Source code for pudl.etl.check_foreign_keys

"""Check that foreign key constraints in the PUDL database are respected."""

import pathlib
import sys

import click
import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy as sa
from dotenv import load_dotenv

import pudl
from pudl.workspace.setup import PudlPaths

[docs] logger = pudl.logging_helpers.get_logger(__name__)
@click.command( context_settings={"help_option_names": ["-h", "--help"]}, ) @click.option( "--logfile", help="If specified, write logs to this file.", type=click.Path( exists=False, resolve_path=True, path_type=pathlib.Path, ), ) @click.option( "--loglevel", default="INFO", type=click.Choice( ["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"], case_sensitive=False ), ) @click.option( "--db_path", help="Path to PUDL SQLite database where foreign keys should be checked.", type=click.Path( exists=False, resolve_path=True, path_type=pathlib.Path, ), default=None, )
[docs] def pudl_check_fks(logfile: pathlib.Path, loglevel: str, db_path: pathlib.Path): """Check that foreign key constraints in the PUDL database are respected. Dagster manages the dependencies between various assets in our ETL pipeline, attempting to materialize tables only after their upstream dependencies have been satisfied. However, this order is non deterministic because they are executed in parallel, and doesn't necessarily correspond to the foreign-key constraints within the database, so durint the ETL we disable foreign key constraints within ``pudl.sqlite``. However, we still expect foreign key constraints to be satisfied once all of the tables have been loaded, so we check that they are valid after the ETL has completed. This script runs the same check. """ load_dotenv() # Display logged output from the PUDL package: pudl.logging_helpers.configure_root_logger(logfile=logfile, loglevel=loglevel) # Using PudlPaths to get default value for CLI causes validation issues if not db_path: db_path = PudlPaths().output_dir / "pudl.sqlite" check_foreign_keys(sa.create_engine(f"sqlite:///{db_path}")) return 0
[docs] class ForeignKeyError(sa.exc.SQLAlchemyError): """Raised when data in a database violates a foreign key constraint.""" def __init__( self, child_table: str, parent_table: str, foreign_key: str, rowids: list[int] ): """Initialize a new ForeignKeyError object. Args: child_table: The table that a foreign key constraint is applied to. parent_table: The table that a foreign key constraint refers to. foreign_key: Comma seperated string of key(s) that make up foreign key. rowids: Rowid(s) of child_table where constraint failed (See for more on rowid's). """
[docs] self.child_table = child_table
[docs] self.parent_table = parent_table
[docs] self.foreign_key = foreign_key
[docs] self.rowids = rowids
[docs] def __str__(self): """Create string representation of ForeignKeyError object.""" return ( f"Foreign key error for table: {self.child_table} -- {self.parent_table} " f"{self.foreign_key} -- on rows {self.rowids}\n" )
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Compare a ForeignKeyError with another object.""" if isinstance(other, ForeignKeyError): return ( (self.child_table == other.child_table) and (self.parent_table == other.parent_table) and (self.foreign_key == other.foreign_key) and (self.rowids == other.rowids) ) return False
[docs] class ForeignKeyErrors(sa.exc.SQLAlchemyError): # noqa: N818 """Raised when data in a database violate multiple foreign key constraints.""" def __init__(self, fk_errors: list[ForeignKeyError]): """Initialize a new ForeignKeyErrors object."""
[docs] self.fk_errors = fk_errors
[docs] def __str__(self): """Create string representation of ForeignKeyErrors object.""" fk_errors = [str(x) for x in self.fk_errors] return "\n".join(fk_errors)
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Iterate over the fk errors.""" return self.fk_errors
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx): """Index the fk errors.""" return self.fk_errors[idx]
[docs] def _get_fk_list(engine: sa.Engine, table: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Retrieve a dataframe of foreign keys for a table. Description from the SQLite Docs: 'This pragma returns one row for each foreign key constraint created by a REFERENCES clause in the CREATE TABLE statement of table "table-name".' The PRAGMA returns one row for each field in a foreign key constraint. This method collapses foreign keys with multiple fields into one record for readability. """ with engine.begin() as con: table_fks = pd.read_sql_query(f"PRAGMA foreign_key_list({table});", con) # Foreign keys with multiple fields are reported in separate records. # Combine the multiple fields into one string for readability. # Drop duplicates so we have one FK for each table and foreign key id table_fks["fk"] = table_fks.groupby("table")["to"].transform( lambda field: "(" + ", ".join(field) + ")" ) table_fks = table_fks[["id", "table", "fk"]].drop_duplicates() # Rename the fields so we can easily merge with the foreign key errors. table_fks = table_fks.rename(columns={"id": "fkid", "table": "parent"}) table_fks["table"] = table return table_fks
[docs] def check_foreign_keys(engine: sa.Engine): """Check foreign key relationships in the database. The order assets are loaded into the database will not satisfy foreign key constraints so we can't enable foreign key constraints. However, we can check for foreign key failures once all of the data has been loaded into the database using the `foreign_key_check` and `foreign_key_list` PRAGMAs. You can learn more about the PRAGMAs in the `SQLite docs <>`__. Raises: ForeignKeyErrors: if data in the database violate foreign key constraints. """"Running foreign key check on {engine.url} database.") with engine.begin() as con: fk_errors = pd.read_sql_query("PRAGMA foreign_key_check;", con) if not fk_errors.empty: # Merge in the actual FK descriptions tables_with_fk_errors = fk_errors.table.unique().tolist() table_foreign_keys = pd.concat( [_get_fk_list(engine, table) for table in tables_with_fk_errors] ) fk_errors_with_keys = fk_errors.merge( table_foreign_keys, how="left", on=["parent", "fkid", "table"], validate="m:1", ) errors = [] # For each foreign key error, raise a ForeignKeyError for ( table_name, parent_name, parent_fk, ), parent_fk_df in fk_errors_with_keys.groupby(["table", "parent", "fk"]): errors.append( ForeignKeyError( child_table=table_name, parent_table=parent_name, foreign_key=parent_fk, rowids=parent_fk_df["rowid"].values, ) ) raise ForeignKeyErrors(errors)"Success! No foreign key constraint errors found.")
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(pudl_check_fks())