_eia_true
[docs] def get_plants_ferc1(self, clobber: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Prepare FERC1 plants data for record linkage with EIA plant-parts. This method grabs two tables (``plants_all_ferc1`` and ``fuel_by_plant_ferc1``, accessed originally via :meth:`pudl.output.pudltabl.PudlTabl.plants_all_ferc1` and :meth:`pudl.output.pudltabl.PudlTabl.fbp_ferc1` respectively) and ensures that the columns the same as their EIA counterparts, because the output of this method will be used to link FERC and EIA. Returns: A cleaned table of FERC1 plants plant records with fuel cost data. """ if clobber or self.plants_ferc1 is None: fbp_cols_to_use = [ "report_year", "utility_id_ferc1", "plant_name_ferc1", "utility_id_pudl", "fuel_cost", "fuel_mmbtu", "primary_fuel_by_mmbtu", ]"Preparing the FERC1 tables.") self.plants_ferc1 = ( self.plants_all_ferc1.merge( self.fbp_ferc1[fbp_cols_to_use], on=[ "report_year", "utility_id_ferc1", "utility_id_pudl", "plant_name_ferc1", ], how="left", ) .pipe(pudl.helpers.convert_cols_dtypes, "ferc1") .assign( installation_year=lambda x: ( x.installation_year.astype("float") ), # need for comparison vectors plant_id_report_year=lambda x: ( x.plant_id_pudl.astype(str) + "_" + x.report_year.astype(str) ), plant_id_report_year_util_id=lambda x: ( x.plant_id_report_year + "_" + x.utility_id_pudl.astype(str) ), fuel_cost_per_mmbtu=lambda x: (x.fuel_cost / x.fuel_mmbtu), unit_heat_rate_mmbtu_per_mwh=lambda x: ( x.fuel_mmbtu / x.net_generation_mwh ), ) .rename( columns={ "record_id": "record_id_ferc1", "opex_plants": "opex_plant", "fuel_cost": "total_fuel_cost", "fuel_mmbtu": "total_mmbtu", "opex_fuel_per_mwh": "fuel_cost_per_mwh", "primary_fuel_by_mmbtu": "fuel_type_code_pudl", } ) .set_index("record_id_ferc1") ) return self.plants_ferc1
[docs] def get_train_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get the training connections. Prepare them if the training data hasn't been connected to FERC data yet. """ if self.train_df is None: self.train_df = prep_train_connections( ppe=self.plant_parts_eia, start_date=self.start_date, end_date=self.end_date, ) return self.train_df
[docs] def get_train_records( self, dataset_df: pd.DataFrame, dataset_id_col: Literal["record_id_eia", "record_id_ferc1"], ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Generate a set of known connections from a dataset using training data. This method grabs only the records from the the datasets (EIA or FERC) that we have in our training data. Args: dataset_df: either FERC1 plants table (result of :meth:`get_plants_ferc1`) or EIA plant-parts (result of :meth:`get_plant_parts_eia_true`). dataset_id_col: Identifying column name. Either ``record_id_eia`` for ``plant_parts_eia_true`` or ``record_id_ferc1`` for ``plants_ferc1``. """ known_df = ( pd.merge( dataset_df, self.get_train_df().reset_index()[[dataset_id_col]], left_index=True, right_on=[dataset_id_col], ) .drop_duplicates(subset=[dataset_id_col]) .set_index(dataset_id_col) .astype({"total_fuel_cost": float, "total_mmbtu": float}) ) return known_df
# Note: Is there a way to avoid these little shell methods? I need a # standard way to access
[docs] def get_train_eia(self, clobber: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get the known training data from EIA.""" if clobber or self.train_eia is None: self.train_eia = self.get_train_records( self.get_plant_parts_eia_true(), dataset_id_col="record_id_eia" ) return self.train_eia
[docs] def get_train_ferc1(self, clobber: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get the known training data from FERC1.""" if clobber or self.train_ferc1 is None: self.train_ferc1 = self.get_train_records( self.get_plants_ferc1(), dataset_id_col="record_id_ferc1" ) return self.train_ferc1
[docs] def execute(self, clobber: bool = False): """Compile all the inputs. This method is only run if/when you want to ensure all of the inputs are generated all at once. While using :class:`InputManager`, it is preferred to access each input dataframe or index via their ``get_`` method instead of accessing the attribute. """ # grab the FERC table we are trying # to connect to self.plant_parts_eia_true self.plants_ferc1 = self.get_plants_ferc1(clobber=clobber) self.plant_parts_eia_true = self.get_plant_parts_eia_true(clobber=clobber) # we want both the df version and just the index; skl uses just the # index and we use the df in merges and such self.train_df = self.get_train_df() # generate the list of the records in the EIA and FERC records that # exist in the training data self.train_eia = self.get_train_eia(clobber=clobber) self.train_ferc1 = self.get_train_ferc1(clobber=clobber) return
