Source code for pudl.extract.eia757a

"""Extract EIA Form 757a data from CSVs."""

import pandas as pd
from dagster import Output, asset

from pudl.extract.csv import CsvExtractor
from pudl.extract.extractor import GenericMetadata, PartitionSelection, raw_df_factory

[docs] class Extractor(CsvExtractor): """Extractor for EIA form 757a.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize the module. Args: ds (:class:datastore.Datastore): Initialized datastore. """ self.METADATA = GenericMetadata("eia757a") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_page_cols(self, page: str, partition_key: str) -> list[str]: """Get the columns for a particular page and partition key. EIA 757a data has the same set of columns for all years, so regardless of the partition key provided we select the same columns here. """ return super().get_page_cols(page, "any_year")
[docs] def process_raw( self, df: pd.DataFrame, page: str, **partition: PartitionSelection ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Append report year to df to distinguish data from other years.""" self.cols_added.append("report_year") selection = self._metadata._get_partition_selection(partition) return df.assign(report_year=selection)
[docs] raw_eia757a__all_dfs = raw_df_factory(Extractor, name="eia757a")
[docs] def raw_eia757a__data(raw_eia757a__all_dfs): """Extract raw EIA company data from CSV sheets into dataframes. Returns: An extracted EIA 757a dataframe. """ return Output(value=raw_eia757a__all_dfs["data"])