[docs] def restrict_train_connections_on_date_range( train_df: pd.DataFrame, id_col: Literal["record_id_eia", "record_id_ferc1"], start_date: pd.Timestamp, end_date: pd.Timestamp, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Restrict the training data based on the date ranges of the input tables. The training data for this model spans the full PUDL date range. We don't want to add training data from dates that are outside of the range of the FERC and EIA data we are attempting to match. So this function restricts the training data based on start and end dates. The training data is only the record IDs, which contain the report year inside them. This function compiles a regex using the date range to grab only training records which contain the years in the date range followed by and preceeded by ``_`` - in the format of ``record_id_eia``and ``record_id_ferc1``. We use that extracted year to determine """ # filter training data by year range # first get list of all years to grab from training data date_range_years_str = "|".join( [ f"{year}" for year in pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=end_date, freq="YS").year ] )"Restricting training data on years: {date_range_years_str}") train_df = train_df.assign( year_in_date_range=lambda x: x[id_col].str.extract( r"_{1}" + f"({date_range_years_str})" + "_{1}" ) ) # pd.drop returns a copy, so no need to copy this portion of train_df return train_df.loc[train_df.year_in_date_range.notnull()].drop( columns=["year_in_date_range"] )
[docs] def prep_train_connections( ppe: pd.DataFrame, start_date: pd.Timestamp, end_date: pd.Timestamp ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get and prepare the training connections for the model. We have stored training data, which consists of records with ids columns for both FERC and EIA. Those id columns serve as a connection between ferc1 plants and the EIA plant-parts. These connections indicate that a ferc1 plant records is reported at the same granularity as the connected EIA plant-parts record. Arguments: ppe: The EIA plant parts. Records from this dataframe will be connected to the training data records. This needs to be the full EIA plant parts, not just the distinct/true granularities because the training data could contain non-distinct records and this function reassigns those to their distinct counterparts. start_date: Beginning date for records from the training data. Should match the start date of ``ppe``. Default is None and all the training data will be used. end_date: Ending date for records from the training data. Should match the end date of ``ppe``. Default is None and all the training data will be used. Returns: A dataframe of training connections which has a MultiIndex of ``record_id_eia`` and ``record_id_ferc1``. """ ppe_cols = [ "true_gran", "appro_part_label", "appro_record_id_eia", "plant_part", "ownership_dupe", ] # Read in one_to_many csv and join corresponding plant_match_ferc1 parts to FERC IDs one_to_many = ( pd.read_csv( importlib.resources.files("pudl.package_data.glue") / "eia_ferc1_one_to_many.csv" ) .pipe(pudl.helpers.cleanstrings_snake, ["record_id_eia"]) .drop_duplicates(subset=["record_id_ferc1", "record_id_eia"]) ) # Get the 'm' generator IDs 1:m one_to_many_single = match_to_single_plant_part( multi_gran_df=ppe.loc[ppe.index.isin(one_to_many.record_id_eia)].reset_index(), ppl=ppe.reset_index(), part_name="plant_gen", cols_to_keep=["plant_part"], )[["record_id_eia_og", "record_id_eia"]].rename( columns={"record_id_eia": "gen_id", "record_id_eia_og": "record_id_eia"} ) one_to_many = ( one_to_many.merge( one_to_many_single, # Match plant parts to generators on="record_id_eia", how="left", validate="1:m", ) .drop_duplicates("gen_id") .merge( # Match generators to ferc1_generator_agg_id ppe["ferc1_generator_agg_id"].reset_index(), left_on="gen_id", right_on="record_id_eia", how="left", validate="1:1", ) .dropna(subset=["ferc1_generator_agg_id"]) .drop(["record_id_eia_x", "record_id_eia_y"], axis=1) .merge( # Match ferc1_generator_agg_id to new faked plant part record_id_eia ppe.loc[ ppe.plant_part == "plant_match_ferc1", ["ferc1_generator_agg_id"], ].reset_index(), on="ferc1_generator_agg_id", how="left", validate="m:1", ) .drop(["ferc1_generator_agg_id", "gen_id"], axis=1) .drop_duplicates(subset=["record_id_ferc1", "record_id_eia"]) .set_index("record_id_ferc1") ) train_df = ( pd.read_csv( importlib.resources.files("pudl.package_data.glue") / "eia_ferc1_train.csv" ) .pipe(pudl.helpers.cleanstrings_snake, ["record_id_eia"]) .drop_duplicates(subset=["record_id_ferc1", "record_id_eia"]) .set_index("record_id_ferc1") )"Updating {len(one_to_many)} training records with 1:m plant parts.") train_df.update(one_to_many) # Overwrite FERC records with faked 1:m parts. train_df = ( # we want to ensure that the records are associated with a # "true granularity" - which is a way we filter out whether or # not each record in the EIA plant-parts is actually a # new/unique collection of plant parts # once the true_gran is dealt with, we also need to convert the # records which are ownership dupes to reflect their "total" # ownership counterparts train_df.reset_index() .pipe( restrict_train_connections_on_date_range, id_col="record_id_eia", start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, ) .merge( ppe[ppe_cols].reset_index(), how="left", on=["record_id_eia"], indicator=True, ) ) not_in_ppe = train_df[train_df._merge == "left_only"] if not not_in_ppe.empty: raise AssertionError( "Not all training data is associated with EIA records.\n" "record_id_ferc1's of bad training data records are: " f"{list(not_in_ppe.reset_index().record_id_ferc1)}" ) train_df = ( train_df.assign( plant_part=lambda x: x["appro_part_label"], record_id_eia=lambda x: x["appro_record_id_eia"], ) .pipe(pudl.analysis.plant_parts_eia.reassign_id_ownership_dupes) .fillna( value={ "record_id_eia": pd.NA, } ) .set_index( # sklearn wants a MultiIndex to do the stuff [ "record_id_ferc1", "record_id_eia", ] ) ) train_df = train_df.drop(columns=ppe_cols + ["_merge"]) return train_df